Кәріпжанова айнұр оралқызы фразеологиялық коннотацияның прагмастилистикасы

Теоретическая и практическая значимость исследования

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Теоретическая и практическая значимость исследования полученные результаты можно применить при углубленном изучении стилистики казахского языка, теории когнитивной лингвистики, анализа художественного текста, при составлении программ, учебно-методических пособии по казахскому языку и литературе, подготовке к лекциям и практическим занятиям в качестве дополнительного материала.
Структура диссертационного исследования. Диссертационная работа состоит из введения, 2 разделов, заключения и списка использованных источников.


10.02.02 – author's dissertation abstract in the specialty Kazakh language for obtaining the degree of candidate of philological sciences

Karipzhanova Ainur Oralovna

The pragmalinguistics of phraseological connotation
(on base of Mashur Zhussip`s works)

Research urgency: The thesis is devoted to the research of pragmalinguistics and connotation of phraseologisms, which are essential part of language and culture. Phraseological units are phenomena peculiar to all languages. Therefore such graphic means of language are widely investigated in many languages of the world. This phenomenon also is comprehensively considered in researches on the Kazakh linguistics. However the language nature of phraseological units, their art manner, connotation, estimated character still demand research.
In general view phraseological units are the objects of linguistics, but linguocultural, pragmatical, stylistic aspects of their research of connotations give the chance to understand features of phraseological units as language units, to participate in creation of the concepts.
In the XXI century there has been aroused the necessity of observing the connection between language, consciousness, culture and human everyday activity according to theoretical-cognitive method. This necessity requires development of new scientific trend in linguistics and anthropocentrical paradigm based on this trend.
Pragmostylistics in modern linguistics and phraseology is at the stage of development as a new direction. Its object of research, theoretical principles and scientific methods cause the numerous problems demanding comprehensive investigation of phraseological units. It is connected by that pragmostylistics with it’s diverse aspected object of research connects questions of research of such linguistic branches, as the pragmatics, communicative linguistics, psycholinguistics, text linguistics, linguistic poetics, logic, cognitive linguistics.
Phraseological units are based on the analysis from the informative point of view of the various sides, properties, qualities of a life, society and a person. If use of phraseological units in fiction is connected with features and specificity of using national language riches by each writer and a poet, they often find an application in the image of an epoch, a stage, a life of society, a social status of people. From this point of view phraseological units as a poetic graphic means express a creative originality, world-view, the art world of the author.
Considering that graphic force, stylistic and pragmatical influence of phraseological units are strong language devices, they make set of stylistic categories in any text. Phraseological units recovering language, give a sharpness to the language. Authors of art works, selecting necessaries from the phraseological structure of public language, use them, whenever possible altering, at times entering their own phraseological units.
Therefore research from the informative point of view of stylistic, estimated, expressional, emotional qualities of phraseological units in Mashhur Zhusup’s works, i.e. the substantial units having spiritual value, all necessary for occurrence in structure of phraseological fund of the Kazakh language, consideration of phraseological units in Mashhur Zhusup’s works in interrelation with such directions of linguistics as pragmostylistics, psycholinguistics, cognetive linguistics prove an urgency of the given work. This explains our interest for researching belles-lettres, understanding nature of text, features of text. We should mention Mashur Zhussip`s contribution to enriching phraseological fund of Kazakh language. Thus, our target is to research stylistic, valuating, expressive, emotional features of phraseologisms from cognitive point of view. The urgency of the thesis is to observe the phraseologisms of Mashur Zhussip`s works, using new trends of linguistics - pragmalinguistics and cognitive linguistics.

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