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Внедрение результатов исследований

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Внедрение результатов исследований: основные положения исследования обсуждены на заседании кафедры общетехнических дисциплин и методики трудового обучения и изложены в материалах международных, республиканских, региональных конференций (Қарағанды, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005; Астана, 2005; Көкшетау, 2007; Пенза, 2008; Болгария, 2010); научных журналах «ҚарМУ хабаршысы», «Ұлт тағылымы», «Ізденіс», внедрены в практику деятельности Карагандинского государственного университета им. академика Е.А. Букетова.

Рекомендации по внедрению результатов научно-исследовательской работы:

- процесс подготовки будущего бакалавра профессионального обучения к проектировочной деятельности должна быть основана на вариативности (внедрение дополнительных условий для совершенствования системы и выявление неблагоприятных условий для его развития); единстве деятельности и взаимоотношении (овладение видами деятельности, способствующими для развития личности), на принципах саморазвития и самореализации.

- в процессе подготовки будущего бакалавра профессионального обучения к проектировочной деятельности формируются: интересы к видам деятельности; ценностные отношения к проектировочной деятельности; знания о проектировочной деятельности; умения к использованию проектировочной деятельности и рефлексии.

- рекомендованная нами методика подготовки будущего бакалавра профессионального обучения к проектировочной деятельности дает возможность повысить качество профессионального образования, поэтому может быть применяться в педагогическом процессе учреждений профессионального образования;

- с учетом современных требований системы подготовки специалистов необходимо обеспечить новым теоретико-методологическим содержанием, для реализации которого необходимо внести дополнения в содержание высшего и среднего специального образования;

- рекомендованный нами в ходе исследования спецсеминар «Методика подготовки будущего бакалавра профессионального обучения к проектировочной деятельности» для совершенствования методической подготовки преподавателей может быть использован и в системе повышения квалификации переподготовки кадров;

- результаты эффективного использования разработанного спецкурса «Основы проектировочной деятельности» дают возможность включить в рабочие учебные планы других педагогических специальностей.

Область использования результатов исследования: высшие учебные заведения, система повышения квалификации педагогических кадров.

Перспектива исследования заключается в дальнейшей теоретической и практической разработке процесса формирования компетентности будущего бакалавра профессионального обучения к проектировочной деятельности с использованием информационных технологий, его методов, средств и организационных форм совершенствования.


Utebaev Issatay Seitovich

Preparation of future bachelor of professional training for the design activity on the basis of competency building approach

13.00.08 – Theory and methods of professional education

At the transition stage of Kazakhstan to the market economy, the current socio-economic situation is characterized by the growth of employer need for professionally competent staff. Professional competency is related to the quality of vocational training. That is why the received education is recognized to be of the high quality, if its results correspond with the specified objectives and predicted in the zone of potential development of future professionals.

Modernization of the vocational training content requires its renewal on the basis of competency building approach. Today, the competency building approach in teaching has been widely discussed by scientific and educational community and is formulated as a response of educators to the outside world requests.

In the contemporary context of development of vocational training system there is a new component of the professional competence of teachers of vocational training - the competence in the field of the design process, which must be formed already in higher educational institution.

Object of the research: the pedagogical process at the higher educational institution.

The purpose of the research: theoretical grounding and methodical development of the preparatory process of future vocational training bachelor for the design activity on the basis of competency building approach.

Methodological and theoretical basics of research: Epistemology and the propositions of the universal connection of all the processes and phenomena in nature and society, methodological concepts of integral, systemic, personal approaches; theory of integral pedagogical process, the concept of continuous education, scientific theories on the role of information technology, theory and methodology of vocational education.

Research sources: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Education act" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State program for the development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010, the writings of philosophers, educators, psychologists on the research matter, regulatory documents on education, state educational standards, teaching materials , curricula.

Methods of research:

- Analytical (analysis of the methodological literature, modeling, systematisation, etc.);

- Diagnostic (survey, individual and group interviews, discussions, monitoring, testing, etc.);

- Statistical (mathematical and statistical analysis of research results).

Results of the research:

1) specified the essence of the concept of " preparation of future bachelor of vocational training for the design activity ";

2) worked out a model of future bachelor of vocational training for the design activity on the basis of competency building approach;

3) defined the criteria and indicators of bachelor preparation of vocational training for the design activity;

4) worked out a methodology of preparing the future bachelor of vocational training for the design activity;

5) experimentally tested the effectiveness of the worked out methodology of preparing the future bachelor of vocational training for the design activity.

Worked out and implemented in the educational process of higher education institutions to provide practical assistance:

- special seminar for improving the methodological training of trainers "Methodology of design activity formation of vocational training teachers;
- special course "Fundamentals of the design activity";

- addition to the content of the disciplines "Pedagogy," "Introduction to the specialty", "Theoretical foundations of engineering science".

Implementation of research results: basic propositions of the research discussed at the meeting of the department of general technical disciplines and methodolgy of vocational training and presented in the materials of international, national, regional conferences (Karaganda, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, Astana, 2005; Kokshetau, 2007, Penza, 2008; Bulgaria, 2010); academic periodicals "KarMU habarshysy "," Ult tagylymy," Izdenis ", introduced into the activity practice of Karaganda State University after academician Y.A.Buketov.

Recommendations for the implementation of results of research work:

- the process of preparing the future bachelor of vocational training for the design activity should be based on the variability (the introduction of additional conditions for improving the system and revealing of unfavorable conditions for its development), the unity of the activity and relationship (the mastery of activities that contribute to personal development), on the principles of self-development and self-realization.

  - In the preparation process of future bachelor of vocational training for design activity: the interests in types of activities, value relations to the design activity; knowledge of design activity, the skill of using the design activity and reflection are formed.

- Recommended methods of preparing the future bachelor of professional training for the design activity provide an opportunity to improve the quality of vocational training, so it can be applied in the educational process of institutions of vocational training;

- Taking into account up to date standards of personnel training system it is necessary to provide theoretical and methodological content, for the implementation of which it is necessary to make additions to the content of Higher and Vocational Secondary Education;

- Recommended course of study special seminar "Methods of preparation of future Bachelor of vocational training for the design activity" for improving teacher training methodology can be used in a system further training and retraining;

- The results of the effective use of the worked out special course "Fundamentals of the design activity" provide an opportunity to include in the curricula of other educational specialties.

Field of research results application: higher education establishments, the system of further training of teachers.

The research perspective consists in the further theoretical and practical development of competency formation process of future bachelor to the design activity using information technology, its methods, means and forms of organizational improvement.

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