Почвоведение и агрохимия

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Деградация и охрана почв 
Почвоведение и агрохимия, №4, 2020 
geoinformation monitoring of semi-desert pastures based on satellite data of medium and low 
resolution are presented. Based on the results of GIS technologies and field studies, a cartographic 
model of the degree of degradation of semi-desert pastures is presented. The article also indicates 
the possibilities of scientifically grounded and developed measures for the practical solution of 
the most difficult problems of conservation and rational use of natural forage resources of 
pasture territories, which will contribute to the strengthening and expansion of agricultural 
production in general. The introduction of research results into production is an irreplaceable 
basis for the effective use of pastures, their restoration and improvement in the development of 
animal husbandry in the country.
Key words: pastures, degradation, indicators, remote sensing, geodatabase, geographic 
information systems (GIS). 

Плодородие почв 
Почвоведение и агрохимия, №4, 2020 
SCSTI 65.03.42 
S. Kaldybaev
, Zh. Nurseitov
, B. Murzabayev
, E. Batyr
, Zh.T. Yertayeva
Kazakh National Agricultural University, 050010, Almaty,
Аbay Avenue, 8, Kazakhstan, е-mail:jain_0404@mail.ru 
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 160018, Shymkent,
Kazakhstan, е-mail: ukgu@ukgu.kzemail.ru 
Abstract. The article discusses the results of studies of a long post-reclamation period of 
meadow salt marshes of the piedmont plain of the Ili Alatau. Based on the use of balance and sta-
tistical methods of analysis and control of research and forecasts, the features of the formation of 
water-salt and nutritional regimes of reclaimed soils have been studied, relationships have been 
developed between individual amelioration indicators and factors influencing the formation of 
reclamation regimes of soils. Scientifically grounded assessments of the ecological efficiency of 
agromeliorative measures for soil formation processes are given.At present, it is advisable to en-
sure the conduct of continuous engineering and reclamation monitoring, i.e. a system of regular 
observations, assessments and forecasts of the ecological state of reclaimed lands, which ensure 
optimal reclamation regimes and protection of the natural environment. 
Key words: saline soils, humus, fertility of reclaimed soils, complex reclamation, ecology, 
level of ecological sustainability, fertility models. 
Ecological functions of soils are de-
termined by their natural (natural fertili-
ty), that is, the presence of humus reserves, 
since humus is the basis of all water-
physical and physico-chemical properties 
of soils, making the soil a powerful biologi-
cal barrier that regulates the relationship 
between biological and geological cycles 
and the amount of runoff from the catch-
ment area. Over the past 40 years, the con-
tent of humus in the soils of Kazakhstan 
has decreased by 25-30 %, while the total 
damage is estimated at $ 2.5 billion. In this 
regard, a dynamic assessment of the hu-
mus state of reclaimed soils that are eco-
logically unstable due to the constant influ-
ence of natural and anthropogenic influ-
ences is relevant. 
Throughout the history of the soil 
science development, saline soils have 
been one of the main objects of research in 
many countries of the world. Firstly, this is 
due to the wide spread of saline soils in 
different regions of the Earth; secondly, 
due to the fact that salinity is one of the 
main genetic properties and meliorative 
features of soils in arid and semiarid re-
gions and also a property that limits their 
fertility. Finally, thirdly, salinity is one of 
the main signs of the unfavorable ecologi-
cal condition of the soils. 
Saline soils are distributed on all 
continents; they are found in 100 countries 
of the world and practically in all natural 
zones, but dominate in the steppes, semi-
deserts and deserts. At the same time, in 
various regions saline soils differ signifi-
cantly in their properties, genesis and, con-
sequently, in melioration methods, which 
causes differences in their development, 
rational use and salinity control [1]. 
Secondary salinization of irrigated 
lands brings enormous damage to agricul-
ture. The main reason for this harmful phe-
nomenon is the lack of an engineering col-
lector-drainage network in conditions of 
weak natural groundwater outflow, which 
lead to secondary soil salinization and de-
terioration. Deterioration of the water-
salt and nutrient status of soil leads to 
decrease in the productivity of irrigated 
land and falling of a part of irrigated ara-
ble land out of agricultural [2-4]. Today, 
despite the well-studied genesis of saline 
soils in the southeast of Kazakhstan, the 


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