Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
Current situation of higher education withthe emerging trends in its development sets forward new
demands for the professional training and personal qualities of a graduate. The most significant are: deep
professional knowledge and skills, the ability to be flexible in its use, initiative, sociability, creativity,
commitment for continuous self-development. The competitiveness of a modern specialist is determined
not only by his high qualification in the professional sphere, but also by the willingness to solve his pro-
fessional problems in terms of foreign language communication. In this regard, State educational standard
of higher professional education requires consideration of vocational specificity while learning a foreign
language, its focusing on the future professional activity of the graduates. Linguistic knowledge allows
high school graduates to be aware of all the newthings published in his professional field, supplying him
with the achievements in the world of law, promoting to use them in their practice. Thus, the discipline
“Foreign language” being integrative in its objectives and interdisciplinary in content is intended to expand
the educational horizons of the students, the socialization of the future professionals preparing them for
living in a multiethnic and multicultural world.
The aim ofteaching foreign language with the law students should be achieved by thelevel that would
be sufficient for practical use in their future career. Professionally oriented training provides professional
direction not only of the content of the training materials, but also it is an activity, which forms their pro-
fessional skills. It is already not enough for a modern graduate to be able to read and translate professional
texts, but also to be able to use a foreign language in its various spheres of communication [2].
Professionally oriented communication can occur in formal and informal settings, in conversations with
foreign colleagues, presentations at meetings, conferences, collective discussions, writing business letters
and e-mails.Therefore, learning a foreign language should be professional and communicatively directed.
It is necessary to define clear aims inteaching foreign language for non-linguist-students. Students ‘ interest
in the subject is enhanced when they have a clear idea of the prospects for the use of their knowledge and
when these skills in the future would be able to increase their chances of success in any activity.
Teaching professionally oriented foreign language at legal education institution includes components
such as learning a foreign language as means of mastering a profession and as means of professional
communication. If we talk about the necessity of learning foreign languages in the framework of higher
professional education, it is important to convey to students the idea that knowledge of the foreign lan-
guages as well as the inability to use them lead to their professional language incompetence. In addition,
foreign language becomes an instrument of self-education of the future specialist, who greatly increases
his chances. Foreign language becomes a kind of key for the professional success of modern specialists [3].
Traditionally, teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic institution is focused on reading, understand-
ing, translating special texts andstudying syntax problems of scientific style. Nowadays, the emphasis of
teachingtransfers to the development of the speech communication on professional topics and scientific
discussions. The most effective is the use of business games as active-educational technologies of teaching
professional foreign language communication. Criteria for selecting the materialsfor practicing becomes
availability and accessibility, visibility, combination of different exercises,studyinga special text, active
uptake and application of the studied materials.
Describing the course of a foreign language at our institution, we can distinguish the following main
-educationallymethodical complexes are worked out specifically for teaching students ofa particular
specialty and it focuses on language learning tools (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and communica-
tive functions associated with specific areas of language usewith a particular specialty;
- the basic techniques of teaching foreign language is aimed for the development of students’ thinking
skills; case-study, tasks for the development strategies of meaningful reading (understanding the com-
municative meaning of the foreign text) with the subsequent use of the information extracted from text, to
solve communicative tasks,etc.;
- it is necessary to take into account the professional needs and personal interests of students (profes-
sionally- significant topic and situation used in language teaching, authentic tasks, problem texts, raising
urgent issues related to future professional legal activities, etc.) promotes motivation for learning a foreign
language [4].
We should notforget that the rate of teaching foreign language is interdisciplinary in nature and involves
along the formation of foreign language communicative development (key) competencies required in the