Вестник ПГУ, ISSN 1811-1831
Серия Педагогическая № 1. 2018
ПМУ Хабаршысы, ISSN 1811-1831
Педагогикалық сериясы № 1. 2018
заинтерисованности и самоактивности к подготовке развития
деятельности к учебному процессу. Возможности музыки оказывать
существенное влияние на духовный мир ребенка, воспитывать
в нем такие чувства, как патриотизм, высокую порядочность,
нравственность и изысканность.
Nowadays formation of students’ musical culture is the most actual
problem. In organization of musical activities for students the tutors have
the following objectives: to awaken students’ interest in the art of music, to
develop the ability of music perception and musical performance propaganda.
For achieving this goal the tutors should use a number of multiple
To study the musical culture of pupils is primarily the ability to conscious
learning. It depends on the degree of interest and self-activity in the preparation
of development activities to the educational process. The possibilities of music
to have a significant impact on the spiritual world of the child, to instill in him
such feelings as patriotism, high decency, morality and refinement.
ҒТАМР 786.1(07)
М. Әмзе
PhD докторанты, Құрманғазы атындағы
Қазақ ұлттық консерваториясы,
Алматы қ., 050050, Қазақстан Республикасы
e-mail: musamze@gmail.com
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