Issn 305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. №1-1 (66) issn 2305-9397

Key words: rapeseed, precursor, moisture supply, nutrients, crop.  Introduction

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Журнал Наука и образование №3-3(68) 2022

Key words: rapeseed, precursor, moisture supply, nutrients, crop. 
Introduction. To organize a solid feed base, and increase the production of feed protein and 
vegetable oil, in addition to generally recognized feed crops, we need crops that are not demanding 
heat, are resistant to frost, with a short growing season, give a highly nutritious feed, maturing on 
seeds. These requirements are met by spring rapeseed, which belongs to high-protein crops. Rapeseed 
is rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, and minerals, grows well, develops everywhere, and produces high 
yields of green mass and seeds. Rapeseed is the most crucial source of cheap vegetable oil and high-
protein feed. Its seeds contain 40-50% fat and 21% protein. It is widely used in the food and technical 
industries and occupies a special place in feed production [1-4]. 
Rapeseed is of considerable food, fodder, technical, agrotechnical, and ecological importance. 
For the region of Northern Kazakhstan, such ways of rapeseed use as receiving high-quality vegetable 
oil as well as use for forage purposes are especially important. Considering that spring rape is an 
important crop for diversification, i.e., changing the assortment of agricultural production, its areas are 

______ ____________Ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдары 
increasing, which requires the development of a high level of cultivation technology, and in 
connection with this a detailed study of its main elements. 
Especially urgent in specific soil and climatic conditions of the steppe zone of Northern 
Kazakhstanis to consider the possibility of increasing the productivity of spring rape by improving the 
most mobile elements of technology: optimization of seeding rates and sowing dates, introducing 
different doses of mineral fertilizers and selection of varieties that provide the most complete 
realization of the climatic potential of the region. At the same time, on the basis of studying the 
peculiarities of culture biology in the relationship with the soil and climatic potential of the region, it is 
required to clarify the place of rape in a typical crop rotation of Northern Kazakhstan [5-8].During the 
development of rapeseed passes 10 phases requiring different conditions for their optimal course: 
swelling and nucleation of seeds, germination, seedlings, rosette, stemming, budding, flowering, 
filling of seeds, wax maturity, and full ripeness. Rapeseed refers to plants with rapidly germinating 
seeds and rapidly developing seedlings. The larger the seeds, the more vigorous, faster, and stronger 
the seedlings appear. For rapeseed, however, seed size and germination do not correlate, although 
large seeds are more viable. The emergence of rape sprouts is observed on days 5-8, the appearance of 
which is significantly influenced by the depth of embedding the seeds. The seeding depth of rape 
seeds does not exceed 1-2 cm; increasing the depth leads to greater herbage thinning, and sometimes 
to the death of crops. Germination of seeds and appearance of shoots in rapeseed strongly depend on 
the various features and duration of seeds storage. As a rule, long-stored seeds germinate very late and 
incompletely. Seeds germinate at soil temperatures no lower than 2-4°C. However, at such low 
temperatures, the germination period for seeds is delayed to 10-14 days. The optimum temperature for 
fast and friendly emergence of seedlings is 15-18 ° C, in which case the germination period is reduced 
to 4-5 days. The sum of active temperatures is 1600-1800°C [9-12]. 
During the period of4-5 leaves, the root system of rape reaches 12-18 cm. Its development 
depends on soil type, agrotechnical, and variety. Varieties that produce seeds in the year of sowing 
form a root system more quickly and are less developed than plants that do not produce seeds. Rape 
flowering duration depends on variety, geographical origin, and climatic and agrotechnical conditions. 
The plant is moisture-loving, especially during fruit formation and flowering, with a transpiration 
factor of 550-620 units. In hot and dry weather, it is faster, in wet weather is longer. Under our 
conditions, rapeseed flowering varies from 20to 40 days, with an average duration of one flower 
blossoming of 3 days. It is more demanding to the soil than other cabbage and oilseeds. It grows well 
on dark-chestnut soils. One of the main factors increasing gross yields of rape is variety. A proper 
selection of varieties is crucial. Not only knowledge of its biology and cultivation technology, but also 
highly plastic varieties for our region are necessary for the realization of rape productive potential [13-
Many researchers had studied the core issues of rapeseed cultivation technology. Nevertheless, 
this crop in Northern Kazakhstan is not widespread. One of the main reasons for unstable yields, as a 
rule, is a low level of agricultural technology, which is largely due to the lack of importance of 
biological characteristics and insufficient understanding of innovative technologies that help to reduce 
costs and energy intensity per unit of production. In the course of conducting scientific research, the 
following issues were studied: 
- influence of the main elements of water- and resource-saving technologies on the growth and 
development of rapeseed plants; 
- comprehensive assessment of rapeseed plants for yield, early ripeness, and crop structure. 
In the subzone of common black soil of the Akmola region, the natural and climatic conditions 
fully correspond to the cultivation of this valuable crop. In connection with the above, the 
improvement of the elements of cultivation technology that ensure the growth of yields, and the 
stability of the ecological situation is very relevant. 
The primary predecessor of rapeseed in our region is grain crops and fallow, prepared by 
different technologies. Sunflowers and legumes are bad predecessors for rapeseed, which are affected 
by the same diseases. The essential requirement when choosing a precursor for rape is clean fields of 
weeds. It is necessary to exclude its sowing on soils with low fertility, light texture, or soils, as well as 
on fields where herbicides of a long decay period may follow. In steppe farming, rape can be used to 
protect soils from water and wind erosion, for consideration, and to control weeds. It is a good 
precursor for most crops in crop rotation [16]. 

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