Сабақтың тақырыбы:
The theme of the lesson
Механикалық толқындардың таралуы. Механикалық толқындардың интерференциясы мен дифракциясы. БЖБ №4
Propagation of mechanical waves. Interference and diffraction of mechanical waves. БЖБ №4
Оқу бағдарламасына сәйкес оқу мақсаты
Learning objectives according to the curriculum
| - explain the interference and diffraction of mechanical waves with examples
Сабақтың мақсаты
The purpose of the lesson
All students can: explain and use the principle of superposition with simple examples;
Most students will be able to: understand diffraction experiments, such as the diffraction of water waves in a wave bath;
Some students will be able to: Wave diffraction, wave interference, standing wave, principle of superposition, wave junction, oscillation frequencies, oscillation phases, stationary wave, shock.
Бағалау критерийлері
Evaluation criteria
- the concept of interference;
- the concept of stationary waves;
-where in musical instruments do stationary waves appear;
- concept of impact;
-diffraction and interference;
- diffraction of waves;
- standing wave.