Методические указания по изучению английского языка для специальности 270205. 65 «автомобильные дороги и аэродромы»

Find Russian equivalents to the following

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2. Find Russian equivalents to the following:


communication systems


to share the same roads


speed limit


road conditions


uniform pictorial signs


no-passing zones


opposing streams of traffic


reflective devices

3. Agree or disagree with the following sentences:

  1. Traffic control systems include only signs and lights.

  2. The system of traffic control never varies depending on its location.

  3. Motorists depend on traffic control devices to avoid collisions and travel safely.

  4. Traffic signs are the most extensively used form of traffic control in the United States.

  5. White and red paint is customarily used for pavement markings.


A woman is in a hurry and takes a taxi. The taxi goes at great speed and narrowly misses some lampposts, trams and policemen. The woman is frightened and says to the taxi-driver: "Please, be careful. This is the first time I've been in a taxi." "That's all right, ma'am," answers the taxi-driver. "This is the first time I have driven one."

Lesson 15


(PART 2)

3. Traffic Signals

The signal light is probably the most easily recognized traffic control device. At a busy intersection in a large city, a traffic signal may control the movements of more than 100,000 vehicles per day. More than 60 percent of all miles driven each year are on roadways controlled by traffic signals.

Traffic signals direct streams of vehicles and pedestrians when to go or stop. The signals increase the traffic-handling capacity of most intersections. They can work independently on timers, or connect to a computer-controlled system that operates over several intersections. In a computerized system, traffic detectors are placed at several locations—generally in the pavement. A computer scans the traffic information from each detector. The computer then selects the best timing for each signal to reduce traffic congestion and minimize delays. Traffic signals often allow certain types of vehicles, such as ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars, to trigger light changes. This control over signals helps speed emergency vehicles along while reducing the chances of collisions with other traffic in intersections.
4. Priority Control

In one of the oldest methods of traffic control, one form of transportation is given priority by restricting or banning other forms of transportation. In the 1st century B.C., Roman emperor Julius Caesar banned wheel traffic from Rome during daytime, which allowed pedestrians and horse riders to move more freely around the city. Some modern cities ban or restrict truck travel through certain neighborhoods.

Bus lanes and high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes1 exist in many urban areas. Only specified types of vehicles—primarily those carrying several occupants—can use these lanes. By giving priority to high-occupancy vehicles, transportation planners reduce congestion.
5. Restraints

As an alternative to banning traffic, traffic control planners use devices to discourage heavy use of a route. Islands built in the centers of intersections force drivers to proceed slowly. Speed bumps discourage high-speed commuting through residential neighborhoods. Concrete median strips prevent vehicles from making turns except at intersections.

1high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane - полоса движения, выделенная для машин, в которых едут два и более человека включая водителя
1. traffic signal - дорожный знак

2. control device - регулятор, устройство контроля

3. location - местоположение

4. busy intersection - перекресток с оживленным движением

5. pavement - тротуар

6. congestion - затор ( уличного движения )

7. ambulance - машина скорой помощи

8. fire truck - пожарная машина

9. emergency vehicle - автомобиль технической помощи

10. to restrict - ограничивать

11. to ban - запрещать

12. residential neighborhood – жилой район окрестности, область, район

13. urban area - городская территория

14. occupant – пассажир, житель

15. restraint - ограничение

16. median – разделяющая полоса между проезжими частями магистральной дороги

17. turn– поворот

18. speed bump -асфальтовый гребень поперёк проезжей части (с целью замедлить движение транспорта возле школы и т. п.)

1. Найдите в правой колонке перевод английских слов:


traffic signal

a) местоположение



b) разделяющая полоса между проезжими частями магистральной дороги



c) перекресток с оживленным движением



d) бетон


busy intersection

e) поворот


to ban

f) пассажир



g) дорожный знак



h) тротуар


bus lane

i) затор



j) запрещать


control device

k) дорожная полоса для движения автобусов



l) регулятор, устройство контроля

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the most easily recognized traffic control device?

  2. How do the traffic signals work?

  3. How did the emperor Julius Caesar regulate the traffic?

  4. How do transportation planners reduce congestion?

  5. What is the alternative to banning traffic?

Turn Out the Lights”

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the economy of Seattle stumbled as it was hit by rising inflation, nationwide oil shortages, and growing unemployment. During that time, many people left the city to look for work elsewhere, and the standing joke in the city became “Will the last person leaving Seattle turn out the lights.”

Lesson 16

Advances in computers and communications technology have produced new applications in traffic control. A satellite system developed by the military for navigation, called the global positioning system (GPS), is now being applied to traffic control of all forms of transportation. In the rail industry, for example, satellite-tracking devices mounted on locomotives can identify a train’s exact location by using GPS. Railroad dispatchers use this information about train locations to control the distances between trains on the same routes. With this system, called positive train separation (PTS), a train’s location and speed are sent to the railroad equivalent of an air traffic control tower. At a control center, computers scan train locations and speeds, predict hazards, and inform the train crews. Similar GPS tracking and traffic control are being developed for highway, marine, and air travel.

Computerized Traffic Lights

Smart” traffic lights can sense and respond to traffic because of a wire loop (проволочная петля) embedded (встраивать) in the road. Electric current (электрический ток), run through the loop, creates a magnetic field. When a car bumper interferes with this field, a signal is sent to a roadside traffic computer. The computer monitors traffic flow, coordinating a light change as soon as it is safe.

Computer technology eventually may lead to intelligent transportation systems (ITS). In ITS, automobiles equipped with onboard computers and display terminals would automatically receive route location and traffic information. Predictions for the future include fully automated systems with traffic completely controlled by computers. Drivers would instruct traffic control computers where they want to go and the computers would operate the car, delivering it to its destination.

1. advance - прогресс, достижение

2. application - применение

3. satellite system - спутниковая система

4. military- вооруженные силы

5. to mount - монтировать, устанавливать

6. global positioning system - глобальная (спутниковая) система определения местоположения абонента сотовой связи

7. to predict hazard - предсказывать, прогнозировать опасность, аварийную ситуацию

8. to equip - оборудовать
2. Решите кроссворд

1. Car, ship, tram, etc. -?

2. An underground passage through the mountain.

3. Engines which drive trains.

4. The distance divided by the time of travel.


6. Knowledge which comes from practice.

Keys (ex.2) : 1. transport; 2. tunnel; 3. locomotives; 4.speed; 5.degree; 6.experience
3. Найдите в правой колонке перевод английских слов:


traffic control

автомобиль технической помощи


urban area

правила дорожного движения


busy intersection

дорожный знак



1) предупреждение; предостережение 2) предупреждающий сигнал


emergency vehicle

городская территория


road regulations



speed bump

устройство, прибор


traffic sign

пассажир, житель


to restrict

перекресток с оживленным движением


pavement marking

линия деления проезжей части дороги



регулирование уличного движения



асфальтовый гребень поперёк проезжей части

Lesson 17

1. Travelling by car at a high speed is an exciting experience. Car races attract a lot of spectators and racing drivers have crowds of admirers.
a) Listen to the detective story "The Blue Star" about a racing driver, Mr. Finch, and his favourite car, "the Blue Star". Be ready to answer the questions below. Try to find an explanation for Mr. Finch's decision.

  1. Where did Mr. Finch keep his car?

  2. When was the big race to start?

  3. What happened one night?

  4. Who offered Mr. Finch his help?

  5. What did Mr. Finch tell the old man?

  6. Why didn't the old man want Mr. Finch to take part in the race?

  1. Retell the story.

  2. You are Mr. Finch. Tell your friends about the incident.

Blue Star
Tom Finch was a top racing driver. His best racing car was called the Blue Star. The big race was in seven days time and Tom Finch was going to drive the Blue Star in k. But all of a sudden one night somebody broke the window of his garage and tried to steal the Blue Star.

The next day an old man came to see Tom. He knew about the race and said that he would sit in the garage for six nights and watch over the Blue Star. It would be quite safe if he was in the garage all night. Tom agreed

Next morning before breakfast the old man rang Mr. Finch's door bell. His face was white and he was very excited.

"Please, Mr Finch, don't race the Blue Star in six days time."

The racing driver was very much surprised and asked "Why not?" The old man answered: "I had a bad dream last night. You were driving the Blue Star in a big race and a black cat ran just in front of your car. It was not far from the last bend. You pulled the car over to the right tad it crashed into the crowd of spectators. Then it exploded and caught fire» You were killed at once, sir. Please, it was horrible, Mr. Finch. Don't drive in the big race."

Mr. Finch thought a little and said: "I will certainly drive in the big race. And you - you take your money for one night's work. Don’t come again."

The old man couldn't understand and asked for an explanation.

What did Mr. Finch tell him?

Mr. Finch did not want to pay the old man for sleeping.
2. Can you drive a car? Do you have a driving license? Do you think it is difficult to pass a driving test in order to get a driving license?

a) Listen to the story "A Driving Test". Then fill in the chart.


Times of the test

Number of mistakes

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

  1. Check your answers with your teacher or groupmates.

  2. Read the. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

A Driving Test
Mr. Shaw took the driving test for the first time in May. After the test the examiner said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shaw, you failed the test. You didn't drive well enough. You turned left on the corner of Wilson and King and the sign there says: "No left turn". Then you drove 40 m.p.h. on King Street and the sign there says: "Speed limit 30 m ph." Then you went, through two red lights And you didn't park well"

"Can 1 again?" asked Mr. Shaw. "Sure," said the examiner, "but you'll have to pay again." "That's all right," said Mr. Shaw. "I'll pass it next time. I'll drive more slowly and more carefully."

Mr. Shaw came back in June and took the test for the second time. He had the same examiner. After the test the examiner said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shaw, you failed the test again. You drove too carelessly again. This time you turned right on the comer of Wilson and Eon and the sign mere says: "No right turn". You drove too quickly. You drove 35 m.p.h. on Princess Avenue and the speed limit there is 30 m.p.h. and then you parked at a "No parking" sign."

"Can I take the test again?" asked Mr. Shaw.

"Sure," said the examiner, "but you'll have to pay for the test again."

"That's all right," said Mr. Shaw. "I'll pass it next time. I won't drive so quickly and so carelessly."

In July Mr. Shaw came back and took the driving test for the third time. This time the examiner said: "Congratulations, Mr. Shaw, you've passed the test! You drove very well this time. You didn't go through any red lights. You didn't drive too quickly. And you parked beautifully. What hap­pened?"

Mr. Shaw smiled and said: "I went to a doctor. He told me to get a pair of glasses. Now I can read."

3. Match the signs with their meanings.

1. You will have to pay to cross the river.
2. You can't go any farther than this.
3. You should slow down.
4. You don't have to pay to put your car here.
5. You may cross the street.
6. You must not enter the street from this direction.
7. You must not exceed the speed limit.
8. You should give way to all vehicles.

4. a) You are preparing for a driving test. Say what a driver must do when he sees the following road signs.

b) A traffic inspector is examining a student who wants to get a driving, license. The student can pass a driving test if he gets five points. One point is given for each correct answer.
INSPECTOR: During the test you show eight road signs without legends and ask the driver to explain what he must do when he sees them.

STUDENT: Try to answer all the inspector's questions.

Lesson 18


A Road Accident
It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning. At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people in sight. Just as I was crossing the road near the top of the hill, a car came round the corner. It was travelling very fast and the driver was obviously having difficulty in controlling it. Suddenly it swerved violently, skidded on the wet road, hit a lamp-post and turned over.

At once I ran to the car to assist the driver, but he was unconscious and there was a lot of blood on his face. A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance while I took care of the driver. A number of other people gathered round the car, but there wasn't a great deal we could do. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions about the accident. Shortly afterwards the man came round, and he-was groaning quietly when the ambulance arrived at high speed and rushed him away to hospital.

On Monday morning I went to the hospital to enquire about the man. They told me that his injuries were not serious after all and that he was rapidly getting over the effects of the accident.

1. Найдите в правой колонке перевод английских слов:








to swerve

без сознания



ударить фонарный столб


wet road

отклоняться от прямого пути, сворачивать в сторону


hit a lamp-post

заносить (об автомобиле)


turn over



to assist smb.

несчастный случай; авария






помочь кому-л.



машина скорой помощи



мокрая дорога

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