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III. Use the comparative or superlative degree of the adverbs

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III. Use the comparative or superlative degree of the adverbs.
1. Then the bus... began to run, still, through a long avenue, (fast) (Faulkner)
2....moreover, he was educated than the others. (well) (Buck)
3. She was the one who was being hurt ­___ (deeply) (Wilson)
4. He contrived to get a glimpse of Montanelli once or ___ in every week, if only for a few minutes. (often) (Voynich)
5. Driving ___ now, she arrived between four and five. (slowly) (Galsworthy)
6. However, I must bear my cross as ___ I may. (well) (Shaw)
7. Then he dismissed the thought as unworthy and impossible, and yielded himself ___ to the music. (freely) (London)
8. He followed her mental process ___ now, and her soul was no __ the sealed wonder it had been. (clearly; long) (London)
9. Felix's eyebrows rose __ than ever. (high) (James)
10. It was a comfort to Margaret about this time, to find that her mother drew ___ and _____ towards her than she had ever done since the days of her childhood. (tenderly; intimately) (Gaskell)

IV. Say whether the words in –ly are the adjectives, the adverbs or modal words.
1. Davidson was struck by the difference in his manner: so friend­ly when he went down the line, and now so contemptuously official. (Aldington).
2. Manson’s nature was extraordinarly intense. Probably he derived this from his mother. (Cronin).
3.The air was too scented, it gave no breath. All the lush green-stuff seemed to be issuing its sap, till the air was deathly, sickly with the smell of greenness. (Lawrence).
4. Certainly it was astonishing that she should be preoccupied with her schemes for the welfare of Constance (Bennett).
5. At last there was the halt... The soldiers were steaming with heat, but were lively. (Lawrence).
6. Evidently he treated this experienced and sad woman of fifty as a young girl (Bennett).
7. "You treat a man as coward because he has a tacti­cal sense... It is not cowardly to know what is foolish." (Heming­way).
8. Fortunately there were few people at the morning surgery (Cronin).
9. It was nearly dinner−time when he got back (Maugham).
10. He bore no resemblance to the smart coachman of a success­ful doctor, but was... wizened and slovenly. (Cronin).
11. Dr. Macphail hardly knew why he had made up his mind to appeal to the governor. (Maugham).
12. He restrained himself with difficulty from rising and revisiting the case at an unearthly hour of the morning. (Cronin).
13. There was a clearing where timber had lately been failed. (Lawrence).
14. He wore no hat, his hair was black and shaggy and his handclasp was strong and friendly. His eyes were friendly too. (Hemingway).
15. Perhaps I was just feel­ing like this because it was a lovely day... (Du Maurier).

1. Блох М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. − М.: Высшая школа, 2003. – С. 138-146.
2. Блох М.Я., Семенова Т.Н., Тимофеева С.В. Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка. – М.: Высш. шк., 2004. – С. 220.
3. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грам­матика современного английского языка. − М.: Высшая школа, 1981. – С. 87-89.
4. Ильиш Б.А. Строй современного английского языка: Учебник. – Л.: Просвещение, 1971. – С. 146-148.

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