Научный потенциал XXI века

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NP 2019

Cucurbita ficifolia and Lagenaria siceraria. They are resistant to low 
temperature and well tolerate excess moisture in the soil. Adding 
some trace elements (MnS04 and ZnS04 by 0.25g per 10 liters of 
water) to the soil as fertilizing increases the cucumber's resistance to 
root rot and increases the yield [2]. 
Vaccination of cucumber hybrids on pumpkin is an effective 
control measure against rot of the stem and root. The use of 
vaccination of cucumber hybrids on pumpkin in such ways as in 
cleft, rapprochement with the tongue showed that the grafting in the 
cleft increased the number of nodes of the plant. Grafted plants had a 
larger diameter of hypocotyl. Grafting with tongues is the best way 
to ensure the highest percentage of plant survival. In this case, 
vaccination should be carried out when the rootstock is in the phase 
of cotyledon leaves, and Scion – in the phase of the first real sheet.
Vaccination is used for reproduction of valuable plants and 
seeds. The main condition for successful grafting, the compatibility 
of the tissues of the Scion and rootstock, which provides the best and 
fast accretion. Through its rootstock provides the root system the 
Scion with nutrients. Scion nourishes the whole plant with organic 
substances that are produced in the leaves during photosynthesis. 
Thus, rootstock and Scion have a beneficial mutual influence on each 
The technology of vaccination in the lateral incision was 
developed in detail by S. P. Lebedev. 
The incision is made through the subfamily knee, slightly 
retreating from the cotyledon node between the cotyledon leaves, on 
the side opposite to the first real leaf. The cut should be to a cavity 
length of 1.5-2 cm growth Point and the first true leaf is removed. On 
cotyledonous knee of the Scion, cut the root from two opposite sides, 
cut a thin layer of the epidermis. Scion is inserted into the section of 
the stem of the stock. The connection point is fixed with special 
clips. The survival rate of such vaccination on the pumpkin is on 
average 75-80%. Care for vaccinated plants is the same as for 

conventional, but during irrigation, you can’t moisten the vaccination 
site with water for ten days after transplanting. 
There are different ways of grafting vegetables. Yurin O. V. 
(1966) described 6 methods of inoculation: inoculation in the lateral 
incision of the stem, in the tube, inoculation in the injection, in the 
cleft, rapprochement or ablactate, inoculation with pollinated 
The vaccine insert. Its technology is very close to that for the 
"Japanese method" on Solanaceae, only one cotyledon leaf is left on 
the rootstock for better survival ("90%). Also on pumpkin is allowed 
a small difference in the diameter of the stems. This method also 
requires a splicing chamber with strict control of temperature
humidity and light, so it is more suitable for farms with good 
Vaccination in the lateral incision is done through the 
subfamily knee, slightly retreating from the cotyledon node between 
the cotyledon leaves, on the side opposite to the first real leaf. The 
cut should be to a cavity length of 1.5-2 cm growth Point and the 
first true leaf is removed. On cotyledons’ knee of the Scion, cut the 
root from two opposite sides, cut a thin layer of the epidermis. Scion 
is inserted into the section of the stem of the stock.
By grafting a rapprochement with the tab on the cotyledonous 
knee rootstock is cut with a length of 5-7 mm at the top down at a 
sharp angle, buried its no more than half the thickness of the stem. 
On the stem of the Scion, a similar incision is made, but from the 
bottom up. The tongues of the Scion and rootstock are inserted into 
the incisions, and place of vaccination recorded.
Method of ablactation. There are two methods of vaccination. 
In the first method, which is called ablaktate (grafting convergence) 
is the following sequence of actions: On both plants are cut thin 
strips of skin on the stems of tomatoes. Then, connect the plants 
places the slices and wrapped the vaccination site with plastic wrap. 
A more powerful plant is left, a weaker one is removed above the 
vaccination (this method is used in industrial greenhouses). As a 
result of this method of vaccination, two roots will work on one 
stem, which will provide the young plant with additional nutrition. In 
conditions of cold latitudes and when grown in greenhouses, this 
method allows to obtain higher yields from smaller areas.

The method of inoculation is used in industrial greenhouses in 
the mass application of vaccinations. In this case, the tops of the 
Scion are cut to a length of 5-6 cm Separately cut off the tops of the 
stock. Then each tip of the Scion is attached to the stock and secured 
with special clips [6].
The main elements of the technology of vaccines not be easy. 
Rootstock are planted 1-3 days earlier than the Scion. By the time of 
vaccination, their diameter should be the same. Vaccination is 
carried out at the age of 12-14 days. On the day of such a responsible 
operation, the audit of stunted plants is carried out; they are placed, 
but not watered, which protects against water ingress. Slices do at an 
angle of 45° and put on a clip. Then, at a similar angle, cut the Scion, 
which is connected to the stock and clamped with a clothespin. After 
that, another revision of the correctness of vaccination is carried out, 
the plants are sprayed with water and placed for 5-7 days in special 
tunnels with 100% humidity and protection from direct sunlight. 
After vaccination, the plants are sent to the splicing chamber. 
The process should take place in natural light with an air temperature 
of 24-26°C and a relative humidity of 90-96%. Every 3 hours it is 
necessary to check the condition of the plants. In order to avoid 
direct sunlight in the first days, an additional layer of film is used to 
shade the seedlings. 
If we talk about the phases of splicing, the first 3 days after 
grafting the seedlings do not grow. These days produce a culling of 
dead and weak plants. On day 4, the process of tissue fusion begins 
and fresh air is needed. On the 5-7 day, there is a complete fusion. 
During this period, particularly important is the circulation of fresh 
air and a gradual decrease in humidity. Further cultivation is 
continued in the seedling department. 
Hidden potential. What is the secret and what makes 
vegetable growers use grafted seedlings instead of the usual. Several 
reasons. First, the plants obtained in this way, have a high resistance 
to stress, whether it is disease, soil characteristics, specifics of 
agricultural technology, extreme temperature or other climatic 
factors. Secondly, due to the high resistance, these plants are suitable 
for a longer cycle of cultivation, and therefore obtain an additional 
crop. Thirdly, this technology is an alternative to the use of methyl 
bromide for soil disinfection. 

 Another vaccination provides better use of soil moisture and 
fertilizers by plants due to a more developed root system, and has a 
positive effect on productivity with reusable re-cultivation of the 
crop at the same place.

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