Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

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 1. Listen to the first part of an interview with Stuart Crainer, who has written many books on business and management. What four qualities for an ideal manager does he talk about? What additional quality does he mention?

Before listening, make sure you know the meanings of the following words:

increasingly – все больше и больше

notoriously – печально известный

inevitably – неизбежно

secure – надежный

juggle – совмещать

circumstance – обстоятельство

uncertainty – неопределенность

competency – компетентность

 2. Listen to the second part of the interview.

Make sure you know the following words:

array – множество, re-energise – придавать новую энергию, neutron – нейтрон, capacity – способность, decimate – уничтожать, tuned in – настроенный на, committed – приверженный, exemplar – пример для подражания, emulate – подражать

What does Stuart say about management styles at the following companies?

1 General Electric

2 Virgin

3 Body Shop


5 Nokia

 3. Listen to the last part of the interview. What, according to Stuart, is the key to managing globally?

Before listening check if the meanings of these words are familiar to you:

appreciate – оценивать, reconcile – примирить, echelon – звено; эшелон

4. Which management styles have you experienced? Which do you prefer?


a) Translate the following passage into Russian paying attention to business vocabulary:

Most high-performing teams (whether it is in the workplace or sports) have leaders. A good leader should be able to play to individuals’ strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. ‘A good leader is critical,’ says Gary Spellins, Managing Director, Lex Service plc, which delivers a range of outsourcing solutions to the public and private sector. ‘It should be someone who can act as a catalyst and a constant reminder of what the team needs to achieve.’ The leader must, above all, be skilled in sharing responsibility and delegating work to others, coaching them to achieve tasks, and providing constructive feedback on how the tasks went.

Effective leaders generate higher productivity, lower costs, and more opportunities than ineffective leaders. Effective leaders create results, attain goal, realise vision and other objectives more quickly and at a higher level of quality than ineffective leaders.

b) Translate the following passage into English using your active vocabulary:

Проблемы лидерства являются ключевыми для достижения организационной эффективности. С одной стороны, лидерство рассматривается как наличие определенного набора качеств, с другой, лидерство – это процесс преимущественно не силового воздействия на других для достижения целей организации.

Было бы не правильно исходить из предложения, что существует какой-то один оптимальный стиль руководства, либо авторитарный, либо демократический. Исследования показывают, что не существует "оптимального" стиля руководства, так как очень вероятно, что на эффективность будет влиять характер конкретной ситуации, смена которой ведет к смене стиля. В эффективности руководства решающую роль могут сыграть дополнительные факторы, такие как: потребности и личные качества подчиненных, характер задания, требования и воздействия среды, а также информация. Поэтому современная теория лидерства обращается к ситуационному подходу, в котором ученые пытаются определить, какие стили поведения и личные качества более всего соответствуют определенным ситуациям. Результаты их исследований указывают, что разные ситуации требуют различных способов руководства. Это означает, что руководитель-лидер должен уметь вести себя по-разному в различных ситуациях.

Self-study section. Grammar revision

In the text below, all the relative pronouns (who, which, where) have been taken out. Put them back in, where appropriate.

A leader among men

Carly Fiorina, has been called America's most powerful business woman, is Chief Executive of the huge Hewlett Packard group, manufactures computers and printers. Ms Fiorina, has spent most of her working life in the telecommunications industry, started out as a sales representative with AT&T, she rose rapidly through the ranks. Later she was a key player in the creation of the equipment and components company Lucent Technologies, she was in charge of the sales and marketing of networking products. Ms Fiorina now oversees an organisation is one of the 30 leading companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

If you have any difficulties in doing this task or want to brush up your grammar skills please refer to Grammar File p. 193-197.

Social skills

Resolving conflict

1. Read the suggestions below about ways of dealing with conflict. Put each of them under one of the following headings: either Do or Don’t.

1 Be positive when handling problems.

2 Get angry from time to time with difficult members.

3 Delay taking actions, if possible.

4 Try to see the problem from the point of view of the team.

5 Be truthful about how you see the situation.

6 Encourage open and frank discussion.

7 Try to ignore tensions within the team.

8 Bring potential conflict and disagreement into the open.

9 Give special attention to team members who are creating problems.

10 Persist with ‘impossible people’ – you may win them over.

11 Try to find ‘win – win’ solutions.

12 Make sure you know who the influential members are.

2. Study the phrases in the box. Add one expression under each heading.

Useful Language

Expressing your feelings

My main concern is…

Showing sympathy

I know how you feel.

I’m sorry about the problem.

Making suggestions

One thing you could do is…

To succeed, we’ll have to take into account several factors.

Expressing satisfaction

Stating common goals

We’ve all got the same objective.

Our aims will be to...
Identifying the real problem

Yes, that would be very helpful…

I think so too.

Expressing dissatisfaction

What’s really bothering you?

Have I got this right? You said ...

Resolving the conflict

I don’t think that would do much good.

I’m not keen on it.

How do you think we should deal with this?

How do you feel about...?

Reviewing the situation

Agreeing action

OK, this is what we’ll do.

Let’s meet next week and see how things are going.

3. Work in pairs. Role play the following situation. Use phrases from the box above to discuss the problems.

A team of six multinational staff is managing a number of apartment blocks in Nice, France. However, one of the team is unhappy. The employee is difficult to work with and uncooperative.

Student A. Team Leader

  • You meet a member of your team who is uncooperative and unhappy.

  • Find out what the problems are.

  • Try to offer solutions so that the employee performs better as a member of your team.

Student B. Team Member

  • You meet your team leader to discuss your performance at work. You are unhappy for the following reasons:

  • You feel you are working harder than everyone else. You are always the last to leave work.

  • Your hard work is not recognised and appreciated by the team.

  • You recently married and are missing your partner and young child.

  • You do most of the boring paperwork for letting the apartments while your colleagues are given more face-to-face contact with clients. You are not happy with how the workload is being distributed.

  • You think the team leader is too young and inexperienced, and is not managing the team well. This is the main reason why you are unhappy.

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