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Серия Педагогическая № 1. 2018
ПМУ Хабаршысы, ISSN 1811-1831 Педагогикалық сериясы № 1. 2018
2 Retraining of specialists in the field of natural Sciences, including ecology 
(without basic pedagogical education) qualification - a teacher of ecology.
Analysis of the literature on pedagogical conditions of realization of continuous 
ecological education system (at different stages of continuous education) allows to 
identify the main problems and difficulties in the way of its effective implementation [2]. 
Insufficient teacher training on issues of environmental education. The lack of 
methodical-didactic complex of the educational field «ecology» Not a development 
methodology of environmental education.
The lack of continuity at different stages of continuous environmental education. 
Weak material and technical base of environmental education of the younger generation. 
The specificity of the environmental training of teachers is that:
– this training (and refresher training) should be conducted as soon as possible, that 
is a temporary setting acts as a prompt for environmental education of the generations 
of the XXI century;
– in the system of ecological preparation of teachers one of the key areas is the 
development of abilities (skills) teachers to conduct research in the field of environmental 
– in the system of ecological preparation of teachers one of the key areas is the 
development of abilities (skills) teachers to conduct research in the field of environmental 
– environmental training of teachers should aim at developing managerial skills 
of coordinating the activities of the teachers of related subjects (natural science, socio-
humanitarian, artistic, aesthetic, etc. cycles) around specific problems of integrative 
– environmental training of teachers requires his acquaintance with the foundations 
of many other Sciences, is not studied in the framework of a basic higher education
– environmental training is aimed at developing skills of the teacher to respond 
quickly to advances in modern environmental science – science is relatively young, 
rapidly evolving, from time to time clarifying his views on many of the environmental 
problems of the modern world;
– environmental training allows you to expand the technological field teachers, 
by non-traditional courses for line monitoring technology, modeling technology and 
design, technology research and etc.; 
– training of teachers in environmental education can enhance ecological and 
valeological culture of a teacher, involving the understanding of problems in the system 
«human Health – health and environment»; 
– environmental training of teachers reveals a possible way of humanization of 
education, affecting the basic elements of the educational process: goal setting, content, 
technologies, educational results and of the environmental and health assessment of 
their effectiveness; environmental teacher training allows you to increase the level of 
education in the field of social Sciences, to master the methods of sociological research 
(sociological surveys on problems of the environment is one component of the standard 
of school environmental education (project)). 
Alekseev, S. V. Theory and methodology of ecological-pedagogical training 
of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. – SPb. : Spetslit, 2001. – 205 p. 
Khamzina, S. S. Theoretical-methodological basis of greening of higher 
education. Textbook. – Pavlodar : ECO, 2003. – 142 p.
Material received on 12.02.18.
Б. Ғ. Сәрсенбаева

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