Тесты для входного и итогового контроля каждого модуля, ключи к тестам, лексический минимум, тексты для дополнительного чтения

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1. Грамматика:

структуру вопросительных предложений;

личные и притяжательные местоимения;

страдательный залог (Passive Voice);


порядок слов в предложении.

2. Лексика:

Ключевые слова и словосочетания по темам «Биография» и «Моя семья»

использовать знания грамматики и лексики при чтении и переводе текстов указанной тематики;

вести беседу и рассказать о фактах вашей биографии и о вашей семье.


1. Write down the following relatives according to the definition:

1. My mother’s sister is my … .

2. My father’s daughter is my … .

3. My uncle’s nephew is my … .

4. My husband’s mother is my … .

5. My aunt’s father is my … .

6. My cousin’s sister is my … .

7. My children’s grandparents are my … .

8. My father’s wife is my … .
2. Put the words in the correct order:

1. Sherry/ in/ August/ married/ John/ 2009.

2. My/ was/ born/ September/ on/ the/ of/ 1st/ sister.

3. Comes/ friend/ Denmark/ my/ from.

4. Jane/ of/ height/ is/ average/ middle-aged/ and/ is.

5. Thin/ she/ and/ tall/ is/ very.

6. Susan/ a/ good/ figure/ has/ and/ long/ has/ hair/ dark.
3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words:

1. Jane is her …. . Smith is her ……. .

2. How do you ….. your name? It’s B-R-O-W-N.

3. William Sydney Porter worked under the … – …. of O’Henry.

4. Her full name is Olga Petrova. Alexandrovna is her ………. .

5. I look …. my mother because we both have the same eyes.

6. Mrs. Smith’s husband is dead. She is a ….. .
4. Choose the correct alternative:

1. He goes to the gym every day so he’s very

handsome / muscular / short.

2. My trousers are too small for me. I must be

thin /medium height / overweight.

3. A: Do you think he’s good-looking?

B: Yes, I think he’s

handsome / skinny / tall.

4. Her mother is very short but she’s quite

tall / well-built / handsome.

5. I’m not tall and not short. I’m

muscular / medium height / overweight.

6. I think you need to eat more. You’re too

overweight / tall / skinny.

Учебный элемент 1 (УЭ-1)


Warming up:

Where does the word “biography” come from?

What does it mean?

Why is it important?

I. Vocabulary Work.

1. Pronounce the following words and memorize them:

first / Christian / given name (n)

- имя

Surname / family name / last name (n)

- фамилия

nationality (n)

- национальность

age (n)

- возраст

occupation (n)

- занятие, род деятельности

to be married (v)

- быть женатым

to be single (v)

- быть холостым

to go to school

- ходить в школу

to leave (finish) school

- закончить школу

sociable (adj)

- общительный

to communicate (v)

- общаться

intelligent (adj)

- умный

first-year student (n)

- первокурсник

to introduce oneself (v)

- представиться

to get acquainted (v)

- познакомиться

to be born (v)

- родиться

to die (v)

- умереть

to come from (v)

- происходить

to enter the University

- поступить в университет

to fail in an exam

- провалиться на экзамене

to pass exams

- сдать экзамены

to serve in the army

- служить в армии

to get a job

to make a career

patient (adj)

- найти работу

- делать карьеру

- терпеливый

calm (adj)

- спокойный

ambition (n)

- стремление

warm (adj)

- сердечный, отзывчивый

to move (v)

- переезжать

education (n)

primary school

secondary school

good-looking (adj)

attractive (adj)

middle-aged (adj)

elderly (adj)

in her twenties

in his early forties

in her mid fifties

in his late seventies

short (волосы, рост) (adj)

of medium height

broad-shouldered (adj)

well-built (adj)

slim, slender (adj)

plump (adj)

thin (adj)

complexion (n)

a beard (n)

moustache (n)

gait (n)

eyebrow (n)

bearing (n)

mole (n)

beautiful (adj)

blond/fair dark hair

blue (grey, green, hazel) eyes
curly (adj)

straight hair

dyed hair

figure (n)

handsome (adj)

height (n)

look like (smb.)

of powerful built

plain (adj)

pretty (adj)

straight (snubbed) nose

take after (mother, father) (v)

tall (adj)

- образование

- начальная школа

- средняя школа

- красивый

- привлекательный

- среднего возраста

- пожилой

- ей от 20 до 30

- ему от 40 до 43

- ей от 53до 57

- ему от 77 до 79

- короткий, низкий

- среднего роста

- широкоплечий

- хорошо сложенный

- стройный

- полный

- худой

- цвет лица

- борода

- усы

- походка

- бровь

- осанка

- родинка

- красивый (о женщинах)

- светлые/русые, черные волосы

- голубые (серые, зеленые, карие)


- кудрявые

- (прямые) волосы

- крашеные волосы

- фигура

- красивый (о мужчинах)

- рост

- быть похожим на(кого-либо)

- крепкого телосложения

- некрасивый

- симпатичный

- прямой (курносый) нос

- быть похожим на (мать, отца)

- высокий

2. Match these words with the definitions below:

To graduate; complexion; to spell; surname; career; chin; occupation; to move; education; nickname; slim; patronymic; pen-name; native; to describe; foreign; pet name; warm; moustache; plump.

1) name is used affectionately, that is different from, or a short form of, a person’s real name;

2) to complete an educational course;

3) of, in or from a country or an area other than one’s own;

4) name or write letters of (a word) in their correct order;

5) person born in a place, country, etc. and associated with it by birth;

6) to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them;

7) name shared by all the members of a family;

8) profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or promotion;

9) name used by a writer instead of his real name;

10) friendly in a way that makes you feel comfortable;

11) job, employment;

12) name derived from the name of one’s father or some other male ancestor;

13) system of training and instruction(esp. of children and young people in schools, colleges, etc) designed to give knowledge and develop skills;

14) familiar or humorous name given to a person instead of or as well as his real name, often a short form of a real name, or a reference to the person’s character;

15) to change residence;

16) overweight, fat;

17) natural colour and appearance of the skin of the face;

18) not fat or thick, slender;

19) hair allowed to grow on the upper lip;

20) part of the face below the mouth.
3. Arrange the following in pairs of synonyms:

1) job; 2) first name; 3) friendly; 4) employment; 5) Christian name; 6) move; 7) slim; 8) to characterize; 9) change residence; 10) pseudonym; 11) family name; 12) to finish school; 13) warm; 14) surname; 15) to describe; 16) to be keen on; 17) good-looking; 18) to be interested in; 19) pen-name; 20) slender; 21) attractive; 22) to leave school.

4. Arrange the following in pairs of antonyms:

1) elder brother; 2) to be fond of; 3) younger brother; 4) divorced; 5) to employ; 6) married; 7) to dismiss; 8) to hate; 9) to be born; 10) warm; 11) to die; 12) cheerful; 13) attractive; 14) plump; 15) to pass an exam; 16) united; 17) to fail in an exam; 18) disunited; 19) thin; 20) sad; 21) hard-hearted; 22) ugly.

5. Translate the Russian words given in brackets:

1) My (имя) is Helen.

2) I’m 18 years old and I (родом из) Novopolotsk.

3) My mother (закончила) school number 4.

4) Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States (родился) in 1809.

5) Jack worked hard to improve his (образование).

6) After a year they had saved enough money to (пожениться).

7) We (поступили в университет) after the Army.

8) I’ll be glad (представить) you to my family.

9) The following year her mother (умерла) leaving five daughters.

10) A person’s (кличка) can tell a great deal about the person.

11) There are beautiful dimples on her (щеках).

12) In general she looks quite (привлекательно) and bears her age well.

13) Her (карие) eyes are wide-set under arched (бровями).

14) My (осанка) is perfectly straight.

15) Jane has got a bronze (родинку) on the right temple.

6. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:

Marital status; good-looking; to get education; medium height; handsome; to be born; to bear one’s age; to study at; to be married; to be delicately built; a steady gait; to start school; full name; a nickname; to be interested in; by profession.

II. Reading Comprehension

  1. Read and translate the following texts. Use a dictionary if necessary.


My name is Alla Petrova. I am Belarusian. I was born on May 5, 1982 in the village of Bakino, Slutsk district, Minsk region. Two years ago our family moved to Novopolotsk where I live now together with my parents. My father is a doctor, he works at a hospital. My mother is a housewife. She has much work to do about the house. We are five in the family. I have a younger sister and a brother. They are both pupils. Lucy is in the fifth form and Boris is a pupil of the ninth form. Our family is very united.

In May I finished school №9 in Novopolotsk. I always did well at school and studied with great interest. I also took an active part in social life, attended sport sections and subject circles.

My favorite subject at school was Literature. Maths and physics came easy to me too. I was on the top of the list in our class in these subjects. I also liked English. I'd like to learn some other European languages to communicate with people from different countries.

I'm quite sociable and easy to deal with. I have many friends with whom we spend much time together. I can also add that I'm energetic, rather intelligent, patient, calm and never lose my temper. I love animals and child­ren. My hobby is collecting badges.

I entered Polotsk State University this year. Our University trains specialists in many fields and hard working students have practically unlimited opportunities to learn a profession. As a result of thorough theoretical, practical as well as professional training the students get diplomas.

As for me, I study at the technological faculty. I hope that I will be a highly-qualified specialist in my own field.

You see, my biography isn't long. I can only add that I'm fond of reading books on history and I'm keen on sports. I've got the first category in volleyball and have many friends among sportsmen. I also like shaping; it helps me to keep fit.

From the very start I should say that it's not an easy thing to speak about yourself as it's hard to have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do? So to begin with I should say that my name is Nick and I am a boy of sixteen with dark hair and blue eyes. I am fairly tall, i.e. 180 centimeters tall, but not of a very powerful build. I am short­sighted and I have to wear glasses most of the time.

I was born on the 25'h of April 1986 in Novopolotsk where I live now together with my parents and my younger sister. My early years, which I don't remember well, were typical of a child living in a town, but unlike most other small children I was not sent to a kindergarten because of my delicate health. So I stayed at home with my mother.

At the age of 7 I went to school. I studied at the same school for 11 years. In senior classes my favourite subjects were Mathematics, English, Biology, Art and Music. And I think I was rather good at these subjects. Besides learning school subjects I did karate, attended a sports club and did a bit of photography.

I had asked myself a lot of times what I wanted to do when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind several times. It was only in my last year at school that I finally made up my mind as to what profession I would most like to have in future. I realized that my strongest desire was to continue specializing in sciences and study foreign languages as well. I decided to become a civil engineer. Everybody knows that it is a very useful and interesting profession nowadays. Now I am a first-year student of Polotsk State University. Many professors and highly qualified lecturers deliver lectures and hold seminars in different subjects such as: physics, mathematics, technical drawing, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, foreign languages, the history of Belarus, etc. I spend a lot of time in the reading halls of our library where I read up for my seminars. I try to visit all meetings, festivals and conferences which are held in our gala complex.

Now a few words about my character and interests. My friends say that I'm sociable, honest, helpful and cheerful. But my parents and my teachers sometimes say that I am not hard­working enough, and that sometimes I am stubborn and hard to deal with, but I don't think I am. I often lose my temper but never have a grudge against anybody. My favourite occupation is playing the guitar, reading and going to the theatre. I am fond of sport as well. That's all I can say about myself.
2. Answer the following questions:

1) What are their names? Who are they?

2) Where and when were they born?

3) How old are they?

4) Is Alla Belarusian?

5) Have they got families?

6) How many people are there in their families?

7) What relations do they have in their families (parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, etc.)?

8) Where do they live? What are their permanent ad­dresses?

9) Do they work? What do they do?

10) When did they enter PSU?

11) How well did they do at school?

12) What was their favorite subject?

13) Do they like to read?

14) Who are their favorite writers?

15) What sport do they go in for?
III. Comprehension and Word Study.

1. Say whether it is true or false:

1) In these texts the authors describe their biographies.

2) Alla was born on May 15, 1982.

3) Three years ago Alla’s family moved to Novopolotsk where she lives now together with her parents.

4) She has an elder sister and a brother.

5) Nick went to school at the age of 6.

6) Nick’s favorite subject at school was Russian Literature.

7) Now she’s an applicant for entry to the Polotsk State University, Technological Faculty.

8) Nick is a first-year student of Polotsk State University.

9) Alla’s biography isn't very long.

10) To the author’s mind it is important to go in for sport.
2. Join the parts of sentences.



1) Nick was born on

a) moved to Novopolotsk.

2) Alla’s father

b) very united.

3) Two years ago Alla’s family

c) playing the guitar, reading and going to the theatre.

4) Alla’s family is

d) easy to deal with.

5) After school Nick realized that his strongest desire was

e) to communicate with people from different countries.

6) She'd like to learn some other European languages

f) a highly-qualified specialist in her own field.

7) Alla hopes that she will be

g) reading books on history.

8) Alla is quite sociable and

h) to continue specializing in exact sciences and learn foreign languages as well.

9) She is fond of

i) works at a hospital.

10) Nick’s favourite occupation is

j) April 25, 1986.

3. Translate into Russian:

To be born; to be of a powerful built; to move; to be short-sighted; to change one’s mind; to have a grudge against somebody; to be a housewife; to be united; to do well at school; to take an active part in; to attend sport sections; on the top of the list; to be easy to deal with; to face a new life; to lose one’s temper; to become a good expert in; to be good at; to be fond of; to be keen on; to keep fit.

4. Put 10 general and special questions to the texts.
5. Put the words in the correct order.

1) Your /name/ is/ full/ what?

2) Samuel Clemens/ of/ the/ pen-name/ is/ Mark Twain.

3) Nicknames/ have/ special/ many/ celebrities/ sports/ stars/ especially.

4) You/ do/ where/ from/ come?

5) Has/ got/ blue/ hair/ dark/ eyes/ and/ she/ curly.

6) I/ seven/ years/ old/ when/ moved/ England/ was/ to/ we.

7) He/ think/ is/ very/ I/good-looking/ am.

8) I/ fair/ medium-length/ hair/ straight/ have/ but/ going/ I/ am/ bold.

9) Face/ rather/ long/ I/ have/ got/ a/ strong/ chin/ with/ a.

Change the following sentences from Active into Passive:

1) His uncle was instructing him when I came into the room.

2) They buy newspapers every Monday.

3) He gives English lessons in the afternoon.

4) We worked out our own inter-school regulations.

5) The teacher is examining them at the moment.

6. Fill in the correct prepositions:

1) I am fond … reading books.

2) I was born … May 5, 1982 … the village … Bakino, Slutsk district, Minsk region.

3) She has much work to do … the house.

4) Lucy is … the fifth form and Boris is a pupil … the ninth form.

5) Two years ago our family moved … Minsk where I live now together with my parents.

6) I also took an active part … social life, attended sport sections and subject circles.

7) Our University trains specialists … many fields.

8) As a result … thorough theoretical, practical as well as professional training the students get diplomas.

9) I'm fond … reading books … history and I'm keen … sports.

7. Express the idea in one word.

E.g. A person with broad shoulders – a broad-shouldered person.

1) A person with blue eyes

2) A man with short hair

3) A lady who is dressed well

4) A child with fair hair

5) A girl with short sight

6) A boy who writes with his left hand

8. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Explain your choice.
Here is the _____ (personality, character, face, description) of Mrs. Smith. She is fairly slim and about average _____ (height, length, tall, long). She has got jet-black curly hair. Her hazel eyes are wide-set under arched _____ (forehead, eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelid). Her triangular face is slightly wrinkled. _____ (teeth, tooth, mouth, tongue) are pearly. She has got a small pert nose and scarlet full lips. I like the way she wears her hair. It is parted in the middle and done in a knot. Sometimes she _____ (makes, does, carries, brings) her hair in a plait or wears it _____ (loose, lose, lost, loosen). She is delicately built with shapely slender arms and legs. Her _____ (complexion, figure, complexity, complexation) is tanned. There are beautiful dimples on her cheeks. She has got a bronze mole on the right temple. Her _____ (gaiter, gate, bearing, gait) is steady but graceful. Her bearing is perfectly straight. In general she looks quite attractive and bears her age well.
9. Study each paragraph. What single word explains the central idea of each passage? Find the topic sentence, and then list the details that support it.

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