Lesson period/Time
Teacher's actions
Student's actions
The beginning of the lesson
2 min.
"Time for improvement" method
5 min
Organizational period
Greeting students, taking inventory
Stand in a circle of joy and wish each other well.
Recalling the past lesson using the "card game" method:
1. What vibrations are harmonic
2. Like harmonic oscillations
characterized by quantities?
Students refresh their previous knowledge and remember.
- answers questions
Total score -2
Textbook 11th grade
"Brainstorming" method
5 min
Task 1
The wave shown in Figures 77–78
Consider the graph of the source and the wave graph. Wave
source oscillation amplitude, period and frequency, wavelength and its distribution
determine the speed.
Students analyze the given graph using their previous knowledge.
- Wave
source oscillation amplitude, period and frequency, wavelength and its distribution
determines the speed
Total score - 2
Textbook grade 11.
The middle of the lesson.
10 min
Task 2
1. The equation of the sound repulsion wave in air caused by a tuning fork with a vibration frequency of 440 Hz
write. The vibration amplitude is 2 mm, the speed of sound propagation in the air is 340 m/s.
2. Determine the cyclic frequency and wave number.
Students take the derivative of the given equation and write it in a notebook.
- Determines the cyclic frequency and wave number
Total score -2
PC screen
11th grade textbook
End of lesson.
"Share what you know" method
Personal work
5 min
3 min
Knowledge Skill: Comprehension
Fill in the table.
Ішкі күштердің әсерінен пайда болады
Сыртқы күштердің әсерінен пайда болады
Физикалық өлшемі косинус немесе синус заңымен өлшенеді.
Feedback using the "traffic light" method. What new, interesting things did you learn in today's lesson? We choose traffic light colors according to the activity during the lesson.
Students fill in the given table.
Descriptor: -can distinguish types of vibrations.
Total score -1
PC screen
11th grade textbook.