Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

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түріУчебно-методическое пособие
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1. You will hear part of an interview with Steve Moody, the manager of the Marks and Spencer store in Cambridge, England. What do you know about Marks and Spencer? What do they sell?

 2. Listen to part One, in which Steve Moody describes the role and responsibilities of a store manager. Which of the following tasks is he responsible for?

1 designing the store and its layout

9 organizing the day-to-day logistics

2 displaying the merchandise

10 motivating staff

3 employing the sales staff

11 pricing the merchandise

4 ensuring the safety of staff and customers

12 running 40 out of 280 stores

5 establishing the company's principles

13 selecting the merchandise

6 getting commitment from the staff

14 supervising the day-to-day running of the store

7 increasing profits

15 training staff

8 maintaining a pleasant working environment

 3. Listen to part Two, and answer the questions.

1 Why are Marks & Spencer's store managers limited in giving accountability to their staff and delegating responsibilities?

2 What do they concentrate on instead?

 4. Listen to part Three, and answer the following questions.

1 Steve Moody mentions two kinds of regular meetings. The first is weekly meetings for management and supervisory staff. What is the second kind of meeting called?

2 Who attends them?

3 What are they designed to achieve?

4 What kind of problems cannot be dealt with by meetings?

5 How are such problems dealt with?


a) Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to business vocabulary:

  1. Many factors may cause variances between performance and standards.

  2. After identifying the problems and contributing causes, management must take action to correct them.

  3. Directing requires the ability to motivate others to do their work better.

  4. Managerial plans overlap and affect one another. While one plan is being carried out, other plans are being made.

  5. Every kind of organization indicates what each person’s responsibilities are and how they should be implemented in the job.

  6. As a function controlling contains analysis of the actual performance needing in organizing further management tasks.

  7. All term goals in themselves and in turn contribute to the general goals of profit making.

  8. On investigation, the executive learns that the extra costs can be limited by careful organizing and controlling.

  9. Particularly in the modern world, all business operations are becoming increasingly complex and requiring more effective management skills.

b) Translate the following sentences into English using your active vocabulary:

  1. В прошлом году стратегические планы компании были не выполнены по вине её руководства.

  2. Для повышения эффективности производства необходимо скоординировать работу всех отделов корпорации.

  3. Одна из главных задач руководства организации – объединение усилий всех менеджеров для получения прибыли.

  4. Умение воодушевлять людей и влиять на результаты их работы входит в обязанности всех менеджеров нашей компании.

  5. Организационные ошибки могу привести к неправильному использованию ресурсов и финансов.

  6. Первым этапом процесса контроля является разработка стандартов различных производственных операций.

  7. В ходе процесса контроля может быть обнаружено снижение качества товара, что часто свидетельствует о необходимости закупки нового оборудования.

  8. Плохая экономическая ситуация в стране, потеря покупательского спроса или действия правительства могут препятствовать успешной работе предприятия.

  9. Успешное ведение бизнеса не может существовать без успешного взаимодействия таких операций как планирование, организация и контроль.

Self-study section. Grammar revision

Choose an appropriate verb from the box and report what was said in each of the following sentences.




point out








(somebody) to+ verb






to+ verb

1. 'We think you are right on this point.

2. 'Be careful of very rapid change.'

3. 'Don't forget people dislike change.'

4. 'I'll help you finish the rota.'

5. 'Why not use a courier service to speed things up?'

6. 'If I were you I'd speak to the boss first.'

7. 'It's particularly important to talk about the change.'

8. 'Actually there are several problems with the new location.'

9. 'The new reporting system works in the following way.'

10. 'The summer is the best time for you to make these changes.'

If you have any difficulties in doing this task or want to brush up your grammar skills please refer to Grammar File p. 168-173.

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