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between two lexical meanings simultaneously materialized in the context, In the third

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between two lexical meanings simultaneously materialized in the context, In the third 
group the quality picked up may be seemingly unimportant, and it is frequently 
transitory, but for a special reason it is elevated to the greatest importance and made 
into a telling feature. 
Simile – introduced by “as” or “like”, is a comparison between two different 
objects, intended communicate some resemblance or likeness, while assuming unstated 
dissimilarities; “He eats like a pig”. 
Ordinary comparison and simile should not be confused. They represent two diverse 
processes. Comparison means weighing two objects belonging to one class of things with 
the purpose of establishing the degree of their sameness or difference. To use a simile is to 
characterize one object by bringing it into contact with another object belonging to an 
entirely different class of things. Comparison takes into consideration all the properties of 
two objects, stressing the one that is compared. Simile excludes all the properties of two 
objects except one which is made common to them. For example; “The boy seems be as 
clever as his mother” is ordinary comparison, “boy” and “mother” belong to the same 
class of objects – human beings and only one qualities is being stressed to find the 
resemblance. But in the sentence; “Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by glare.” 
(Byron), we have a simile, “maiden” and “moths” belong to heterogeneous classes of 
objects and Byron has found the concept moth to indicate one of the secondary features of 
the concept maiden; i.e. to be easily lured. 
Another example: “It was that moment of the year when the countryside seems to faint 
from its own loveliness, from the intoxication of its scents and sounds.” (J. Galsworthy) 

This is an example of a simile which is half a metaphor. If not for the structural word 
‘seems’, we would call it a metaphor. It is a simile where the second member – the human 
being – is only suggested by the word faint. 
Periphrasis – is the re-naming of an object by a phrase that brings out some 
particular feature of the object. The essence of the device is that it is decipherable only in 
context. If a periphrastic location is understandable outside the context, it is not a stylistic 
device but merely a synonymous expression, they are also called traditional, dictionary or 
language periphrasis. Here are some examples of well-known dictionary periphrasis 
(periphrastic synonyms);the cap and gown (‘student body’). 
Traditional, language or dictionary periphrasis and the words they stand for are 
synonyms by nature, the periphrasis being expressed by a word combination. Periphrasis 
as a stylistic device is a new, genuine nomination of an object, a process which realizes the 
power of language to coin new names fro objects by disclosing some quality of the object, 
even though it may be transitory, and making it alone represent the object, but at the same 
time preserving in the mind the ordinary name of the concept. Here are some such stylistic 
“I understand you are poor, and to earn money by nursing the little boy,
my son, who has been so prematurely deprived of what can never be
replaced.” (Dickens) 
The object clause ‘what can never be replaced’ is a periphrasis for the word mother
The concept is easily understood by the reader within the given context, the latter being 
the only code which makes the deciphering of the phrase possible. This is sufficiently 
proved by a simple transformational operation, viz. taking the phrase out of its context. 
The meaning of ‘what can never be replaced’ used independently will bear no reference to 
the concept mother and may be interpreted in many ways. The periphrasis here expresses a 
very individual idea of the concept. 
In some cases periphrasis is regarded as a demerit and should have no place in good, 
precise writing. This kind of periphrasis is generally called circumlocution. Thus Richard 
Altick states that one of the ways of obscuring truth “…is the use of circumlocutions and 
Stylistic periphrasis can also be divided into logical and figurative. Logical 
periphrasis is based on one of the inherent properties or perhaps a passing feature of the 
object described, as in instruments of destruction (Dickens) = ‘pistols’; the most 
pardonable of human weaknesses (Dickens) = ‘love’; the object of his admiration 
(Dickens); that proportion of the population which… is yet able to read words of more 
than one syllable, and to read than without perceptible movement of lips (D.Adams) = 
Figurative periphrasis is based either on metaphor or on metonymy, the key-word of 
the collocation being the word used figuratively as in ‘the punctual servant of all work’ 
(Dickens) = the sun; ‘in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes’ (Shakespeare) = 
misfortune; ‘to tie the knot’ = to marry
There is little difference between metaphor or metonymy on the one hand, ad 
figurative periphrasis on the other. It is the structural aspect of the periphrasis, which 
always presupposes a word combination, that is the reason for the division. 

Note this example of a string of figurative periphrases reinforced by the balanced 
constructions they are moulded into: 
“Many of the hearts that throbbed so gaily then have ceased to beat; many of 
the looks that shone so brightly then have ceased to glow.” (Dickens) 

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