Биология почв
Почвоведение и агрохимия, №4, 2020
based on trophic connection and habitat of
soil invertebrates.
According to the degree of connec-
tion with the soil, there are three main
groups of invertebrates found in it
Gilyarov M.S. [17]:
1. Geobionts – organisms, the whole
development cycle of which occurs in the
2. Geophiles – organisms, part of the
development cycle of which necessarily
occurs in the soil.
3. Geoxenes – organisms, more or
less accidentally leaving in the soil, using
the soil as a temporary shelter (table 7).
Table 7 – Mesofaunicbiodiagnostics of the main types of soils of ZailiAlatau by the type of
habitat (0-20cm), under the vineyards of Almaly, Aisulu (2018)
Soil type
Type of habitat
Dark brown
Earthworms (Lumbri-
Ground beetle (Carabidae)
Scarab (Scarabeidae)
Click beetles (Elateridae
Darkling beetles.
Weevils (Curculionidae)
Ladybugs (Coc-
According to table 7, it can be seen
that geophiles are the dominant group, for
which the most important is the nature
and degree of soil porosity, humidity, tem-
perature regime, distribution of the re-
mains of organisms and humus. The same
indicator by type of habitat can also serve
as a bioindicator of soils.
The main representative of the
group of geobionts in dark brown soil are
earthworms (Lumbricus). Their high abun-
dance in the soil correlates with high hu-
mus content and good soil structure. The
importance of soil invertebrates for soil
formation varies, their activity plays the
greatest role associated, firstly, with the
processes of decomposition, mineraliza-
tion and humification of organic matter
and, secondly, with the mechanical impact
on the soil cover.
When choosing organisms, the oc-
currence of which in the soil can be an in-
dicator of soil conditions, there is an im-
portant question about food relations,
since this factor can be decisive in the
spread of the animal, but insignificant for
the characteristics of the soil.
The processing of plant organic mat-
ter is carried out mainly by herbivorous
animals that feed on both living parts of
Trophic activity of animals leads to
mechanical destruction and grinding of
organic matter, to its biochemical transfor-
mations in the animal body, to the enrich-
ment of organic residues by microorgan-
isms [18].
Composition of the soil fauna can be
divided into three main groups by type of
1. Phytophages are organisms that
feed on the underground parts of the living
higher ones.
2. Zoophages are organisms that
feed on other animals.
3. Saprophages are organisms that
feed on dead and rotting remains of plants
and organisms (table 8).
The data in table 8 indicate that
among saprophages in dark brown soil
under the vineyards of grape varieties of
domestic breeding Almaly, Aisulu identi-
fied earthworms, scarab, millipedes, lady-
bugs. Scarabeidae, Elateridae, Tenebrio-
nidae, Curculionidae are bright representa-
tives of mesofauna on all studied soils
from the group of phytophages.