Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов заочного отделения высших учебных заведений

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Lesson 23

The Past Perfect Tense or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect (had + V3 (-ed))

Past Perfect Continuous (had been + V4 (-ing))

Мы используем Past Perfect

Мы используем Past Perfect Continuous

— для выражения действия, которые закончились до какого-либо момента в прошлом, обозначенного другим действием или указанием времени:

By midnight, all the guests had left.

— для выражения действия, которое длилось до какого-то момента в прошлом

They had been climbing for five hours before they reached the top of the mountain.

I had been feeling sleepy all day so I went to bed early.

Утвердительная форма

My brothers had already gone to bed by the time I got home.

We had been driving for five hours before we reached the town.

Вопросительная форма

Had your brothers already gone to bed by the time you got home?

Had we been driving for five hours before we reached the town?

Отрицательная форма

My brothers hadn’t (had not) gone to bed by the time I got home.

We hadn’t (had not) been driving for five hours before we reached the town.


1. Соедините обе части предложений по смыслу:

1. Fleming was studying influenza

a) while he was sitting under an apple tree

2. Columbus discovered America

b) when he discovered penicillin

3. Hillary and Tenzing reached the top of Everest

c) though at first he believed he had reached Asia

4. Scott reached the South Pole in 1912

d) after they had been climbing for several days

5. Newton made his great discovery

e) but Amundsen had beaten him by month

2. Соедините два предложения в одно, следуя модели:

Model: I expected the letter several days. Then the postman brought it to me.

I had been expecting the letter several days before the postman brought it to me.

1. The scientists conducted the research for many years. Then they achieved satisfactory results.

The scientists … before … .

2. He stayed in the hotel for two weeks. Then I arrived.

He … before … .

3. The students wrote the test paper. Then I came.

The students … when … .

4. They drove in the car for many hours. Then they came to the crossroads.

They … before … .
3. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках:

Model: When I came to Moscow, I telephoned a friend of mine but I could only speak to her sister. (She/already/leave/for her office) She had already left for her office.

1. When I rang them up, they were at home. (They/already/return/from the market)

2. I began to look for his address in my notebook but I could not find it. (I/not/write it down)

3. They discussed this question for two hours. (However/they/not come to a definite conclusion)

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

All thumbs — awkward and clumsy, especially with the hands.

Bleeding heart — an extremely softhearted person who feels compassion or pity towards all people, including those who may not deserve sympathy.

Busy as a beaver — working very hard; extremely industrious.

Catch someone red-handed — to catch someone in the act of doing sth wrong.

Keep a stiff upper lip — to be brave and not show emotion in a time of trouble.

Lesson 24

The Future Perfect Tense and the Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Perfect (will have + V3 (-ed))

Future Perfect Continuous (will have been + V4 (-ing))

Мы используем Future Perfect

Мы используем Future Perfect Continuous

— для выражения действия, которое закончится к определенному моменту в будущем

When I finish this book it means I will have read all of her books.

— для выражения действия, начавшегося до определенного момента в будущем и продолжающегося в течение известного периода вплоть до этого момента.

By next June he will have been living here for ten years.

Утвердительная форма

I will have finished my homework by 6 o’clock.

By the 1st of May I shall have been reading this book for a fortnight.

Вопросительная форма

Will you have finished my homework by 6 o’clock?

Shall you have been reading this book for a fortnight by the 1st of May?

Отрицательная форма

I won’t (will not) have finished my homework by 6 o’clock.

By the 1st of May I shan’t (shall not) have been reading this book for a fortnight.

Форма the Future Perfect Continuous Tense является книжной и употребляется редко и, главным образом, в письменной речи.


1. Закончите предложения, используя слова из списка, и переведите их:

be, finish, sleep, fly

  1. I … in London for ten years by next June.

  2. By Friday, I … this book.

  3. Wake me up by nine o’clock. — I … long enough by then.

  4. It’s strange that when we get to Sydney, we … half way round the world.

2. Раскройте скобки, используя форму Future Perfect, и переведите предложения:

  1. I am sure they (complete) the new road by August.

  2. By the time next year you (forget) all your troubles.

  3. If you don’t make note of that appointment, you (forget) it by the next week.

  4. By the time you arrive, I (finish) reading your magazine.

  5. A century from now, wars, I hope (become) a thing of the past.

3. Составьте вопросительные предложения из следующих слов и выражений. Используйте форму Future Perfect или Future Perfect Continuous:

scientists / discover how to prolong human life by the middle of this century,

we / manage to contact life in another galaxy by the year 2050,

when the project is completed / they / work on it for five whole years,

robots / take over the world in a hundred years from now.
4. Напишите о себе небольшое эссе на тему «By the time I am 50».

Model: «I shall have married twice … I shall have finished the University ... I shall have worked for 30 years for a firm …»

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

Kill two birds with one stone to do two things by one action; to get two results with just one effort.

Like two peas in a pod — identical; alike in looks and behavior.

Head in a clouds — absent-minded; daydreaming; lost in thought.

Footloose and fancy-free — not attached to anyone; not involved with anyone romantically; free.

On the cuffon credit; to be paid later.

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