Почвоведение и агрохимия

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Биология почв 
Почвоведение и агрохимия, №4, 2020 
Acknowledgements. This work was conducted under the project AP08857501 
«Improvement and development of highly sensitive methods for ensuring food safety in Ka-
zakhstan» funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan from 2020 to 
2022.The authors express their special gratitude to Z.A. Tukenova from LLP "Kazakh Re-
search Institute named after U. Uspanova Soil Science and Agrochemistry”, Almaty, Kazakh-
stan for valuable advice in writing this article and KazybaevaS.Zh., from Kazakh National 
Research Institute of Harvesting and Grapes, Almaty, Kazakhstan for scientific advice. 
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