Volzhenina E. A., Kalugin A. V.
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Methods and forms of education in the Russian Federation are con-
stantly being improved and modernized. The introduction of modern
technologies, namely digital projectors, multimedia boards, visual
aids and other demonstration materials, significantly increases the
degree of learning information in the classroom. This is achieved by
using several types of memory at the same time. According to ex-
perts, the effectiveness of mastering the material in the classroom
directly depends on the motivation of students. There are several
ways to increase student motivation. Currently, the rating system
is actively used. The essence of the system is to assign marks (rat-
ings) to students, depending on the activity in the lesson. Further,
during the semester, there is a constant accounting of current re-
sults. The method is effective, however, not all results can be taken
into account, and the final and current rating may not be known to
the student. Therefore, it is proposed to use a more effective meth-
od – the method of ranking students.
Keywords: student ranking method, current rating, final rating, ac-
ceptable rating values, maximum sufficient rating values.
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