Шет тілдері факультеті Шет тілдері практикалық курсы кафедрасы АҒылшын тілі «География» мамандығы бойынша студенттердің практикалық сабағына арналған әдістемелік құрал Павлодар

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2.1 нұсқа

2.1.1 Мәтінді оқып, орыс тіліне аударыңыз
Man and Environment

Part I

Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy, the World Ocean and outer space. It is evident now, however, that often man is adversely affecting the environment andhis activity is sometimes fraught with fatal consequences.

It becomes increasingly clear that man cannot and must not use his tremendous power so carelessly, infinitely interfere in nature and radically try to change it, without taking into account possible negative effects of his economic activity. The more material wealth people create, the more they realize that they cannot but be concerned about how the biosphere is changing as a result of productive activity. Current ecological research shows, that man, when over concerned with technicism, far from turning deserts into oases, can turn oases into deserts, threatening to destroy everything on Earth, if he continues exerting mostly uncontrolled impact on the biosphere.

In the 19th century and even in the first half of the 20th century, material production didn’t require taking into account the consequences which man’s interference in nature may have in the distant future, and it wasn’t considered an objectively essential condition for the existence of the whole of mankind, whereas, in the second half of the 20th century such as a consideration is becoming vitally important.

Hence man should carefully study the impact of his activity on various components of the surrounding nature. It is not only necessary to transform the wild natural environment, which often has a disastrous effect on the man (earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, droughts, magnetic and solar storms, as well as radioactivity, cosmic radiation, etc.) into a safe environment suitable for man and meeting his needs. This means that the ecological problem of environmental pollution and other adverse effects of man’s uncontrolled impact on nature into purposeful and planned interaction with the latter.

Of course, the biosphere as a complex system also possesses enormous possibilities for self-regulation. Despite the fact that certain biological species, i.e., individual elements of the biosphere, may become extinct as a result of various impacts thereon, it is still capable on the whole of existing and developing. The impact of industry on the biosphere is compensated for by the inner resources of homeostatic self-organization.

Today, however, the impact has reached such proportions that the biosphere’s inner resources can no longer compensate for society’s harmful influence on the environment, both on individual species and on all of life on earth without help from outside. Many ecologists consider that the disappearance of particular living species constitutes the main ecological and social problems of the day. The world’s famous biologists warn that the present situation is fraught with the extinction of animals and plants on a scale much greater than their both natural and man-caused extinction during the preceding millions of years.

In this massive biological depletion of the Earth’s resources goes on uncontrolled for several decades to come, the world environment will change irreversibly.

All this means that at present there has arisen a pressing necessity to change the character of the interaction between man and nature.

Мәтінге түсініктеме:

1) cannot but – болмауы мумкін емес;

2) overconcerned with – қолы бос емес, алаңдаулы;

3) far from – олай емес;

4) on the whole – тұтасынан, жалпы алғанда;

5) homeostatic – гомеостатикалық;

6) no longer – ендігәрі;

7) massive – күшті, үлкен;

8) complicated – күрделі, қиын;

9) unity – бірлік, тұтастық;

10) point of view, the world outlook – көзқарас;

11) insoluble – шешілмейтін;

12) inevitable – қашып құтылмайтын, болмай қоймайтын;

13) perish – опат болу;

14) cause – тудыратын, себебі болып табылу;

15) ensure – қамтамасыз ету, кепілдік ету;

16) approach – жол, қарау;

17) provide – қамтамасыз ету, беру;

18) improve – у жақсарту, жетілдіру;

19) living standards – тіршілік деңгейі;

20) affect – ықпал ету, әсер ету.
2.1.2 Мына интернациональды сөздерді оқып, аударыңыз

solar, energy, fatal, radically, negative, economic, biosphere, result, ecological, technicism, oases, objectively, component, transform, typhoon, magnetic, radioactivity, cosmic, system, biologica, compensate, ecologist

2.1.3 Келесі күрделі зат есімдердің орысша эквиваленттерін беріңіз

self-regulation, self-organization, self-ignition, self-purification, self-pollution, self-help, self-monitoring

2.1.4 Төмендегі зат есімдер жасалған ағылшын етістіктерін атап, аударыңыз

exploration,interference, еxtinction, аctivity,depletion,radiation,transformation, production, regulation, interaction, existence, consideration

2.1.5 Сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз

1. What is the main ecological and social problem of the day?

2. What are the differences in opinions about nature in the 19th century, in the first half of the 20th century and in the second half of the 20th century?

3. Can we state that the impact of industry on the biosphere is compensated for by the inner resources of homeostatic self-organization?

4. Is the ecological problem the problem of environmental pollution and other adverse effects of man’s economic activities?

5. What must we do to protect the environment?

2.1.6 Төмендегі етістіктерден Simple Gerund Active құрыңыз


to clean - cleaning

to affect, to provide, to improve, to study, to turn, to study, to surround, to continue, to exert, to consider, to meet
2.1.7 Мәтіннен ырықсыз етісті етістікті сөйлемдерді көшіріп алып, шақтық тұлғасын анықтаңыз


The impact of industry on the biosphere is compensated for by the inner resources of homeostatic self-organization.

Шақтық тұлғасы - Present Simple Passive

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