
Ex. 5. Read the report on p. 149 and check whether your answers were correct

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Ex. 5. Read the report on p. 149 and check whether your answers were correct.

Ex. 6. Role Play. You are one of the cabin crew who has just noticed something suspicious in Richard Reid’s behaviour. Report it to the captain. The following word clusters may help you.

appear / seem / feel / look nervous be shaking all over
behave aggressively / oddly / strangely / suspiciously clasp something tightly
hide one’s eyes
hold one’s hand in the pocket look round all the time
not / reply to the questions
seem to be intoxicated / be in a state of drug intoxication / be high on drugs sweat heavily

Ex. 7. You are the captain of this aircraft. Report what has happened to the ATC controller.

Ex. 8. Work in pairs. One of you was a passenger on the same flight, the other is his friend, who is eager to know what happened and asks a lot of questions. Tell your friend about the incident and describe the hijacker’s appearance using the photo of Richard Reid and the in- formation below.


young, middle-aged, elderly, old, in his 30’s, in his late
teens, in his mid-20’s, in his early 40’s


overweight, fat, thin, slim, plump, medium-build, broad-


short, 1.70 m, below average height, medium / average
height, tall

Hair colour

black, brown, dark, red, fair, blonde, grey, white, dyed, a
brunette, a blonde, a redhead


long, short, straight, wavy, curly, untidy, with a fringe,
swept back, a pony-tail, bald, balding


thin, long, round, oval, square, high cheekbones, a high forehead, thin lips, full lips, a long nose, an aquiline nose, a straight nose, a turned-up nose, a broken nose, a double


blue, grey, brown, with long eyelashes, with bushy eye-
brows, with thin eyebrows


big, gappy, sticking-out, even, crooked, broken, missing,
healthy, pearl-white, yellowish, decayed, rotten


pale, tanned, fair-skinned, olive-skinned, brown, black,


smart, well-dressed, elegant, fashionable, conservative, ca-
sual, shabby

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