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The primary advantage of IWBs is their ability to integrate Web 2.0 tools and computer-based programs into any lesson. With these boards, teachers can present information via power point presentation with built in links to websites, videos, and podcasts in a lesson. Teachers can adjust their presentation on the fly to allow teachable moments or bring in additional supporting material to support a lesson and explain difficult concepts. IWB allow work to be saved, printed out or adapted for future use.

IWBs appeal to visual and kinesthetic learners because of their interactive presentations. Verbal and auditory learners develop a better understanding of materials during large group interactive lessons. The ability for students to touch the screen and interact with the material being taught encourages their physical participation in lessons.

The IWB can be used in different stages of the lesson. It can serve as a means to introduce the aim of the lesson and present introductory materials. You may have to build in some thinking time for children to look and process the new information displayed before continuing with the introduction. After the introduction, pupils can work through examples on the IWB to consolidate the teaching points. This needs to be thought through so that they are truly interactive. Alternatively, present introductory materials could be hidden, and referred to at a later point in the lesson.

Possible opportunities for resourcing and supporting lesson with the help of IWB

It can help you create engaging content like word games, quizzes, crossword puzzles and sorting tables, study guides, pictures, images, worksheets, or other scanned materials as well as downloadable resources (software programmes) power point presentation with built in links to websites, videos, animations and podcasts. Lessons move and respond with as much energy as students.

Hide the Answer/ word (number) prediction

Place the answer to any question in a text box and mark over it using a pen with the same color as the background of presentation to hide the answer. When it is time to reveal the answer,

simply use the smart board or IWB eraser to reveal the answer. You can discuss their choices before asking pupils to reveal the hidden word (number etc.).

Reordering the text (any information)/sequencing

Reordering the text enables children to show their understanding of appropriate features of a certain information or style of writing. You can present various parts of a text (different figure or numbers etc.) onto flipchart page and present them on the IWB in the wrong order. Pupils can discuss as a group or with partner how to reorder the text, making notes to refer to as they go, then some may come to the IWB to highlight and arrange the passage correctly. Asking pupils to sequence the parts of the story provide a purposeful way to demonstrate their understanding of the topic.

Annotating images, pictures, texts, pupils’ work etc.

You can scan image, picture or text to display on an IWB and use the IWB’s pens and other on-screen tools, such as shapes and highlighters, to annotate it. The example of possible pupil’s work that demonstrate the successful- or not so successful application of the particularly lesson topic, and then collaboratively see how they can improve their writing, thus with a help of IWB there is a possibility to integrate assessment for learning into teaching practice.

Digital microscope
Digital microscope allows the children to view objects and creatures in detail for various reasons.


This can be used to good effect in science. Pupils can be shown large images on the IWB of close up details of experiments, gaining a better understanding of the science involved.

Data loggers

Data loggers have a lot to offer in science, used with or without IWB. Pupils can use them independently of the computer to log different kind of data. Having been connected to the computer the software downloads the data, which can be converted into tables, graphs which can be used in the process of presenting their findings. This can also be displayed on the IWB to explore all manner of variables.

Save Student Work for Wiki or Blog

After students have solved a math problem, corrected English grammar, completed a science concept map, or other student work, do not erase it. Clone the page to show multiple solutions to the same problem or idea. Export the lesson as a pdf file, upload it to slideshare.net (which is free), copy the code developed by slideshare, and embed it in the class Wiki or blog.

Making Connections with IWB in Schools

Additional Web 2.0 tools which can be integrated into lessons and its preparation on smart boards or interactive white boards include Facebook.com, ilike.kz. Kaztube.kz, YouTube.com. These boards have moved lesson to a whole new level of interactivity and student engagement in the learning process.

Presentations with Power Point

Power Point presentation is the most common presentation software found in schools. Here are a few tips for putting together effective presentations.

  • First of all it should be used to create stimulating, informative and entertaining presentations.


  • Use variety of media – text, graphics, animations, sound and video, web and hyperlinks along with bullet points of main information of the presentation.

  • Keep it simple – don’t use too much text on each slide as pupils can’t keep up with the flood of information.

  • Make text as large as possible and keep it well spaced

  • Don’t use too many colours as this can cause a headache

  • Make sure the background colours do not clash with the text or make it difficult to read

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