Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

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a) Translate the following passage into Russian paying attention to business vocabulary:

It has been clear from the emergence of modern business that effective management will produce higher profits. Accordingly, managers have been highly motivated to understand the nature of their performance. Managers must strive to find new and better ways to accomplish the work of their businesses. Many management decisions are extremely complex. Gains resulting from a course of action may be offset by losses resulting from the same action. Such situations require a high level of innovation, or creativity to devise new techniques, products, and approaches to business problems.

The capacity for decision-making, often with data that is incomplete or doubtful accuracy, is a prime requirement for a manager. Besides, it requires the high level of analytic and integrative ability that will allow such decisions to be made with reasonable confidence.

b) Translate the following passage into English using your active vocabulary:

Безусловно, управление коммерческими организациями – достаточно сложный вид деятельности, который уже перерос в профессию. Все функции, осуществляемые менеджерами, требуют упорства, сообразительности, преданности своему делу, способности работать в напряженном режиме, а также желания брать на себя ответственность. В современном мире, где деловые отношения усложняются все больше и больше, менеджеру следует сознательно развивать свои личные качества, профессиональные навыки, творческую инициативу, не только чтобы стать эффективным, но и, чтобы таковым остаться. Кроме того, важным для менеджера является использование инновационных технологий и методов управления. Необходимо развивать способности к принятию решений и побуждение служащих к высококачественному выполнению своих обязанностей.

Self-study section. Grammar revision

Answer the following questions using the passive voice and the verbs in brackets.

1. What is happening to Simon? (make redundant) He.........

2. What is happening about the marketing department? (relocate) It...

3. What happened to the new design? (change) It........

4. What has happened to the pound? (devalue) It.......

5. What has happened to the President? (take ill) He...........

6. What has happened to the lap-top? (steal) It..........

7. What has happened to the meeting? (rearrange) It.............

If you have any difficulties in doing this task or want to brush up your grammar skills please refer to Grammar File p. 166-168.

Social skills

1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a small talk?

2. What topics are appropriate for small talk in your country? List five topics.

3. What topics are definitely not suitable?

2. To which questions might the following be answers?

1. Terrible. There was a lot of turbulence and several people were sick.

2. Yes, several times.

3. Right in the centre.

4. Very comfortable, and the service is first class.

5. They’re all well, thanks very much.

6. I enjoy tennis, when I get the time.

7. I’m really impressed. The architecture is fascinating. I hope I have time to take it all in.

8. By all means

3. How important are the following for a successful conversation?

Listen carefully.

Give only yes or no answers.

Be polite.

Interrupt a lot.

Ask questions.

Stay silent.

Keep eye contact.

Be friendly.

4. In what business situations would you use the expressions below?



Make yourself at home.

Help yourself.

I don’t mind.

Excuse me.


It’s on me.

I’m afraid…


Could you…?

That sounds good.

5. What would you say in the following situations?

1. You don’t hear someone’s name when you are introduced to them.

2. You have to refuse an invitation to dinner with a supplier.

3. You are offered food which you hate.

4. You want to end a conversation in a diplomatic way.

5. You have to greet a visitor.

6. You have to introduce two people to each other at work.

7. You have to introduce two people to each other at a party.

8. You have to propose a toast.

9. Your colleague’s been made redundant.

10. You arrive half an hour late for a business lunch.

6. You are about to meet a foreign business contact socially for the first time. Choose four of the topics below and prepare to talk about them.




IT topics

how you travelled here

food and restaurants

the building you are in

the stock market



the weather

places of interest in your town / country


Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What do you think of Sam’s conclusion about what he should do?

2. What are some of the influences outside the company that may have caused the changes in employee attitude and behaviour?

3. If you were Sam, how would you approach this problem?

Sam Spates, manager of the records department in a major insurance company, was puzzled by the apathy of his work force. When the firm had moved to its rural location a couple of decades ago, employees had appeared to be careful, energetic, and compliant. Gradually, however, their attitudes and work behaviour had changed. Or so it seemed to Sam. Whereas in the past a simple order to move an employee from one work station to another was never questioned, it now seemed to induce endless arguments. The pay scale, which was once regarded by local people as unbelievably high, was now the subject of bitter complaints. Then there was the matter of misfiling. Ten years ago, more than 1 percent of misfiled records was considered intolerable. Now, no matter how hard Sam stayed on the back of his clerical crew, their apparent carelessness and indifference resulted in a missing rate of more than 3 percent.

Sam reviewed the situation this way: “These employees have better than average working conditions. Their pay, if not exceptional, is more than adequate. The employment record here at the company shows them that they have secure jobs. What more could they possibly want?” Finally, at clock-out time after a particularly discouraging day, Sam came to this conclusion. “This situation has gotten out of hand. If ever I’m going to correct it, I’ll have to really crack down on this bunch of malcontents. Tomorrow, I’ll begin putting it to them.”

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