Тема: Альфред Нобиль, человек-легенда. Критерии получения международных премий.
Информационно-поисковый проект студентов 4 курса
Тема: Особенности развития коммерции в Мурманской области. Перспективные
направления международного сотрудничества
Информационно-поисковый проект студентов 4 курса
Специальность: География
Тема: Особенности развития российского бизнеса в зарубежных средствах
массовой информации (пресса, Интернет). Имидж российского бизнеса.
Информационно-поисковый проект студентов 4 курса
Специальность: География
Тема: Применение мультимедиа технологий в сфере бизнеса
Международные исследования и проекты в области дистанционного обучения
1.14 Примерная тематика курсовых работ – нет.
1.15 Примерная тематика квалификационных (дипломных работ). –нет
1.16 Методика исследования (если есть) – нет
Бально-рейтинговая система, используемая преподавателем для оценивания знаний студентов по данной дисциплине.
Раздел 2. Методические указания по изучению дисциплины (или её разделов) и контрольные задания для студентов заочной формы обучения.
I Answer the questions.
1) What is the Internet?
2) What was the Internet originally designed for?
3) What country are most of the Internet host computers in?
4) What is the most popular Internet service?
5) Whom do you have to pay for sending e-mail messages?
II Prove that:
There are many people all over the world who use the Internet.
It is possible to use the Internet not only for private but also for business purposes.
E-mail helps many people to solve their private and working affairs, though some problems may appear.
Though the Internet is easy to use there exist many problems.
It is easy to communicate with the help of the Internet.
II There are some adjectives describing you as a specialist. Choose the best for:
- you yourself
- secretary
- accountant
- manager
- director
active diplomatic methodical
attentive disciplined realistic
constructive energetic sincere
cooperative extroverted systematic
creative independent tactful
II Fulfill the tasks:
1) Вы рекомендуете на работу человека, которого хорошо знаете. Расскажите о нем.
2) Ваш друг ищет работу и собирается на собеседование через два дня. Помогите ему подготовиться к собеседованию и дайте несколько полезных советов.
3) Вы являетесь начальником отдела кадров фирмы. К Вам на собеседование пришел кандидат на должность секретаря (менеджера). Познакомьтесь с ним и проведите собеседование. Используйте в вашей беседе следующие выражения:
* Здравствуйте, Ваше имя?
* Где Вы раньше работали?
* На какой должности?
* Есть ли у Вас отзывы с предыдущего места работы?
* На каких языках Вы говорите, пишете?
* Заполните, пожалуйста, эту анкету.
* Мы Вам позвоним.
4) Вы приняли кандидата на работу. Представьте нового сотрудника Вашим коллегам.
5) Вы приехали из командировки и узнали, что у вас работает новый сотрудник. Расспросите о нем своего приятеля.
IV You found out about a vacancy of a secretary (manager) in a well-known company. Make up a resume and write an application form using the expressions of an inquiry letter.
V Translate into English.
1. Присаживайтесь, пожалуйста. Мне надо подписать документы, а вы пока заполните эту анкету.
2. У Вас есть рекомендации с предыдущего места работы?
3. В Ваши обязанности будет входить ведение переговоров с нашими зарубежными партнерами.
4. Вот список Ваших обязанностей и того, за что Вы будете отвечать. Прочитайте и подпишите вот здесь.
5. Мы полагаем, что Ваша компания имеет большие перспективы.
6. Наша компания планирует развернуть деятельность в странах Баренц-региона.
РАЗДЕЛ 3. Содержательный компонент теоретического материала
The Internet
The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single rout between them. This technology is called packet-swithing. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just rout around them. One such packet-swithing network already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.
Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more that 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet, there are millions, and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide.
The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet: reading USENET News, using the World-Wide Web, telnet, FTP, and Gopher.
In any developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these countries. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world and can do it very cheaply. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world. But who actually pays for sending e-mail messages over the Internet long distances, around the world? The answer is very simple: a user pays his/her service provider a monthly or hourly fee. Part of this fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider. A part of the fee got by the larger provider goes to cover its cost of running a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations.
But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can make money from the Internet, commercial use of this network will drastically increase. For example, some western architecture companies and garment centers already transmit their basic designs and concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and refined by skilled – but inexpensive – Chinese computer-aided-design specialists.
However, some problems remain. The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many strong encoding programs available, nearly all the information being sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of encoding, i.e. “in the clear”. But when it becomes necessary to send important information over the network, these encoding programs may be useful. Some America banks and companies even conduct transactions over the Internet. However, there are still both commercial and technical problems which will take time to be resolved.
I Answer the questions.
1) What is the Internet?
2) What was the Internet originally designed for?
3) What country are most of the Internet host computers in?
4) What is the most popular Internet service?
5) Whom do you have to pay for sending e-mail messages?
II Prove that:
There are many people all over the world who use the Internet.
It is possible to use the Internet not only for private but also for business purposes.
E-mail helps many people to solve their private and working affairs, though some problems may appear.
Though the Internet is easy to use there exist many problems.
It is easy to communicate with the help of the Internet.
III Study the information and say what other means of information transmission you can name.
1. Fax (fax machine) serves for sending business correspondence over the telephone network. Offers, price-lists, advertising materials, press releases, and written inquiries can be sent by fax. The size of the document is usually not more than one page. They are usually filed and can be used as evidence in case there are any contradictions between business partners. Original contracts, letters of credit, invoices and other important documents are not faxed.
2. E-mail is one of the most popular ways of sending information. It helps to cut down expenses on mail delivery and faxes, and simplifies communication between business partners. One of the main disadvantages of e-mail is a low level of security.
Words and expressions
Offers- коммерческие предложения,
Price-lists – прайс-листы,
Advertising materials – рекламные материалы,
Press releases – пресс-релизы,
Written inquiries – письменные запросы,
Original contracts – оригиналы контрактов,
Letters of credit - аккредитивы,
Invoices – счета-фактуры.
Business correspondence.
Business letter.
Адреса в Англии и Америке имеют следующий вид:
Ms J. Simpson
Foreign Rights Manager
Chapman & Hall Ltd.
11 New Fetter Lane
London EC4P 4EE
Ms A. Arafel
Product Information Manager
McCraw-Hill Book Co
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, N.Y.10020
Образец оформления конверта.
Фамилия и адрес отправителя указываются в левом верхнем углу конверта или на его обратной стороне.
Фамилия и адрес того, кому направляется письмо, пишут в нижней половине лицевой стороны конверта.
Ms J. Simpson
Foreign Rights Manager
Chapman & Hall Ltd.
11 New Fetter Lane
London EC4P 4EE
Ms A. Arafel
Product Information Manager
McCraw-Hill Book Co
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, N.Y.10020
Обратите внимание на различия между британским и американским стилями:
13 May 2005
13th May, 2005
May 13, 2005
Gentlemen, Ladies,
Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
My Dear Sir, My Dear Madam,
Dear Mr. Warren, Dear Ms. Howard,
Gentlemen: Ladies:
Dear Sir: Dear Madam:
My Dear Sir: My Dear Madam:
Dear Mr. Warren: Dear Ms. Howard:
Yours very truly,
Respectfully yours,
Faithfully yours,
Yours sincerely,
Sincerely yours,
Yours truly,
В письма не допускается никаких грамматических сокращений типа I’m, don’t, we’ve, и т.п. Все эти слова нужно писать полностью.
Обратите внимание на правильное оформление делового письма:
1. Большинство писем пишутся на бланках, где уже есть название, адрес, номера телефонов фирмы и прочие данные.
2. Адрес и имя получателя. В деловом письме обязательно указывается адрес и имя получателя, который располагается вверху слева.
3. Включается в тех случаях, когда письмо отправляется на фирму, но адресовано кому-то лично.
4. См. выше на различия между британским и американским стилями.
5. Приветствие, за которым стоит двоеточие или запятая.
6. Текст письма. Содержание письма должно быть четким, ясным, логически последовательным, вежливым.
7. Заключение. Подпись. Не забудьте следующие правила: перед подписью не пишутся звания, занимаемый пост, ученая степень и т. д., незамужняя женщина должна писать Miss перед своим именем.
8. Расшифровка подписи, должность, адрес следуют друг за другом в левом или правом углу письма.
9. Посылочные инициалы указывают на тех, кто писал (переводил) письмо и/или печатал его.
10. Если к письму прилагаются какие-то материалы (прейскуранты, реклама и др.), то об этом упоминается после посылочных инициалов.
11. Указания на адресатов копий письма даются в самом конце.
1 Government of Canada
2 Office of the Chairman
Public Service Commission
Ottawa, Ontario
3 Attention: P. Smith
4 13 May 2005
5 Dear Sir,
7 Yours sincerely,
A. Robertson
8 A. Robertson
General Services Division
10 Encl.
11 cc: D.Dube
I Where these expressions should be: in the beginning (В), in the end of the letter (С) , can be used in both cases (ВС). Make your own sentences.
a) feel free to contact
b) please do not hesitate
c) in response to
d)once again
e) get in touch
f) at your earliest convenience
g) effective
h) may be able to help you
i) this is to inform you
j) as you may recall
k) as soon as possible
l) in accordance with
m) further to
n) thank you for
o) would be appreciated
p) I enclose
II You are going on a business trip to Helsinki. Send a fax (see business letter) to the XXX Corporation to Mr. Vesa Provo. The address is: Hдmeentie 123, Say about your arrival (date, train number, carriage, time of arrival) and ask to meet you.
Unit II
Illustrative dialogue.
North Shipping Company was looking for candidates for an opening position of a manager. Three candidates came for an interview after they have submitted their Cover Letter and Resumes. The third and the most successful was Mr. Savinov. Here we are presenting the interview with him.
Mr. Savinov: Good morning, Sir.
Interviewer: Good morning, come in right in. Mr. Savinov, isn’t it? Please take a seat. You will have to excuse me a moment while I finish signing letters. Meanwhile please fill in the application form… there, that’ll do. Now I can concentrate on you, Mr. Savinov. Tell me, how long were you in your last job with Delta?
Mr. Savinov: Five years. I left the company because our family moved from Archangel to Murmansk.
Interviewer: What do you know about our company? Have you got any questions to me?
Mr. Savinov: I know that this is a promising company, so I’d like you to inform me what will be the major focus of efforts in the next few years?
Interviewer: We plan to expand our activity on the countries of the Barents Region to bring cargoes there. We need a team of creative persons to make our company competitive in the sphere of transporting.
Mr. Savinov: What responsibilities and obligations do you suggest me?
Interviewer: Well, first of all to be responsible for our contacts with partners, to find new partners and generally to be skilled in negotiations. You will have to make business trips sometimes.
Mr. Savinov: Yes, I see.
Interviewer: So tell me what are your three main strengths?
Mr. Savinov: I think they are: reliability, loyalty, energy.
Interviewer: OK. How do you relieve everyday tensions?
Mr. Savinov: I am accustomed to work under pressure.
Interviewer: Are you a leader by nature?
Mr. Savinov: Yes, I think so, because I make contacts with people very easily.
Interviewer: All right. Now, Mr. Savinov, I am quite prepared to offer you a job with us. You have excellent references from your previous job. What do you find a fair salary?
Mr. Savinov: Equivalent of 500-600$.
Interviewer: I think we’ll begin you from $450 for the experimental period and if you do well we’ll review it by the end of three months. Working hours are from nine to five thirty, with an hour for lunch and a month’s holiday. Does that suit you? Any questions?
Mr. Savinov: What about travel: length, where?
Interviewer: If there is a need, you’ll have to go to Norway or Sweden for not more than 7-10 days.
Mr. Savinov: All right. I suppose supportive environment here. When do you want me to start, sir?
Interviewer: In a week, if possible.
Mr. Savinov: OK, thank you very much. Goodbye.
Interviewer: Goodbye.
Words and expressions
Position - должность
Opening position - вакансия
Application – заявление, просьба, обращение;
Application for the position – заявление о зачислении на должность
Job - работа
Promising - перспективный, многообещающий
Competitive - конкурентоспособный
Responsibility - ответственность
Obligation – обязательство, обязанность
Strength – сила, достоинство
Reliability - надежность
Tension - напряжение
Reference – ссылка, рекомендация, отзыв
Experimental period – испытательный срок
To expend activity – расширять деятельность
To work under pressure – работать под давлением (напряженно)
Applicant - кандидат, претендент
Employer - наниматель, работодатель
Employee - служащий; работающий по найму
You have excellent references from your previous job.
What do you find a fair salary?
I suppose supportive environment here.
Superior, supervisor
To earn
To discharge
Red tape
У Вас прекрасные отзывы с предыдущей работы.
Какую зарплату Вы считаете достойной Вас?
Я надеюсь найти здесь хорошую рабочую обстановку.
Связи; люди, обладающие силой, чтобы помочь
Зарабатывать (деньги)
Уволить, выгнать с работы
Зарплата служащих
Зарплата рабочих
Гонорар творческих работников
Канцелярская (бумажная) работа
(Пример анкеты)
NAME Andrei Savinov
ADDRESS 15Lenin Avenue, 50 fl. PHONE (8152) 53-53-53
Name of school Year graduated Course Taken or Degree
St.Petersburg University 1995 M.Sc. in Economics
Russian Excellent Good Fair
English Excellent Good Fair
Other (which)
German Excellent Good Fair
EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first)
COMPANY Delta ADDRESS17 Pushkin St.
Information Technologies October 1995 – July 2006
Manager Victor Suslov
Negotiations, red tape
Moved to another city
Name V. Suslov Address 3 Tolstoy St. Phone (code) 221-1834
Sample Inquiry/Cover Letter Format
(пример формы сопроводительного письма)
Dr., Mr., Ms
Company, Institution
Dear Sir, Madam:
State your reason for writing.
You will either inquire whether any positions are available or you will say which position you are applying for. If you are applying for a specific position identify the source of the information (a person, a newspaper, including date, etc.)
Describe your educational background and professional experience. Focus on those things from your resume that best relate to the position you are applying for.
Say you are enclosing your resume and/or other supporting material. State your willingness to provide more information and to be interviewed.
Thank them for their consideration. Say you look forward to hearing from them.
Sincerely yours, (signature)
Your name
Д-р, г-н, г-жа
Должность, звание
Фирма, учреждение
Уважаемый г-н, г-жа!
Сформулируйте цель письма.
Вы запрашиваете, имеются ли в наличии какие-либо вакансии, либо сообщаете, каким рабочим местом Вы интересуетесь. Если Вас интересует определенное место, назовите источник информации (человек, объявление в газете с указанием даты и т.д.)
Опишите Ваше образование и профессиональный опыт. Особое внимание уделите тем положениям Вашего резюме, которые наилучшим образом связаны с местом, на которое Вы претендуете.
Укажите, что Вы прилагаете свое резюме и/или другие необходимые материалы. Выразите желание предоставить дополнительную информацию и пройти собеседование.
Поблагодарите за внимание. Сообщите, что надеетесь получить ответ.
Искренне Ваш (подпись)
Ваше имя и фамилия
Опись прилагаемых материалов
Клише и выражения сопроводительного письма:
With reference to your advertisement in … of Tuesday, January 10, I would like to apply for the position of …in your company. – Ссылаясь на объявление в … от 10 января, вторник, я хотел бы претендовать на должность … в вашей фирме.
I recently heard from … that there is a vacancy in your sales department. – Я недавно услышал от … о вакансии в вашем торговом отделе.
I appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take on a certain amount of responsibility. – я высоко ценю возможность работать с должной мерой ответственности, проявляя собственную инициативу.
Since my present position offers little prospect for advancement, I would prefer to be employed in an expanding organization such as yours. – так как моя настоящая должность не дает мне больших возможностей для продвижения, я хотел бы работать в такой перспективной организации, как ваша.
I am at present earning … per month. – в настоящее время я получаю … в месяц.
Thank you for offering me the position of … - Благодарю Вас за то, что Вы предложили мне должность …
I have pleasure in accepting this position. – С удовольствием принимаю эту должность.
I am looking forward to commencing work on September 1.- C нетерпением жду начала работы 1 сентября.
Письменный отказ от предложенной работы:
I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept the position, since I have received another, more attractive one. – С сожалением сообщаю вам, что не могу занять эту должность, так как получил другое, более привлекательное предложение.
I feel that my experience in this field would not be used to its full capacity in above position. Therefore I have to decline. – Чувствую, что мой опыт работы в этой области не будет использован в полной мере, поэтому я вынужден отклонить предложение.
Так называется письменная сводка Ваших личных, образовательных и профессиональных данных. Оно как бы письменно представляет «товар», предлагаемый будущему работодателю. Резюме должно быть достаточно подробным, но кратким. Форма его может быть произвольной. Представленный ниже пример может быть использован в качестве образца.
Svetlana Suvorova
12 Lenenskij Prospect
Flat 50
183050 Murmansk
Tel. 25 25 25
2000 - 2005
1994 -2000
1989 -1994
A position as a accountant
12 years of experience in every routine work in this field/ perfect knowledge of computers and statistics.
Make up all kinds of financial reports, balances and production planning.
Bookshop ‘Globus’
Chief accountant
Bookshop ‘Mir Knigi’
Moscow Economical College
Arrived in Murmansk in 2000,
Married, one child
Available upon request
I When job hunting you should observe some rules. There is some advice what to do and what not to do while job hunting.
DOs and DON’Ts For Job Seekers
- DO learn ahead of time about the company and its product/ do your homework.
- DO apply for a job in person.
- DO let as many people as possible know you are “job-hunting”.
- DO stress your qualification for the job opening.
- DO recount experience you have had which would fit you for the job.
- DO talk and think as far as possible about the future rather that the past.
- DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.
- DO assume an air of confidence.
- DO approach the employer with respectful dignity.
- DO try to be optimistic in your attitude.
- DO maintain your poise (самообладание) and self control.
- DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath.
- DO hold yourself erect.
- DO answer questions honestly and with straightforwardness.
- DO have a good resume.
- DO know the importance of getting along with people.
- DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.
- DO be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.
- DON’T keep stressing your need for s job.
- DON’T discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation.
- DON’T apologize for your age.
- DON’T be untidy in appearance.
-DON’T cringe or beg for consideration.
- DON’T speak with muffled voice or indistinctly.
- DON’T be one of those who can do anything.
- DON’T hedge in answering questions.
- DON’T express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. early in the interview.
- DON’T hesitate to fill out applications, give references, and take physical examination or test on request.
- DON’T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.
- DON’T go to an interview without a record of your former work connection.
- DON’T arrive late and breathless for an interview.
- DON’T be a “know it all” or a person who can’t take instructions.
- DON’T isolate yourself from contacts that might help you find a job.
- DON’T make claims if you cannot “deliver” on the job.
- DON’T display a feeling of inferiority.
II There are some adjectives describing you as a specialist. Choose the best for:
- you yourself
- secretary
- accountant
- manager
- director
active diplomatic methodical
attentive disciplined realistic
constructive energetic sincere
cooperative extroverted systematic
creative independent tactful
II Fulfill the tasks:
1) Вы рекомендуете на работу человека, которого хорошо знаете. Расскажите о нем.
2) Ваш друг ищет работу и собирается на собеседование через два дня. Помогите ему подготовиться к собеседованию и дайте несколько полезных советов.
3) Вы являетесь начальником отдела кадров фирмы. К Вам на собеседование пришел кандидат на должность секретаря (менеджера). Познакомьтесь с ним и проведите собеседование. Используйте в вашей беседе следующие выражения:
* Здравствуйте, Ваше имя?
* Где Вы раньше работали?
* На какой должности?
* Есть ли у Вас отзывы с предыдущего места работы?
* На каких языках Вы говорите, пишете?
* Заполните, пожалуйста, эту анкету.
* Мы Вам позвоним.
4) Вы приняли кандидата на работу. Представьте нового сотрудника Вашим коллегам.
5) Вы приехали из командировки и узнали, что у вас работает новый сотрудник. Расспросите о нем своего приятеля.
IV You found out about a vacancy of a secretary (manager) in a well-known company. Make up a resume and write an application form using the expressions of an inquiry letter.
V Translate into English.
1. Присаживайтесь, пожалуйста. Мне надо подписать документы, а вы пока заполните эту анкету.
2. У Вас есть рекомендации с предыдущего места работы?
3. В Ваши обязанности будет входить ведение переговоров с нашими зарубежными партнерами.
4. Вот список Ваших обязанностей и того, за что Вы будете отвечать. Прочитайте и подпишите вот здесь.
5. Мы полагаем, что Ваша компания имеет большие перспективы.
6. Наша компания планирует развернуть деятельность в странах Баренц-региона.
7. Я думаю, что это конкурентоспособная фирма.
8. Я не привык напряженно работать.
9. Мне не нужна работа с командировками.
10. Какую должность Вы можете не предложить?
11. Если Вы хотите зарабатывать хорошие деньги, то Вам придется много и напряженно работать.
12. Зарплата наших работников достаточно хорошая.
13. Мне не нравится бумажная работа.
Unit III
Smirnov is the President of a foreign trade firm.
In the morning he gets up at about 6.30. His wife and children get up later. He goes to the bathroom to take a bath. Then he has breakfast. For breakfast he has some eggs, coffee and sandwiches. He leaves for work at eight o’clock. His office hours begin at 9 o’clock but he usually comes earlier to get ready for work.
In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. He reads the mail and sends answers to foreign firms. He often receives foreign businessmen at his office. They usually come to discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery and other business points. Sometimes he goes abroad on business to have talks with foreign customers. Smirnov can speak two foreign languages.
At 12.30 Smirnov has lunch. He finishes work at 6 o’clock in the evening, but if there is some urgent business he stays at the office later.
Smirnov usually has dinner at home.
After dinner he reads newspapers and magazines, listens to the radio or watches television and helps his wife about the house. He goes to bed at 11.00.
Words and expressions
Working day- рабочий день
Week-days – будние дни
To wake up - просыпаться
To take a shower(bath) – принимать душ (ванну)
To get up- вставать
To take a bus – ехать автобусом
To leave for work – уходить на работу
Office hours – часы работы
Ответы на вопросы What time is it/What’s the time? Строятся следующим образом:
17.00 It’s five o’clock (sharp).
17.10 It’s 10 minutes past five.
17.30 It’s half past five.
17.40 It’s 20 minutes to six.
17.15 It’s a quarter past five.
17.45 It’s a quarter to six.
Обозначения времени можно также читать так:
8.30 – eight thirty
6.45 – six forty-five
5.18 – five eighteen.
Примечание: время до 12 часов дня обозначается буквами а.m. (сокращение от латинского «до полудня» ante meridiem), после 12 часов - буквами р.m. (сокращение от латинского «после полудня» post meridiem).
I Answer the questions.
When does your working day begin?
What do you do when you get up?
Who makes breakfast for you?
What time do you leave for the University?
How much time does it take you to get there?
When does your study begin?
When do you have a break for lunch?
Do you go to the library to get ready for classes?
What do you usually do in the evening?
What time do you go to bed?
II Ask your friend:
Когда он встает, завтракает, уходит из дому, возвращается с учебы, идет спать.
III Make up mini-dialogues using the model.
Model 1:
A. Peter, what time do you usually get up?
B. Usually at about seven, sometimes earlier.
Substitutions: have breakfast/ 7.30, begin work/ 9.00, have lunch/ 12.30, finish work/ 16.00, come home/ 17.00, have supper/ 19.00, go to bed/ 23.00.
Model 2:
A. What’s the time is?
B. It’s ten to eleven by my watch.
Substitutions: 4.25, 9.03, 12.55, 13.15, 14.45, 9.35, 12.00, 4.10, 8.50.
Model 3:
A. Your husband leaves for work at ten to eight, doesn’t he?
B. No, he leaves at a quarter past eight, as a rule.
your aunt / 8.00 / 8.30
your daughter / to have breakfast / 9.30/ 8.15
your son goes to school at 8…/7.45
your brother begins to work at 8.30/ 9.30
Model 3:
A. Do you have breakfast at 7 or 8?
B. Usually at 7, sometimes later.
Substitutions: begin work/ 8 or 9; have lunch/ 12 or 1; finish work/ 5 or 6; go to bed/ 11 or 12.
Model 4:
A. Where do you work now?
B. I have a new job. I work at a joint stock company.
Substitutions: an insurance company, a bank, an investment fund, the state Tax Service.
IV You are new in the office and you want to know the duties of other people. Make up mini-dialogues using the model.
A. Excuse me, who types letters here?
B. I’m not sure. I think the secretary does.
Substitutions: translate contracts/ interpreter; have talks with foreign businessmen/ expert; receive foreign delegations/ director; bring the mail/ secretary; discuss different points with designers/ senior engineer.
V Finish up the dialogues.
1. A. When are your office hours over, Kate?
B. ………………
A. Do you go shopping after work?
B. ………………
A. Who does the shopping in your family?
B. ………………
2. A. What district do you live in now, Ann?
B. ………………
A. Do you like the district?
B. ………………
A. How long does it take you now to get to work?
B. ………………
VI Translate into English and learn them by heart.
- Вы завтракаете дома?
- Да, я очень рано ухожу.
- А когда вы начинаете работать?
- В 8 часов утра.
- Что делает ваш сын по вечерам?
- Смотрит телевизор или читает.
- А в кино или театр он ходит?
- Очень редко.
- Ваш брат учится или работает?
- Он учится и работает, поэтому он встает рано и ложится спать поздно.
- А где он учится?
- В экономическом институте.
VII Make up the dialogues.
Your friend from America wants to know how you spend your working day. Answer his questions.
You meet an old friend who tells you that he has a new job. Ask him about his duties at the office and his new colleagues.
VIII Translate into English.
Скажите, пожалуйста, сколько сейчас времени.
Думаю, сейчас два часа, но я не уверен.
По моим часам сейчас 3.15.
Когда начинается твой рабочий день?
Как правило, в 8.30.
Я хочу посмотреть новый фильм сегодня по телевизору, он начинается в 21.45.
Наш поезд отходит в 14.50, нам надо поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать.
Он встает в 7, а уходит из дому в 8 часов.
В будние дни у меня почти нет свободного времени.
Я езжу на работу на автобусе, это занимает у меня (it takes me) 15-20 минут.
Unit IV
Illustrative dialogue.
At the airport
Walter Marttinen, a manager of one of the Finish cargo companies, has just arrived in Murmansk Airport from Helsinki. He is visiting a Russian company for holding negotiations and signing a contract. Russian colleagues meet him in the airport and take to the company.
Manager: Excuse me, are you Mr. Marttinen?
W. Marttinen: Yes.
Manager: I’m a driver from Murmansk Shipping Company and I’ll take you there. Have I kept you waiting?
W. Marttinen: Oh, no. The plane’s just arrived. Thank you for coming to meet me.
Manager: Not at all. Did you have a good trip?
W. Marttinen: Yes, thank you.
Manager: My car is outside the airport. We are going to our office in the center of the city. It’ll take us about forty minutes to get there. Mr. Volkhov is waiting for you.
W. Marttinen: What is Mr. Volkhov? Remind me, please.
Manager: He is our Director General. He is going to discuss with you some details of our future agreement.
At the office
Manager: I’d like you to meet Mr.Volkhov, our Director General.
W. Marttinen: Glad to meet you, Mr.Volkhov.
Mr.Volkhov: So am I. Have you ever been to Murmansk?
W. Marttinen: No, it’s my first visit to Murmansk.
Mr.Volkhov: What are your first impressions of the city?
W. Marttinen: Well, I have never thought that it is such a big city beyond the Polar Circle.
Mr.Volkhov: I hope you’ll enjoy your visit, Mr. Marttinen. Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Ms Makarova.
W. Marttinen: Nice to meet you.
Ms Makarova: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Ann and if you need any help you may apply to me.
Mr.Volkhov: I also want you to meet Mr. Tropinin, our Sales Manager. Well, now let’s go to my cabinet and get down to business. Ann, bring us coffee, please.
W. Marttinen: I know that your company is a promising one. What did you want to discuss with me?
Mr.Volkhov: You know, we are expending our business and we want to find new partners for sea shipping of goods and equipment to and from western countries.
W. Marttinen: Well, it would be interesting for us to have a partner in this region, but first I’d like to see all the documents and discuss your proposal with my boss.
Mr.Volkhov: Of course, Ann will prepare all the necessary information till tomorrow. And now I think you’d better go to the hotel and have some rest. We reserved a single room for you at a hotel near the center. Our driver’ll take you there.
W. Marttinen: Thank you very much, Mr.Volkhov. See you tomorrow then.
Mr.Volkhov: By the way, our driver is at your disposal during your visit.
W. Marttinen: Thank you, goodbye.
Mr. Volkhov : Goodbye, Mr. Marttinen.
Words and expressions
Cargo Company – компания по грузоперевозкам
To hold negotiations – проводить переговоры
It’ll take us about forty minutes to get there- у нас займет около 40 минут, чтобы туда добраться
Director General – генеральный директор
Let me introduce my staff to you – позвольте представить Вам моих сотрудников
Sales Manager – менеджер по продажам
Let’s get down to business – давайте перейдем к делу.
Sea shipping – морские грузоперевозки
Proposal - предложение
At your disposal – в Вашем распоряжении
Good morning!
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
How do you do?
How are you? - Fine, thanks.
(I’m) all right. Thank you.
Pleased (glad) to meet you.
It’s nice to meet you.
Saying good-bye
So long.
See you later/ tomorrow/soon/again.
Well, goodbye.
Thank you (very much).
Not at all.
My pleasure.
You are welcome.
That’s nothing.
Forms of appeal
К мужчине: Mister (Mr)
К замужней женщине: Mistress (Mrs)
К незамужней девушке: Miss
К женщине, независимо
от ее статуса: Ms [miz]
К человеку, имеющему
ученую степень: Doctor (Dr)
К клиенту в ресторане,
магазине, к незнакомцу: Sir/Madam
I See a visit card and answer the questions:
- Whose card is this?
- What is he?
- What company is he from?
- What city is he from?
- What is his telephone number?
- What is the address of his company?
John G. Smith
Financial Director
9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5JF, England
Phone (0273) 543345 Fax: (0273) 559364
Make your own visit card in English.
II You have a business meeting with a representative of a foreign company. How will you great him if your meeting is at:
9 a.m.
7 p.m.
4.30 p.m.
10.15 a.m.
III What should be the answers:
How do you do?
Glad to meet you!
Good afternoon!
Good morning!
How are you getting on?
How are you?
Thank you very much.
IV Imagine that you are meeting a representative of a British company. You see a man in the airport who resembles the description of the representative. Do the following:
- speak to him in English and ask if he is the needed man;
- introduce yourself;
- apologize for coming late;
- ask about his trip;
- offer to go to your car.
V Make up the dialogues.
1. You must meet a foreign partner in the airport. You see a man, who looks like him. Come to him, introduce yourself. Ask about his trip. Then you understand that you met a wrong man. Apologize yourself.
2. Your partner came to your office. Introduce yourself. Have a talk about your companies and business plans.
3. Invite your business partner to your car and give him/her a lift to the hotel. Exchange your impressions of the climate and weather in your country.
4. You are in the office. Introduce your staff to a new business partner. Ask about his/her previous job. Invite him/her to the dinner.
5. Find out from your colleague what his/her profession is, whether he knows about the professions of other people in the office.
6. You and your partner are going to the office. Discuss your plans for the day (about meeting, conferences etc.).
7. You are going on a business trip next week. Ask your secretary to do a number of things while you are away.
Prompts: - write a letter to Mr. Baker on Tuesday,
- Send a car to the hotel,
- to pick up Mr. Wilson on Wednesday,
- arrange lunch for the Canadian delegation at the restaurant at 1 o’clock for Wednesday afternoon,
- book tickets for the plane for you from Moscow on Friday evening.
VI Your foreign partner is going to expand tourist business in your city and he is looking for new contacts. He has asked you for help. Write to him everything you know about tourist companies of you city.
VII Write a programme for your business partner for tomorrow. Try to be exact. (For example: breakfast will be at 9).
Unit V
Illustrative dialogue.
W. Marttinen came to the North Shipping Company to discuss plans for the future cooperation.
Mr. Savinov: Let me tell you some words about our company, Mr. Marttinen. As you know, we transport cargoes from our city to other cities and countries and vice versa. Our company is not big. We rent ships from other companies and deliver cargoes. Our staff is small: there are Director General, his secretary, two managers and an accountant. We hire a crew for each act of sea shipping and pay them for every passage.
W. Marttinen: I see. Do you have any partners already?
Mr. Savinov: Yes. We have regular partners in some Russian cities and now we are going to make cargo transportation abroad and a partner in Helsinki in the person of your company would be a great luck.
W. Marttinen: Well, we investigated thoroughly your business proposals, price-lists and came to a decision that it would be profitable for us to work with you. I expect to make the Draft Contract here, maybe by the end of this week, and finally to conclude the Contract with you after discussing it with my Director by phone.
Mr. Savinov: All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we are going to talk about terms of cooperation and payment.
W. Marttinen: Right. And the day after tomorrow I’ll call my Director and discuss everything with him.
Mr. Savinov: That suits us all right. And I expect to submit the Draft Contract to our Director General not later that by Friday.
Words and expressions
To transport cargoes – перевозить грузы
To rent ships – арендовать корабли
To hire a crew – нанимать команду корабля
In the person of your company- в лице Вашей компании
To investigate thoroughly – тщательно изучать
Business proposal – деловое предложение
Price-lists - прейскуранты
Profitable- выгодно
The Draft Contract – проект контракта
To conclude the Contract – заключать контракт
Let us get down to business – давайте перейдем к делу
To talk about terms of payment- обсуждать условия оплаты
To submit - передавать
I Give Russian equivalents for the following words. Use the dictionary if necessary.
Products, turnover, profit, customer, locate, competitor, sell, produce, employ, employee, growth, specialize in.
II Get to know about the MOTOROLA Company and finish up the dialogue using the words from the frame.
Head office
Schaumburg, Illinois, USA
Wireless communications, semi-conductors, advanced electronic systems
$ 22.2 billion
$ 1 billion
computer manufacturers, electronic distributors, telephone companies, automobile manufacturers
A: Who do you work for?
B: ………………..
A: Isn’t that an American company?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Do you work in the States?
B: No, I work in one of our …….. in Europe.
A: Where is it …….., exactly?
B: In Paris, France.
A: And you make electronic …….?
B: Yes, that’s right. We …….. in wireless communications and advanced electronic systems.
A: And who are your main ……..?
B: We …….. a lot of computer manufacturers.
A: How many people work for Motorola around the world?
B: In total, I think we …….. about 132,000 people.
A: And what’s your annual turnover?
B: Well, this year we have …….. of $22.2 billion with …….. of $1 billion.
III Choose the right word.
Our … are not very good this year. (sell/sales)
We … electrical equipment. (produce/product)
Where is your … located? (manufacture/factory)
We have 300 … . (employs/employees)
Every year our share price … by about 5% (grows/growth)
The … of your shop is very important if you want to attract customers from the street. (located/location)
Our … is road and bridge construction. (specialize/specialty)
IV Match the company and its description.
1) L’Oreal
Philip Morris
a. This company is based in Switzerland. It produces coffee and chocolate. Its most successful product is Nescafй.
b. This Irish company makes a dark beer, which has the same name as the company. It also produces Johnnie Walker whisky.
c. This is an American company which produces tobacco. Its products include Marlboro cigarettes.
d. This is a French company which specializes on making cosmetics and is popular among women.
2) Choose one of the company (or some other) and speak about it. You may use the plan.
Its name is …..
It specializes in …..
It is located in …..
Its customers are…..
It has representative offices in …..
V Imagine that your company is taking place in the exhibition and represents the goods on the stand. A visitor comes to you. Do the following:
- представьтесь сами и спросите, какую компанию он представляет;
- узнайте, что именно заинтересовало его в вашей экспозиции (display);
- опишите основные характеристики изделий (товаров (goods), которые производит или дистрибьютором которых является ваша компания;
- отметьте те особенности (characteristics) ваших товаров, которые, по вашему мнению, выгодно отличают (distinguish) их от аналогичных товаров ваших конкурентов (competitors);
- укажите, какова продолжительность гарантийного срока (warranty period), сколько изделий и в какие сроки ваша компания готова поставить покупателю.
VI Read the text and retell it. Use words and expressions after the text to help you.
Виды компаний в США и Великобритании
1. Товарищества
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