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S3 – Guidelines on the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris (English version). Update (2012)

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S3 – Guidelines on the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris (English version). Update (2012)

1. Nevitt GJ, Hutchinson PE. Psoriasis in the community: prevalence, severity and patients’ beliefs and attitudes towards the disease. Br J Dermatol. 1996; 135: 533–7.

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14. Nast A, Kopp I, Augustin M, Banditt KB, Boehncke WH, Follmann M, Friedrich M, Huber M, Kahl C, Klaus J, Koza J, Kreiselmaier I, Mohr J, Mrowietz U, Ockenfels HM, Orzechowski HD, Prinz J, Reich K, Rosenbach T, Rosumeck S, Schlaeger M, Schmid-Ott G, Sebastian M, Streit V, Weberschock T, Rzany B. German evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of Psoriasis vulgaris (short version). Arch Dermatol Res. 2007; 299: 111–38.

15. Nast A, Kopp IB, Augustin M, Banditt KB, Boehncke WH, Follmann M, Friedrich M, Huber M, Kahl C, Klaus J, Koza J, Kreiselmaier I, Mohr J, Mrowietz U, Ockenfels HM, Orzechowski HD, Prinz J, Reich K, Rosenbach T, Rosumeck S, Schlaeger M, Schmid-Ott G, Sebastian M, Streit V, Weberschock T, Rzany B. [S3-Guidelines for the therapy of psoriasis vulgaris]. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2006; 4 Suppl 2: S1–126.

16. Nast A, Kopp IB, Augustin M, Banditt KB, Boehncke WH, Follmann M, Friedrich M, Huber M, Kahl C, Klaus J, Koza J, Kreiselmaier I, Mohr J, Mrowietz U, Ockenfels HM, Orzechowski HD, Prinz J, Reich K, Rosenbach T, Rosumeck S, Schlaeger M, Schmid-Ott G, Sebastian M, Streit V, Weberschock T, Rzany B. Evidence-based (S3) guidelines for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2007; 5 Suppl 3: 1–119.

17. Smith CH, Anstey AV, Barker JN, Burden AD, Chalmers RJ, Chandler DA, Finlay AY, Griffiths CE, Jackson K, McHugh NJ, McKenna KE, Reynolds NJ, Ormerod AD. British Association of Dermatologists’ guidelines for biologic interventions for psoriasis 2009. Br J Dermatol. 2009; 161: 987–1019.

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21. Augustin M, Reich K, Glaeske G, Schaefer I, Radtke M. Co-morbidity and age-related prevalence of psoriasis: Analysis of health insurance data in Germany. Acta Derm Venereol. 2010; 90: 147–51.

22. Griffiths CE, Christophers E, Barker JN, Chalmers RJ, Chimenti S, Krueger GG, Leonardi C, Menter A, Ortonne JP, Fry L. A classification of psoriasis vulgaris according to phenotype. British Journal of Dermatology. 2007; 156: 258–62.

23. Reich K, Kruger K, Mossner R, Augustin M. Epidemiology and clinical pattern of psoriatic arthritis in Germany: a prospective interdisciplinary epidemiological study of 1511 patients with plaque-type psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2009; 160: 1040–7.

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28. Gelfand JM, Troxel AB, Lewis JD, Kurd SK, Shin DB, Wang X, Margolis DJ, Strom BL. The risk of mortality in patients with psoriasis: results from a population-based study. Archives of Dermatology. 2007; 143: 1493–9.

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38. Mrowietz U, Kragballe K, Reich K, Spuls P, Griffiths CE, Nast A, Franke J, Antoniou C, Arenberger P, Balieva F, Bylaite M, Correia O, Dauden E, Gisondi P, Iversen L, Kemeny L, Lahfa M, Nijsten T, Rantanen T, Reich A, Rosenbach T, Segaert S, Smith C, Talme T, Volc-Platzer B, Yawalkar N. Definition of treatment goals for moderate to severe psoriasis: a European consensus. Archives of Dermatological Research. 2010.

39. Schoffski O, Augustin M, Prinz J, Rauner K, Schubert E, Sohn S, Reich K. Costs and quality of life in patients with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis in Germany: a multi-center study. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2007; 5: 209–18.

40. Schafer I, Hacker J, Rustenbach SJ, Radtke M, Franzke N, Augustin M. Concordance of the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and patient-reported outcomes in psoriasis treatment. Eur J Dermatol. 2010; 20: 62–7.

41. Rychlik R, Rusche H, Augustin M. Systematik der Nutzenbewertung von Arzneimitteln. Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement. 2004; 9: 245.

42. Augustin M, Glaeske G, Radtke MA, Christophers E, Reich K, Schafer I. Epidemiology and comorbidity of psoriasis in children. Br J Dermatol. 2010; 162: 633–6.

43. Augustin M, Kruger K, Radtke MA, Schwippl I, Reich K. Disease severity, quality of life and health care in plaque-type psoriasis: a multicenter cross-sectional study in Germany. Dermatology. 2008; 216: 366–72.

44. Menter A, Augustin M, Signorovitch J, Yu AP, Wu EQ, Gupta SR, Bao Y, Mulani P. The effect of adalimumab on reducing depression symptoms in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis: a randomized clinical trial. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010; 62: 812–8.

45. Nelson AA, Pearce DJ, Fleischer AB, Jr., Balkrishnan R, Feldman SR. Cost-effectiveness of biologic treatments for psoriasis based on subjective and objective efficacy measures assessed over a 12-week treatment period. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008; 58: 125–35.

46. Schmitt-Rau K, Rosenbach T, Radtke M, Augustin M. Cost Effectiveness of Biologic Therapy in Remission Induction of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Dermatology. in press.

47. Augustin M, Peeters P, Radtke M, Moehling U, Lapp C. Cost-effectiveness model of topical treatment of mild to moderate psoriasis vulgaris in Germany. A comparison of calcipotriol/betamethasone (Daivobet/Dovobet/Taclonex) once daily and a morning/evening non-fix combination of calcipotriol and betamethasone. Dermatology. 2007; 215: 219–28.

48. Augustin M, Radtke M, van Engen A, Ruedig C, Lapp C, Moehling U. Pharmacoeconomic model of topical treatment options of mild to moderate psoriasis vulgaris in Germany. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2009; 7: 329–38.

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