Айкөзов сейдулла ибадуллаұлы қазақстанның оңтүстік және оңтүстік-шығыс аймақтарындағы аграрлық реформалар

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Структура диссертации. Диссертационное исследование состоит из введения, четырех глав, заключения и списка использованной литературы.

of the thesis submitted for the scientific degree of doctor of historical sciences, specialty 07. 00. 02 - History of the Homeland

(History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Agrarian reforms in the southern and southeastern regions of Kazakhstan (1991-2008)
The importance of the research is based by the necessity of studying the influences of tendencies of modernization into the development of auls and villages in contemporary Kazakhstan. The historical facts stand in the first row because they reflect the peculiarities of realization the agrarian reforms in the conditions of separately taken regions of the country. The necessity of research the theme of the dissertation work is based by priority tasks of the social-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan which are defined by the strategically documents of the state. Particularly, President N. A. Nazarbayev in the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2030” and in his annual Messages to the people of Kazakhstan pointed out as the important one the theme of development of the agrarian sector, advancing the reforms in the field of modernization of the agricultural economy taking into consideration the specific features of the development of regions of the country. Thus, in the given dissertation work has been considered the problem connected with agrarian development of the largest regions of the country, namely the southern and southeastern regions of Kazakhstan.

Agricultural complex formed on the basis of the soviet economy had considerable transformation in the postsoviet period. The agrarian economy needed a time to transit from planned economy to market one on the course of the formed historical circumstances. In its turn, it caused the reforms connected with working out of the mechanisms of the transition and adaptation of the agrarian sector to market conditions. Accordingly, this case demands its overestimation on the methodological level on the present stage of the development of society.

In order to work out the critical sight into past, present and modern condition of conformity of formed system of local organs of self-government, conducted policy for realization agrarian reforms in the regions according to the interests and agrarian policy of the state, it is necessary to follow the ideology of independence. Only in this condition the historical knowledge in the field of studying problem will be able to lift to a new level.

Along with, it is necessary to develop new ways and methods of studying in the sphere of social-economic development of the agrarian sector in the conditions of reforms, perfection of the organizational-structural enterprises in the villages, the analysis of legislative and legal ground of the agrarian reforms in the country.

At last, in the homeland historical science, despite, the several implemented researches on thinking out the reforms in the sphere of developing the agrarian economy and its reformation in the conditions of independence, there has been still absent special works concerning the agrarian reforms of the present time in the southern and southeastern regions of Kazakhstan, which became the principal condition for writing the given dissertation.

The objective and tasks of the research. The objective of the present work is studying the process of realization of the agrarian reforms in the agricultural economy of the southern and southeastern Kazakhstan at the end of 20th and at the beginning of the 21st centuries, theoretical-methodological and factual basis of their efficiency. The given objective is done by fulfilling the following tasks:

- substantiating the theoretical-methodological basis for studying the agrarian reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the process of social-economic development of southern and southeastern regions;

- finding out necessary and primary tasks for agrarian reformation of Kazakhstan;

- analysis of organizational-legal basis for agrarian reformation;

- studying the mechanisms of conducting the economy in the conditions of reforms;

- scientific ground of historical principles and values of agrarian collectives and enterprises managing the adjustment to the contemporary market conditions;

- to follow the connection in dynamics of implementation of agrarian reforms in southern and southeastern Kazakhstan in comparison with the other regions of the country;

- to determine the role, place and importance of the historical experience in conducting the agrarian reforms;

- analysis of the main directions of the system of state support and credit of development of agriculture;

- to determine the ways and mechanisms of conducting the economy, production of agricultural goods in the agricultural complex.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation. The history of the agrarian reforms in the southern and southeastern regions of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the sovereign development of the country is studied on the basis of sources, archival and statistic materials for the first time. The specific features of the development of regions in the process of agrarian reforms make an influence into the process of modernization of economy introducing its unique experiment. In the dissertation:

- historiography, sources and theoretical-methodological problems connected with the history of agrarian reforms in Kazakhstan at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries have been analyzed in systematic order for the first time;

- the main tendencies and realities of the social development in the process of agrarian reformation in the southern and southeastern regions in Kazakhstan have been considered from the new scientific position;

- there has been given an objective estimation to the process of privatization of the agrarian sector of the country;

- the expertise of the principles and values of agricultural unities and enterprises has been made;

- the data on history of agrarian legislation in the conditions of the contemporary Kazakhstan has been systemized;

- the system of organizational enterprises concerning the mechanisms of economy in the conditions of agrarian reforms has been classified;

- the comparative analysis of data on dynamics and temps of agrarian reforms has been made in studied regions and in the country in whole;

- a number of sources have been given which confirmed the special features of the system of state support and credit of the development of agriculture;

- the direction and process of the social development of the agrarian policy has been showed;

- the total model of development of agricultural production complex and getting over from crisis in the agricultural economy by systematic process of the agrarian reformation has been worked out;

- the scientific-cognitive model, based on perfection of mechanisms of activity of agricultural credit enterprises in development of the agricultural economy has been worked out.

The results of the research. In the thesis, the following scientific results have been considered:

- the theoretical-methodological basis for studying the market relations in leading out from planned condition has been substantiated;

- the analysis of mechanisms of conducting in the conditions of market via the theory and world experience has been made;

- the directions of the structural advance of public organizations and organizations of local administration in the southern and southeastern regions in the republic in the process of realization of the agrarian reform has been determined;

- the system of local and regional self administration in the context of development of agrarian economy fro the point of their conformity with the nation’s interests has been considered critically;

- the analysis of the legislative documentation and examples of necessity of their systematic perfection in order to reflect the difference between the concepts of local state administration and local economy administration in the context of social directions of the agrarian policy of the state has been given;

- the scientific analysis of common features of the agrarian reforms with common process of supply of social needs of the population from the part of the state has been obtained;

- the social-economic results of implementation of the agrarian reforms in the southern and southeastern Kazakhstan and other regions of the country has been differentiated.

The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation work is consists of introduction, four parts, conclusion and list of the used literature.

21.08.2009ж. басуға қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1/16.

«SvetoCopy» қағазы. Көлемі 1,5 п.л. Таралымы 100 дана.

Тапсырыс № 27.

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