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form 312-41801

The conducted study made it possible to give theoretical 
justification of cross- language communication. This 
phenomenon is considered in the paper as an adequate 
understanding of two participants belonging to different 
national cultures in the communicative act.
In the paper sociocultural competence is defined as 
an ability to communicate in a language appropriate-
ly, situationally and culturally, the knowledge of cus-
toms, rules, beliefs and principles of a given society. 
Cross-cultural communication generates such qual-
ities as tolerance, patience, impartiality towards the 
representatives of other countries and cultures and 
shows the readiness and ability to conduct a dialogue 
of cultures. The requirements of intercultural commu-
nication in the multicultural environment make it nec-
essary to form a global mindset among its participants, 
which implies identifying false stereotypes leading to 
incorrect conclusions, making objective evaluative 
judgments about cultural phenomena without preju-
dice and distortion.
The conducted survey among the higher school 
students of Bryansk State Technical University re-
vealed the difficulties arising in the process of com-
munication associated with language barriers, namely 
the barrier of understanding, lack of attention, speak-
ing barrier and cultural barrier. The conducted survey 
proves that the majority of respondents single out the 

№7 2021 [СПО]
speaking barrier in the interlingual multicultural en-
vironment as the most important, experience mostly 
lexical and grammar difficulties, see an international 
friendship club organisation among Russian- speaking 
and foreign students as a compensation for the diffi-
culties arising in cross- cultural communication, experi-
ence language impediments while participating in dis-
cussions and sightseeing. While forming communica-
tive skills among higher school learners in multicultural 
educational environment a communicative approach, 
a learner- centred approach, an approach of mistakes 
and errors are to be used. Teaching printed materials 
should achieve impact, help learners feel at ease, cor-
respond to the trainee’s needs, objectives; be abun-
dant in communicative activities and authentic. Speak-
ing is usually assessed by range, language appropria-
cy, accuracy, ability to talk logically about the subject 
for the correct length of time.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to bring 
out various techniques and activities such as Group 
Discussions, Role Plays, Talking Circles, Case Stud-
ies, Debates, Presentations, Mocking Interviews to 
teach speaking skills to higher school students. This 
practice enhances learners’ speaking skills and helps 
them in their personal as well as professional develop-
ment. The emphasis is on the interaction between the 
lecturer and learner; better results will be expected if 
the lecturers involve them in various speaking activi-
ties. Instead of adopting one or two techniques, apply-
ing a wide range of them makes the learners shift from 
the normal routine and as a result, they participate in 
various activities more energetically and enthusiasti-

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