«научное наследие заки ахметова и национальные ценности», в честь 95-летнего юбилея Заки Ахметова

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particular method. 
2. Compose and solve a problem with a changing content of the condition or with 
an unspoken question; analyze how the solution will change when part of the condition or 
question changes. 
3. Formulate the problem in a general way and, solving it, select and solve a number 
of smaller problems [2]. 
Table 1. Requirements for the content of educational and research work of future 
mathematics teachers 
Requirements for the content
Title sheet
Contains: – number of the group which performed the work; – 
author’s name; – topic of the work; – tutor’s name.
Table of contents Includes the titles of all chapters, sections, indicating their 
number of pages
Contains: – relevance; – project object; – goal; – tasks; – research 
methods; – practical significance.
Main part (max. 
10–15 p.)
Consists of chapters that contain material on the specifically 
studied topic, as well as information about the final result.
The brief summary of the results of the work performed should 
consist of several points summarizing the work done.
List of references Should contain a list of sources used in writing the project work.
Contains a list of appendixes to which the author refers in the 
Requirements for the content
In order to generalize and systematize the school physics course and implement it 
at a new level (from the point of view of the future teacher), in the course of the 
methodology of teaching physics, group educational projects devoted to a deeper study of 
the subject physical content can be used. The topics for these projects can be formulated 
as follows: "Study of tribological characteristics of materials on the TRB3 tribometer“; 
”Determination of profile parameters and surface roughness of materials on the model 130 
profilometer", etc. During the project, students independently plan work, assign 
responsibilities, select material, and draw up the results of work. The results of the work 
on the project are presented during the public defense. 
To form readiness for pedagogical activity in the process of studying the 
methodology, it is advisable to use educational projects involving the use of knowledge 
of a number of related disciplines: pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching physics. 
Thus, the topic of such an educational project may sound like this: "Methods of motivating 
students in physics lessons.” This project can include both theoretical research - the study 

of various methods of motivating students in the literature when analyzing the experience 
of other teachers, and practical - diagnostics of students' motivation, conducting an 
experiment to increase motivation, which can be carried out, for example, during 
pedagogical practice. Such projects are long-term and can be both group and individual. 
Another example of the implementation of project technology in the training of 
future teachers can be a group of projects on modeling professional activity. These 
projects are usually individual. During their implementation, students prepare and present 
fragments of training sessions, primarily for the study of new material. The task of the 
students is to prepare a fragment of a physics lesson containing an explanation of the new 
material, and present it, imitating real activity, during the lesson. During the 
implementation of this project, at the stage of its presentation and defense, elements of a 
professional game are introduced. A group of students first acts as students, then as 
experts, assessing the quality of performance according to a number of pre-developed 
The method of projects in the preparation of future physics teachers always involves 
solving a problem. This may be the solution of the problem in the best way, the proof of 
a fact or theorem, the study of the current state of physical knowledge on an actual issue. 
When implementing the project, the future teacher must conduct significant research 
work, process a large number of information sources, which contributes to the increase of 
educational motivation and the accumulation of factual knowledge, as well as the 
development of information and communication competencies of students. The use of the 
project method of teaching future physics teachers makes it possible to increase the degree 
of independence, initiative of students and their cognitive competence, contribute to the 
acquisition of creative experience, education of positive value orientations, human 
qualities, aesthetic taste, information literacy and talent in general. 
The inclusion of future physics teachers in project activities makes it possible to 
transform theoretical knowledge into professional experience and creates conditions for 
personal self-development, for personal creative self-realization, which ultimately forms 
the general and professional pedagogical competence of students. 
The new educational strategy implements self-education with the help of 
developing technologies, the purpose of which is not only to convey knowledge to 
students, but also to identify and develop the creative interests and abilities of each 
student, stimulating his independent productive learning activities. The authors have 
shown that one of these technologies is project-based learning, which involves joint 
educational and cognitive activity of students with a common goal, coordinated ways of 
working. This article also notes the need to use project technology, which consists in 
developing the ability of future teachers to have analytical, creative thinking; independent 
acquisition of missing physical knowledge from various sources; thinking based on 
knowledge of physical facts, laws of science; and the ability to work in a team performing 
various social roles.Table 1 

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