Шет тілдері факультеті Шет тілдері практикалық курсы кафедрасы АҒылшын тілі «География» мамандығы бойынша студенттердің практикалық сабағына арналған әдістемелік құрал Павлодар

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3.3 нұсқа

3.3.1 Мәтінді оқып, басты ойын анықтаңыз
A Lot and Little Enough
Ours is a unique planet in the solar system. Oceans and seas cover two thirds of its surface and perhaps it should have been named Water rather than Earth. Water is not a rarity even on land: lakes sparkle, ribbons of rivers wind across the continents, glaciers and the vast ice-and-snow shields of Greenland and the Antarctica glitter in the sun. In the Northern hemisphere every winter snow and ice cover more than third of all land surfaces. Scientists hold that water was born in the earth’s entrails at the dawn of its life. Somewhere in the depths the birth of water continues to this day. Together with lava, volcanoes annually eject 40 million tones of water. Thus, little by little, the amount of water on the earth’s surface increases.

Unfortunately, 97,5 per cent of all water reserves are claimed to be salt water. Consequently, fresh water resources account for only 2,5 per cent and the most accessible as little as 0,3 per cent. Moreover, the natural distribution is extremely uneven. The annual fresh water discharge into the ocean is the greatest in Asia and South America – 31 and 25 per cent of the total amount respectively, North America accounts for 17, Africa 10, Europe 7, Antarctica 5 and Australia 4 per cent.

The river watermark is also uneven during the year. From May to October all rivers discharge 63 per cent of their annual runoff, leaving only 37 per cent for the rest of the year.

The conclusion would seem to be optimistic: our planet has sufficient water. Why then should scores of countries face a tight water balance?

The reason is that the unevenness of water distribution is aggravated by the still greater unevenness of water distribution of people. The shortage strikes where there is an excess of population and industry. Besides, modern industry, with its manufacture or increasingly complex and diverse products, requires not just fresh, but exceptionally clean fresh water, the quality of products being highly sensitive to various impurities. Many countries are short of this clean water.

Chief threat. Unlike other natural resources water renews itself. This is due to its constant circulation in the ocean – atmosphere – earth – ocean system. No matter how much water is consumed in daily industrial life, its amount does not increase. With time and under certain conditions water regains its properties and its fitness for drinking.

This is probably the reason why water resources for a long time appeared to be unlimited. However, this view has substantially changed in the past 30 or 40 years, when water became a factor which dictates prospects for economic development. In the economy water is a raw material like any other. Scarcely any type of product is manufactured without water taking part in the process in one form or another. The obtaining of a ton of paper or woolen fabric requires the use of 200 cubic meters of clean fresh water, that of a ton of capron 5,600 cubic meters.

The use of water leaves it polluted. Newspapers report that all the large rivers in Britain, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands, Spain and many other industrially developed countries are completely or partially polluted.

Мәтінге түсініктеме:

1) tackle - әлденеге құлшына кірісу;

2) sparkle- ұшқындау, жарқылдау;

3) wind – бұралаңдау;

4) shield - қалқан, қорғаныс;

5) entrails – қойнау;

6) aggravate - нашарлату, шиеленістіру;

7) regain - жаңадан алу;

8) fitness - жарамды, сәйкестік;

9) fresh water consumption - таза суды тұтыну;

10) world water balance - судың әлемдік тең салмақтылығы;

11) earth’s entrails - жер қойнауы;

12) annual fresh water discharge - таза судың жыл сайынғы ағыны;

13) renewable fresh water resources - таза судың жаңарған қоры;

14) tight water balance - қатаң су балансы;

15) unlike other natural resources - басқа су ресерстарынан өзгешелігі;

16) in daily industrial life - күнделікті өнеркәсіп өмірінде.
3.3.2 Оқып, осы интернациональдық сөздерді аударыңыз

illusion, perpetual, declare, fundamental, unique, ocean, volcano, rarity, satisfaction, circulation

3.3.3 Төмендегі зат есімдер туындаған сөздердің негізін атап, оларды аударыңыз

requirement, aggravation, conclusion, unevenness, diversity, development, distribution, impurity, consumption

3.3.4 Төмендегі сөздерді келтіріп, сөйлем құраңыз

balance, resources, glacier, watermark, distribution, impurity

3.3.5 Мәтін бойынша сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз

1. According to the text what is said about tight water balance?

2. Does the amount of water on the earth’s surface increase?

3. Why do the scores of the countries face to a tight water balance?

4. Does the birth of water continue to this day?

5. Why did water resources appear for a long time to be unlimited?

6. Unlike other natural resources water renews itself, doesn’t it?

7. What can you say about the purity of all the large rivers in Britain, Australia, Italy, the United States and many industrially developed countries?

3.3.6 Мәтіннен сан есім бар сөз тіркестерін тауып, оларды жазбаша жазыңыз


2,600 cubic kilometers – two thousand six hundred cubic kilometers;

2.5 per cent – two point five per cent
3.3.7 Мәтіннен ырықсыз етісті етістікті сөйлемдерді көшіріп алып, шақтық тұлғасын анықтаңыз


The reason is that the unevenness of water distribution is aggravated by the still greater unevenness of water distribution of people. Временная форма глагола - Present Simple Passive

3.3.8 Предлогтарды қойыңыз

Unlike other natural resources water renews itself. This is due … its constant circulation … the ocean – atmosphere – earth – ocean system. No matter how much water is consumed … daily industrial life, its amount does not increase. With time and under certain conditions water regains its property and its fitness … drinking.

This is probably the reason why water resources … a long time appeared to be unlimited.

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