Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

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Reading 2

1. Here are some ideas for creating a good working environment. Which do you consider a) crazy? b) good for motivating staff?

■ singing at meetings

■ dressing in strange clothes at meetings

■ having no individual offices

■ unisex toilets

organizing company holidays

■ encouraging managers to invite staff home for dinner

■ buying birthday presents for staff

■ keeping animals and birds at head office

■ supplying flowers regularly for all offices

■ having no dress code

2. Read the article. Which of the ideas above are used by the Finnish company, SOL?

Smart in yellow uniforms, staff hurry about in Finland’s $60 million-a-year SOL cleaning company carrying laptops and the latest Nokia mobile phones, as well as heavy-duty vacuum cleaners.

This is a company in which people work when they like, and flexibility is being strongly tested. It is one that Dr. Joseph Juran, the management guru based in New York, considers to be the future.

SOL’s owner, Liisa Joronen, a slim, charismatic brunette of 50, back from a 90-mile keep-fit cross-country ski run in Lapland, says that she has thrown out traditional management styles and hierarchies in favour of people motivation and the strict auditing of targets.

She has brought fun to the workplace in a nation noted for its engineering innovation, but also for its people’s shyness and introversion. This most extrovert of Scandinavian business leaders sometimes dresses as a sunflower and sings at sales meetings if it will help. The company’s name is from the Spanish for sun, and its sun logo has a curved line turning it into a smile.

The key words around SOL are freedom, trust, goals, responsibility, creativity, joy of working and lifelong learning, Ms Joronen says. People’s creativeness is restricted by routine and traditional office hours. As work becomes more competitive, so we need more flexible, creative and independent people.

To help staff towards independence of mind, Liisa has abolished territorial space, such as individual offices and desks, and organized a communal area similar to a social club. It has a colourful playground, with trees, caged birds and small animals, a nursery, a billiard table, sofas, modern art and kitchen corners.

Staff sit anywhere. There is not a secretary in sight. The boss makes the tea if everyone is on the phone to the field teams. Headquarters can be empty in the day and busy in the evenings and weekends. One headquarters worker, keen to go to midweek tango classes, was switching tasks with a colleague. The person supervising the cleaning of Helsinki’s metro was working from home.

Flying the country Economy Class, Liisa tells 3,500 staff at 25 branches to kill routine before it kills you. At SOL Days, Japanese-style motivation sessions, she has the whole hall dancing, and urges staff: The better you think you are, the better you will become.

Half the country sees Liisa as a revolutionary boss, and several television programmes have been devoted to her. The other half thinks she is crazy.

From The Times

3. Work in two groups. Group A completes the information file on Liisa Joronen. Group B completes the information file on her company, SOL. When you have finished, check each other’s files.

A. Liisa Joronen



Physical appearance:


Leadership ideas/style:

Public image:

B.SOL cleaning company


Number of staff:

Number of brunches:


Working conditions/practices:

4. Which of these adjectives describe the type of worker SOL likes to employ?

fun-loving competitive ambitious responsible animal-loving shy punctual independent flexible creative

5. Read these extracts from the article. Which word is similar in meaning to the highlighted word in each extract?

1. Smart in yellow uniforms, staff rush about in Finland’s $60 million-a-year SOL-cleaning company.

a) intelligent b) colourful c) well-dressed

2. SOL’s owner, Liisa Joronen, a slim, charismatic brunette of 50…

a) powerful b) charming c) inspiring

3. This most extrovert of Scandinavian business leaders sometimes dresses as a sunflower…

a) lively b) quiet c) creative

4. People’s creativeness is restricted by routine and traditional office hours.

a) developed b) destroyed c) limited

5. Liisa has abolished territorial space, such as individual offices and desks.

a) increased b) stopped c) reduced

6. One headquarters worker, keen to go to midweek tango classes, was switching tasks with a colleague.

a) changing b) planning c) sharing

6. Discuss these questions.

1. Would you like to work in a company like SOL?

2. Which of Liisa Joronen’s ideas would you like to introduce into your own company or organization? Which would you not like to introduce? Why?


 1. Listen to the first part of an interview with the British Airways Project Manager for the new office complex, Waterside, and make notes. Then answer these questions.

  1. What were Chris Byron’s three main objectives concerning Waterside?

  2. What three special features of Waterside does he mention?

 2. Now listen to the second part of the interview and answer the questions.

  1. What does Chris Byron mean by the term ‘flexible working’? Give examples.

  2. Which of the facilities below are provided at Waterside for employees?

open-learning education

a supermarket in the building

electronic shopping

excellent meals

free videos

company cars

  1. Why were there so few problems when staff moved to Waterside?

3. Discuss these questions.

  1. How will Waterside help to improve efficiency and profitability?

  2. What other facilities could Waterside provide for BA employees?

  3. Would you like to work at Waterside? Give your reasons.

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