М инистерство образования и науки

IV. Choose infinitive or gerund and give your reasons

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IV. Choose infinitive or gerund and give your reasons:

1. Remember to go…..(go) to the bank. You've got to pay the bills.

2. I don't remember..... (see) this film before.
3. When he had written his first book he went on..... (write) seven more.
4. She went on.....(talk) even after her friend had fallen asleep.
5. I regret..... (leave) school at the age of 16.
6. I regret..... (tell) you that you have failed the test.
7. He means..... (build) a boat and travel round the world.
8. Doing well on this course means … (study) very hard.
9. I've been trying..... (start) this car for hours.
10. Why don't you try..... (put) some petrol in the tank?
11. Don’t want to drive a car; I'm afraid of.....(have) an accident.
12. He's afraid..... (walk) alone at night.
13. She forgot..... (invite) her best friend to the party.
14. I'll never forget….. (see) snow for the first time.
15. On the way home he stopped..... (buy) some chocolate.
16. The baby didn't stop..... (cry) all night.
17. These windows are dirty. They need..... (wash).
18. I want..... (speak) to Sally, please.

V. Open the brackets using the proper form of the Infinitive or Participle.

1. I heard him (to speak) to his friend about his voyage to far-away countries. 2. They wanted us (to do) this work as soon as possible. 3. For a long time they watched the girls (to play) tennis. 4. We didn't expect him (to be) so rude with his parents. 5. The revolution made lots of people (to leave) their native country. 6. I can't let you (quarrel) on trifles. 7. He was known (to be) an ethnologist and a linguist. 8. All of sudden she felt her limbs (to tremble). 9. The teacher was closely watching the students (to write) the dictation. There was no way to peep into a scribble.

VI. Analyse the Predicative Constructions. Translate into Russian.

1. The sound of the door opening again made him start like a guilty thing. (Murdoch) 2. He really strolled about, thinking, and then, the weather being cold, stepped into a hotel. (Dreiser) 3. He heard her answer him, words dropping with a soft, tender, cooling touch into the heat of his brain. (Greene) 4. I can't imagine your coming to see me at a time when you are fully satisfied with your life and work. (Caldwell) 5. After all these years it really is not worth while for you to play hide-and-seek with one another. (Maugham) 6. Calvin... departed laughing, and could be heard laughing and sneezing all the way down the stairs. (Murdoch) 7. He was afraid of the strike continuing a few days longer, of more taxes, of a Government defeat. (Greene) 8. Day after day through the spring no rains fell, and farmers, waiting for the floods of the rainy season to fill their rice-fields, saw their young crops dry up before their eyes. (Buck) 9. He watched her at evening, sitting by the lamp, with the mending on her lap, in the shabby living-room. (Lessing) 10. I won't have Carl talk that way. (Hemingway) 11. Every night the old man would have a fire of logs lit in the great stone fire-place. (Buck) 12. On his will being opened, after a decent interval, it was found to consist of two portions. (James) 13....we had heard planes coming, seen them pass overhead, watched them go far to the left and heard them bombing on the main high road. (Hemingway) 14. The film was not bad, but I could feel impatience radiating from her and knew she was longing for it to end. (Hansford Johnson) 15. She was moving towards the door, her head reverted, her heels clattering. (Faulkner) 16. I never knew, when we planned to meet, in what mood I should be likely to find her. (Hansford Johnson) 17. You can have no idea of... how I have missed the thought of your being near me somewhere! (Horgan) 18. I had heard these topics argued between the Americans and ourselves for years. (Snow) 19. She appeared to be very rich and important... (Priestley) 20. The sound of Mistress Affery cautiously chaining the door before she opened it, caused them both to look that way. (Dickens)

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