Учебное пособие по практической фонетике английского языка "english sounds and intonation" для студентов I и II курсов


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Models: 'What's her ˎname?

'What's her ˋname?

Специальные вопросы обычно произносятся нисходящим тоном. Например:

'What's the ˎtime? Who's ˋthat?

Категоричные, серьезные, формальные вопросы имеют низкий нисходящий тон, заинтересованные, живые вопросы имеют высокий нисходящий тон. Например:

'How ˎmuch is it? Where ˋelse have you ˎbeen?

Exercise I. Read the following questions. Observe the intonation of special questions.

1. When d'you get up? 2. Why did you do such a stupid thing? 3. How long do you intend being away? 4. When can you do it? 5. Where does he come from? 6. Which subject do you prefer? 7. What's your name? 8. How many cousins have you got? 9. Whose pen is this? 10. What are you studying this year? 11. What's your job? 12. What are you? 13. Where did you go to school? 14. When will it be finished? 15. What's the time, please? 16. How did you spend the morning? 17. How can I keep the children busy? 18. How many of his books have you read? 19. What's the next move?

Exercise II. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Concentrate your attention on the intonation of the replies.

ꞌJust ˌtell him. - ˌWhat?

I `saw a `friend of your toˌday. - ˌWho?

`Borrow `someone’s ˌdictionary. - ˌWhose?

`Pass me that ˌbox, Peter. - ˌWhich ˌbox?

Alec `won’t ˌhelp. - And ˌwhy ˌwon’t he?

`Can you `lend we some ˌmoney? - `What do you ˌwant for it?

I a`rrived on `Tuesday ˌmorning. - At e`xactly `what ˌtime?

I’ve missed the `last `bus. - How `are you `going to `get ˌhome?

`Will you ˌhelp? - `How could I `possibly reˌfuse?

It’s the `absolute ˌtruth. - But `who is `going to beˌlieve such a fanˌtastic ˌstory?

`Hallo, ˌDennis. - How `are you?

The `car won’t ˌstart. - What’s `wrong with it?

I said `no such ˌthing. - What `did you say then?

I know `all aˌbout it. - But how `can `you ˌknow?

Exercise III. Listen to the dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise and memorize it.

— What's your name?

— My name's Betty.

— Where d'you come from?

— I'm from Aberdeen.

— Which school d'you go to?

— I go to a local comprehensive school.

— When d'you start school?

— At the age ot five.

— What kind of school can you go after primary school?

— We can go to a comprehensive school, a secondary modern school, a grammar school or a private school.

— What kind of school is the most popular one?

— I think a comprehensive school.

Exercise IV. Ask your fellow-student the following special questions:

1. Where d'you study? 2. What faculty do you study at? 3 How long does it take you to get to the University? 4 Which transport d'you prefer to use? 5. Where d'you catch a bus? 6. When d'you come to the University? 7. Who is always late for the classes? Why?

8. What's the date today? 9. What's the day today? 10. What's the time, please?

Exercise V. Listen to the jokes. Mark the stresses and tunes. Dramatize them.

When Did Socrates live?

The teacher asked: "When did Socrates live?" After a silence had become painful, she ordered: "Open your history book. What does it say there?"

Pupil: "Socrates, 469 B.C."

Teacher: "Why didn't you know when Socrates lived?"

Pupil: "Well, I thought 469 B.C. was his telephone number."

He Has One Rabbit at Home

Teacher: "Who can tell me how much five and one make?" No answer.

Teacher: "Suppose I give you five rabbits and then another rabbit. How many rabbits would you have?" Pupil: "Seven."

Teacher: "Seven? How do you make that out?" Pupil: "I have one rabbit at home already."

Exercise VI. Read the following riddles to your fellow-students.

1. What word of three syllables contains twenty-six letters?

2. Which is the strongest day of the week?

3. Which month of the year is the shortest?

4. What is that was tomorrow and will be yesterday?

5. What musical instrument will you not believe?

6. Whose face needs no washing?

7. When is a mouth not mouth?

8. What can you see with your eyes shut?

9. When is it dangerous to have an arm?

10. What star is not seen in the sky?

Answers to the riddles:

1. ABC — Alphabet.

2. Sunday (because the rest are week-days), a pun: week/weak.

3. May

4. Today

5. A lyre; a pun: lyre — liar.

6. The face of the clock

7. When a box of sweets make it water.

8. A dream

9. When it is a fire-arm. 10. A film star.

Exercise VII. Read the, dialogue and act it out.

What Time Does the Plane Leave?

Rоbert: What's the time?

Emily: Ten past two, dear.

Robert: When does the plane leave?

Emily: Not until a quarter to four.

Robert: Why did we get here so early?

Emily: Because you said we must allow plenty of time for traffic jams and accidents.

Robert: Where's my briefcase? What have you done with my briefcase?

Emily: It's there, dear, between your feet.

Robert: Emily! Where are you going?

Emily: I'm going to ask that gentleman what they were announcing over the loudspeaker.

Robert: Which gentleman?

Emily: That man over there with all the packages.

Robert: Who is he?

Emily: I don't know. But he looked as though he was listening to the announcement... Yes, I was afraid so. The plane's delayed. It won't be leaving till five.

Robert: How did he manage to hear it if we didn't?

Emily: Because he was listening. You were talking too much to me.

Robert: What do you mean, I was talking too much?

Emily: Oh dear. Never mind.

Robert: What time is it now, Emily?

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