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I. State the structural type of the sentences

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I. State the structural type of the sentences. Say a) if they are extend­ed or unextended, b) if the two-member sentences are complete or incomplete.
1. Ben closed his eyes to think clearly for a moment. (Aldridge.) 2. "Two cups of coffee, please,... young Flynn timidly ordered. ... "What else do you want?" — "Jam turnover," replied the child. (Coppard). 3. "Why did you leave her [the baby] in that mill?" — "Out of the rain." — "In her pram?" — "Naturally. She's asleep." ...The mystery was awful and complete. Abandoned peram­bulator! Total disappearance of a baby! Rapine! Brigandage! Ran­som! Horror! Martyrdom! Death! (Bennett). 4. Scene I — A room in Harley Street furnished as the Superintendent's Office in a Nurs­ing Home. (Berkeley).

II. Analyse the following sentences according to the form given.
Model: Clarice was waiting for me in my bedroom. (Du Maurier).
It is a simple extended sentence.
"Clarice" is the subject expressed by a proper noun.
''was waiting" is a simple predicate expressed by the verb "to wait"
in the Past Continuous Tense, singular.
"for me" is a prepositional object expressed by a personal pronoun, first person, singular, in the objective case, preceded by the pre­position "for".
"in my bedroom" is an adverbial modifier of place expressed by a prepositional phrase.

1. Mary shook off her mantle with a shrug of her shoulders. (Cronin).)

2. Passengers getting out of the open doore were bowled along the Platform. (Cronin). 3. Trasker had been watching her with an inexplicable flush on his face ... (Wilson). 4. Dinner at the Traskers' had become by this time almost a family routine for the Gorins. (Wilson). 5. Several shutters were put up in the windows of the shop to indicate a death. (Bennett). 6. The customer sent up by Constance had occupied the surface of her life for ten minutes, trying on hats. (Bennett). 7. She saw him put a piece of folded white paper on the top edge of the screening box and flick it down to her. (Bennett). 8. This was a disagreeable way of putting the business. (Dickens). 9. The two women stood side by side looking at the slender, flowering tree. Mansfield). 10. She had to talk because of her desire to laugh. (Mansfield). 11. One win­ter afternoon she had been buying something in a little antique shop in Curzon Street. (Mansfield). 12. 1 opened the knife, and cut a length of twine, and came back into the room again. (Du Mau­rier). 13. ... this time he allowed me to touch him and pull hold of his collar. (Du Maurier). 14. Most of the western rivers flow down a steep slope near the sea and are short and rapid. (Wide World Reader). 15. The southern rivers also rise near the coast and have short and rapid courses. (Wide World Reader). 16. The valley of the Tweed is remarkable for its magnificent trees. 17. The ebb and flow to and from the great shallow of the North Sea produces an alternating tidal race, running with a speed of from six to ten knots an hour. 18. The contrast between the south-east and the north-west of Britain depends on a fundamental distinction in rock structure. 19. The well known cyclone on the 28 of December in 1879 was a real storm, the wind amounting in some places to a severe gale. 20. From the Pennine Chain good building stone, marble, and lime are obtained in large quantities. 21. Birmingham, England's "Second City", has the reputation of being able to make anything from an ancient relic to the automobile. 22. Stratford-upon-Avon is an irresistibly attractive country town.

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