Түйін сөз: патриоттық, тәрбие, халықтық киімдер, костюм, дәстүр. Krykbayeva Sarah Mukashevna Pedagogical value of national traditions in patriotic education and composite addressing contemporary suits Folk clothing is constantly the object of attention of designers and artistic traditions, embodied in clothing, find their place in modern life. Decorative art is rooted in ancient times and is the Foundation of modern culture, hence, the further the spiritual, moral improvement of society is impossible without mastering the vitality and optimism of folk art, folk culture. It contributes to the solution of the most difficult tasks in the field of aesthetic education of youth, development of spiritual needs, the development of artistic taste, the growth of creative abilities. In the educational process should be as wide as possible to use the capacity of national art: national and religious symbols, graphics, composition, and painting features and traditions of the Kazakh ornament. Conversations about art and the beauty of the world, systematically conducted in the classroom, contribute to the formation of interest in folk arts and crafts, fine art, expand the views of pupils about the world. Key words: patriotism, education, folk costumes, costume, tradition. Поступила в редакцию 20.02.2015.
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы 216
УДК 729.79.154
Ж.Т. КУЛЬБАЕВА 1 , А.Б. МЕЙРМАНОВ 2 , Д.Г-С. ТОКТАРБАЕВ 3 , И.Б. ИМАНГАЛИКОВА 4 Заместитель директора по экспозиционно-выставочной и фондовой деятельности Национального музея РК 1 к.п.н., руководитель отдела музейной педагогики и детского творчества 2 Доктор PhD, и.о.доцента ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева 3 старший преподаватель ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева 4