Книга для аудирования (Хведченя), раздаточный материал для работы с аудитивным

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Пырх Наталья Ивановна
Тема урока: School World. The Gerund.

Цели: Учебная: Развивать навыки говорения по теме «School World»

Развивающая: Учить использовать вербальные опоры в виде слов;

практиковать выполнение упражнений с функциональными опорами.

Воспитательная: Развить интерес, любознательность.

Задачи: 1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования;

2. Развивать беглость и гибкость речи, учить варьировать

способы выражения мысли;

3. Развивать умение извлекать информацию из

предложенного материала; устанавливать связь в том

числе логическую; обобщать изложенные факты;

4. Изучить новую лексику в сочетании с ранее усвоенной.

5. Развитие социо-культурной компетенции.

Оборудование: учебник 9 класс (Панова, Вейзе), учебник грамматики

(Голицинский), книга для аудирования (Хведченя),

раздаточный материал для работы с аудитивным

текстом, доска с записями.

Ход урока:

  1. Начало урока

а) организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!

Pupils: Good morning!

Teacher: Glad to see you! Sit down, please! How are you today?

Pupil 1:Very well, thank you!

Teacher: How are you today, Dima?

Pupil 2: Not very bad, thank you! And how are you today?

Teacher: I’m fine. Thank you. Who is absent today?

Pupil 3: N…, V… are absent today?

Teacher: What’s wrong with them?

Pupil 3: I suppose, they are ill.

Teacher: What was your home task for today?

Pupil 4: Ex…p…

b) сообщение целей и задач урока

Teacher: Let’s start our lesson. Today we are going to listen to the text, do some exercises on it and then we’ll check your home task. And first of all I’d like to say a few words about the papers you did last time. There were a lot of mistakes in.

You have to learn the words more properly.

Now let’s pass to our 1-st task.

  1. Центральная часть урока.

  1. Listening comprehension.

Teacher: Before listening to the text, we’ll read the new words and try to guess their meaning from the sentences. Look at the blackboard, please. First listen, then repeat the word after me.

(учитель читает слова один раз, ученики повторяют, затем учитель вызывает несколько учеников)

a blind man




a coin

to come up

to gather



to be eager to do smth

Teacher: Let’s do task 1. Match the words on the left with the right variant on the right.

blind a famous violinist

Vienna throw

violin unable to see

drop Austrian city

a coin a metal thing which can be used to pay for smth

to come up to collect

to gather a musical instrument

weak to move to smth

Paganini not very strong

To be eager to do smth want to do smth

Task 2. Complete the sentences.

His grandfather has some problems with eye-sight, he’s half-…

…was a great Austrian musician.

They usually … at the library and then go to the museum.

He took some golden … from the pocket and gave them to the blind.

Task 3. Listen to the text and say where the events happened and who the great artist was.


Every day in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a blind man playing the violin. His dog sat near him with a cap in his mouth. People, who were passing them, dropped coins into the cap.

One day, when the weather was very cold, the man was playing for a long time, but nobody wanted to give anything. The poor man thought that he would have to go to bed without supper. He was so tired and so weak that he stopped playing. At that moment a young man came up to him and asked him why he stopped playing. The blind man said he had played for two hours but nobody had given him anything. “Give me your violin. I shall help you”, said the man. And with these words he began to play. He played so well that people began to gather and soon there was a big crowd. Everybody was eager to listen to the fine music and to thank the young man for the pleasure.

Soon the cap was full of money.

“I don’t know how to thank you”, said the blind man. “Who are you?”

“I am Paganini”, was the answer.

Teacher: Was everything clear in the text? So, let’s answer the questions.

1. Where did the events take place?

Pupil 1: The events take place in Vienna.

Teacher: It’s great.

2. Who sat near the blind man?

Pupil 2: There was a dog.

Teacher: Excellent.

3. What happened one day?

Pupil 3: one day a young man came up to the man.

Teacher: 4.What did that young man ask the blind man to do?

Pupil 4: The young man asked to give him a violin.

Teacher: That’s right. Listen to the text once again. Now let’s pass to the next exercise. You have to do it on your own.

Task 4. Say if the statements are true or false.

1. Once or twice a week in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a running man with a cat on his shoulder. FALSE

Correct: Every day in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a blind man playing the violin

2. People dropped coins into the cap. TRUE

3. The blind man was so happy and joyful that he stopped playing. FALSE

Correct: …was so tired and so weak…

4. The young man played as bad as he only could that people began to gather. FALSE

Correct: …so well…

Task 5. Complete the sentences choose the right variant.

1. People, who were passing them,

a) didn’t notice the blind and his dog

b) dropped coins in the cap

c) worked at the factory

2. The poor man thought that he would have to …

a) would have to go to bed without supper

b) go away without money

c) continue to play till night

3. And with this words he …

a) left the house

b) began to play

c) began to shout

4. Soon the cap was …

a) lost

b) full of money

c) full of apples

Teacher: Hand in your papers, please.

b) Checking homework.

Teacher: You have to prepare some grammar exercises for today. But first, we are to revise what the GERUND is?

Pupil 1: Герундий – неличная форма глагола, которая включает признаки как глагола так и существительного

Teacher: What functions does it perform?

Pupil 1: 1)подлежащее;


а. прямое, после глаголов…

б. предложное;

3) часть составного именного сказуемого

4) часть составного глагольного сказуемого

5) обстоятельство.

Teacher: Open your books at p 65 Ex 55. pay special attention to this task; it’ll be your home task. Let’s do some sentences as an example.

Pupil 1: 1. Я не люблю рано вставать. – I don’t like getting up early.

Pupil 2: 2. They continued talking. – Они продолжали говорить.

Pupil 3: 3. Пожалуйста, перестань с нее смеяться. – Please stop laughing at her.

Teacher: Let’s pass to one more your home task. It is Ex 214 p 151

(ученики читают по цепочке предложения)

1. We (to go) to school every day.

2. Nick (to do) his homework by 7 o’clock yesterday.

3. you (to help) your father tomorrow?

4. We (to bring) a lot of berries from the wood.

5. Look! Jane (to swim) across the river.

6. What you (to do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?

7. You ever (to see) the Pyramids?

8. I (to go) to the Caucasus two years ago.

9. Yesterday grandfather (to tell) us how he (to work) at the factory the war.

10. I always (to come) to school at 8-45.

Teacher: Everything was correct. The next exercise will be your home task. You should it by analogy.

3. Заключительная часть урока.

a) Put down your home task Ex…p…

b) Your marks are as follows: …

c) Let’s enumerate the points we’ve done at the lesson. Your work was great, thank you.

The blind man and the artist.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Where did the events take place?

2. Who sat near the blind man?

3. What happened one day?

4.What did that young man ask the blind man to do?

2. Say if the statements are true or false.

1. Once or twice a week in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a running man with a cat on his shoulder.

2. People dropped coins into the cap.

3. The blind man was so happy and joyful that he stopped playing.

4. The young man played as bad as he only could that people began to gather.

3. Complete the sentences choose the right variant.

1. People, who were passing them,

a) didn’t notice the blind and his dog

b) dropped coins in the cap

c) worked at the factory

2. The poor man thought that he would have to …

a) would have to go to bed without supper

b) go away without money

c) continue to play till night

3. And with this words he …

a) left the house

b) began to play

c) began to shout

4. Soon the cap was …

a) lost

b) full of money

c) full of apples

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