Сатылым үшін емес
Құрметті студенттер!
Біздің марафонымызға қатысқандарыңыз
үшін алғысымыз шексіз.
Бұл тест жинақтары
арнайы сіздер үшін дайындалды. Біздің
марафоннан алған білімдеріңіз және де осы
тест жинақтары
сіздердің қалаған оқу
орнына түсуге көмектеседі деген сенімдеміз.
Жақсы дайындалып, міндетті түрде грант
#1 Марафон ұйымдастырушылары
Text 1
1. The last option offered by the author is …
A) to get an apprenticeship with
a local or national company
B) to enter the university
C) to start earning straight away
D) to sign an agreement with
national company
2. But admission to Kno
wle Grammar School is … so you’ll have to pass an exam to get
A) private
B) excellent
C) specialist
D) selective
3. People can only attend Knowle Grammar School if they …
A) are boys
B) pass an exam
C) pay tuition fees
D) study humanities
The true s
tatement according to the text is …
A) If you want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree.
B) A final option is to get an apprenticeship with international business.
C) You need to stay at high school for another five-seven years.
D) There are no options in the district of Northacre.
5. Northacre College specializes in ….
A) humanities and sciences
B) management and economics
C) academic route
D) woodwork, art, textiles
6. If you attend St. Leopold's school you
should …
A) pay only
registration fee
B) pay tuition fees
C) pay for facilities
D) pay no fees
7. If you prefer the arts, look at the courses on offer at …
A) Northacre College
B) Knowle
Grammar School
C) St. Leopold’s School
D) Wyle River Academy
8. You will get … training, gain certificates or diplomas.
A) out-the-job
B) up-to-date
C) on-the-job
D) face to face
Text 2
9. … asked Ann to do something different for their New Year holiday.
A) Tom
B) Tom’s friends
C) Friends
D) Parents
10. When the Kremlin clock st
rikes at twelve, … wish Happy New Year to each other.
A) Ann and Tom
B) Ann and her parents
C) Tom and his friends
D) Ann and her friends
11. … thinks it’s boring to celebrate the New Year holiday with parents.
A) Tom
B) Friends
C) Ann
D) Parents
12. Ann
invited Tom to celebrate New Year with her …
A) colleagues
B) relatives
C) family
D) friends
13. Tom’s … plan to have fun playing games and dancing at a party.
A) parents
B) relatives
C) girlfriend
D) friends
14. Tom
thinks it’s boring to celebrate New Year with …
A) groupmates
B) friends
C) Ann
D) parents
15. … usually gets lots of presents from relatives.
A) Ann
B) Tom
C) Ann’s parents
D) Tom’s parents
16. Tom suggested to …
A) stay with parents
B) play games and dance
C) watch TV
D) go to bed
Take your umbrella. It ... cats and dogs.
A) raining
B) is rained
C) is raining
D) rain
Travelling by plane is ... quicker than by train.
A) most
B) more
C) less
D) much
failed … a good impression at the job interview.
A) to make
B) to be making
C) to have made
D) to making
You are ... who is interested in this question.
A) the five
B) fifth
C) five
D) the fifth
... you go to the cinema last night?
A) Do
B) Have
C) Does
D) Did
A) Lily chooses her food well.
B) Lily her food chooses well.
C) Lily well chooses her food.
D) Lily chooses well her food.
Victoria Falls are considered to be ... largest waterfall in ... world.
A) the, the, the
B) the, an, the
C) the, a, -
D) the, the, a
24. I saw a big purple car ... across the road.
A) parked
B) park
C) parking
D) parks
25. This letter isn't for ...
A) me
Test 1
B) mine
C) I
D) my
… by the roaring thunder, the baby burst out crying.
A) Frightening
B) Being frightened
C) Be frightened
D) Be frightening
27. Where's the nearest shop ... newspapers are sold?
A) where
B) whom
C) whose
D) which
28. It's incredible to think that these clothes ... by Queen Victoria.
A) worn
B) was wear
C) are being worn
D) were worn
He … have learned English but he didn’t have any time.
A) must
B) would
C) could
D) might
30. I have worked at the Corporation for 10 years where I ... responsible for verification
A) was
B) been
C) have
D) were
31. ... per cent of the population.
A) four two five point
B) four two five
C) fourth two fifth
D) four point two five
I miss … in the travel agency.
A) work
B) working
C) worked
D) to work
33. He ordered that the goods ... immediately.
A) were sent
B) be sent
C) to send
D) to be sent
34. The synonym to
good bye
is …