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The problems for discussion

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The problems for discussion
1. The correlation of the syntactic and actual division of the sentence.
2. The notion of theme, the rheme, the transition.
3. Language means of expressing the theme and the rheme.
4. Actual division of the sentence with non−finite forms of the verb.

Key terms: informative value, informative perspective, actual division (functional analysis, communicative analysis), theme (“basis”, starting point of communication), rheme (“nucleus”, communicative centre, “peak” of communication), transition (subrheme, secondary rheme), logical analysis of proposition (logical subject, logical predicate), direct (unspecialized, unmarked) actual division, inverted (reverse, specialized, marked) actual division, inverted word order, rhematic (logical) accent, elliptical sentence

I. Dwell upon the actual division of the sentences and the language means used to mark it.
MODEL: a) The time came for her to dance with Adams.
T1→R1 T2→R2
This sentence represents a case of double theme-rheme construc­tion:

b) As for la Falterona, she had a natural and healthy contempt for the arts.
The antetheme "la Falterona" is introduced with the help of the phrase "as for"; the theme of the sentence is "she", the rheme is "had a natural and healthy contempt for the arts".

1. Mary brought in the fruit on a tray ... (Mansfield). 2. From five to six is my real working time. (Shaw). 3."Nobody's well in this world." (Coppard). 4. Two is company, three is none. 5.The rhododendrons were upon us ... Already they looked a little over-blown, a little faded... Theirs was a brief beauty. (Du Maurier). 6. Those are your clerk's initials, aren't they? (Berke­ley). 7. Unfortunately the innocent are always involved in any con­flict. (Greene). 8. To come out of Wales into England was like the change from china to earthenware! (Galsworthy). 9. One never knows another human being. (Greene). 10. All is well, said that sleeping face ... But all the same you had to cry ... (Mansfield). 11. How to attain them I didn't know. (Braine). 12. I've always found that intuitions are rarely wrong. Mine work very well ... (Braine). 13. It was a rare tonic to see Con again ... (Cronin). 14. It was pos­sible to see the hen-house from the window of her bedroom ... (Bates). 15. "You heard the news?" — "Yes".— "It's a terrible thing," he said, "terri­ble". (Greene). 16. It was she who had stopped the car ... (Galsworthy). 17. It cast a gloom over the boat, there being no mustard. (Jerome). 18. It was the steppe that seemed unreal. (Lessing). 19. It was the dignity that checked my tongue. (Lessing). 20. "Teddilinks, light a fire, quick." (Lawrence)

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