Сабақ № 6
Lesson № 6
Күні: Педагогтің аты-жөні:
Date: Teacher's name:
Сыныбы: Қатысқандар: Қатыспағандар:
Class: Attended: Absent:
Сабақтың тақырыбы:
The theme of the lesson
Радиобайланыс. Детекторлы радиоқабылдағыш
Radio communication. Detector radio receiver
Оқу бағдарламасына сәйкес оқу мақсаты
Learning objectives according to the curriculum
| - description of modulation and detection of high-frequency electromagnetic vibrations; - distinguish between amplitude (AM) and frequency (FM) modulation;
Сабақтың мақсаты
The purpose of the lesson
All students can: monitor and evaluate the student's knowledge, entrepreneurship, skill level. It introduces the principles of radio communication, modulation and detection, and forms an understanding of them.
Most students can: Monitor students' level of knowledge and the consistency of the content of the knowledge and the business and skill in mastering it.
Some students can do: Inculcates morality, punctuality, generosity, patriotism, respect for nature, respect and decency.
Бағалау критерийлері
Evaluation criteria
- Universal properties of many laws of wave processes in mechanical waves in an elastic medium of different nature, waves on the water surface, etc. will be the same;
- This property is also characteristic of the electromagnetic wave, which is the propagation process of electromagnetic field oscillations;
- But if the propagation of other types of waves is possible only in a certain material medium, the electromagnetic wave can propagate not only in a vacuum, but also in every substance;
-Radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, visible light, etc. are electromagnetic waves;
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