Гуманитарный издательский

XV. a) Write the following numerals in words

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XV. a) Write the following numerals in words:
395, 745, 1950, 13 408, 282 867, 345 296, 5 712 133.
b) Read the following numerals:
273, 1882, 19 176, 30 016, 55 744, 81 614, 389 107, 6 271 398.
XVI. a) Ask your fellow student for permission ...
to go out; to come in; to open the window; to take the news
paper; to read; to go home; to begin reading; to close the door.
(The person you ask must give any of the following answers:
Certainly. You may. Do, please. I’m afraid not. You mustn’t.)
M o d e l : May I speak to the dean? — You may.
May I leave now? — I’m afraid not.

b) Give your permission to perform the actions given above.
M o d e l : You may speak to the dean.
c) Ask your fellow students to perform the actions given above. Don’t
forget to be polite.
M o d e l : Speak to the dean, please. (Will you speak to the
d) Ask your fellow students not to perform the actions given above.
M o d e l : Please, do not smoke here.
XVII. Arrange short dialogues using modal verbs.
M o d e l s : 1. May I take your pencil? — I’m afraid not, I need it.
Have you got a pen? — Yes, I have. — May I take
it? — Certainly. (Of course, you may.)
2. Can you come to see us tonight? — Sorry, I can’t,
but I can come tomorrow. — All right.
3. Shall (must) I read this exercise once more? — No,
you needn’t. That will do. Your reading is quite
XVIII. Write a short description of your classroom using the construc
tion there is
there is
there is
there is
there is, there are
there are
there are
there are
there are.
XIX. Act as a teacher of English. Ask your pupils:
1. to clean the blackboard; to use the duster; to bring some
chalk; 2. to tell you the date; to write it on the board; not to
stand in front of the board; 3. to come up to your desk; to read
the text; not to go so fast; to go to his place; 4. to check home
work; to correct the pronunciation or spelling of some word;
5. to collect the exercisebooks and to hand them in; 6. to switch
on the cassetterecorder; to listen to the text; 7. to wind (play) it
back; to switch off the cassetterecorder; 8. to have another try
and read distinctly.

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