1.Қазір сіздің қызуыңыз қандай? How hot are you now?

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Английский сессия

1 билет.
1.Қазір сіздің қызуыңыз қандай?
How hot are you now?
2.Дәрігер ем тағайындауы қажет? The doctor must prescribe treatment?
3.Мына науқастың қан тамырына егіңіз? Inject into this patient 's vein?
4.Науқастың қызуын өлшеңіз?
Measure the patient's temperature?
2 сұрақ.The modal verbs are: 


1.My keys must be in the car.
2.It might rain tomorrow.
3.That can't be Peter's coat. It's too small.
3 сұрақ
1)CAN you speak English well ?
2) The patient MUST stay in bed. 

1) Rest the bruised area, if possible.

Ice the bruise with an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Leave it in place for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat several times a day for a day or two as needed.
Compress the bruised area if it is swelling, using an elastic bandage. Don't make it too tight.
Elevate the injured area.
2) Comparative adjectives are used to compare one noun to another noun. In these instances, only two items are being compared. For example, someone might say that "the blue bird is angrier than the robin." Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more nouns.

First aid for loss of consciousness

Lay the victim on his side, examine.
Unbutton the victim's shirt collar, free the chest and abdomen from the clothes tightening them, provide an influx of fresh air.
Raise your legs to allow blood to flow to your head.
Wipe your face and neck with cool water. Pat on the cheeks and, if possible, let the victim smell a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.

If a poisonous substance gets inside it is necessary:

rinse the stomach with soda solution and induce vomiting;
give the victim enveloping agents such as Almagel, protein, starch. ...
give absorbents - activated carbon, Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum;
take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

First aid for heat and sunstroke

It is necessary to transfer the victim to a shade or a cool room and lay him down with his head raised.
You need to take off your clothes, loosen the belt.
Apply a cold compress to your head. ...
If a person is conscious to drink cool water. ...
Call an ambulance.
2 what is loss of consciousness?
Answer: Loss of consciousness is a syndrome that is widespread in clinical practice. Up to 40% of people have fainted at least once in their lives. At the same time, doctors share the concepts of fainting (syncope, syncope) and impaired consciousness

what is sunstroke?

Answer: Sunstroke is a painful condition, a disorder of the brain due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the uncovered surface of the head. This is a special form of heatstroke.

1.When? In the morning

2.Who? Kate
1.Mumps symptoms: beadache, fever, loss of appetite, bady pain
2.A Modal verb is a type of verb that is used to indicate modality – that is: likelihood, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestions, order, obligation, or advice.In English, the modal verbs commonly used are: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, and must. He *can* find any street in London. You *could* take a taxi. It *may* be quicker to travel by train.
3.Were, had, did, said, went, got, made, knew, thought, took, saw, came, wanted, used found, gave, told
1. *have*
2. *has*

1. Translate into English: Қан тоқтатудың ең тиімді жолы / лучший способ

остановить кровотечение, күтпеген жағдай / непредвиденный случай, зардап шегуі / пострадать, көп аурулардың белгісі / симптомы многих болезней, салқын тию / простудиться, қатты бас ауруы / сильная головная боль, дәрігерді тез шақырту / вызвать врача немедленно.
1 Present Continuous (Progressive ). Give the examples.
2 Translate the sentences into English:
1. Дәрігер палатадағы ауруды қарап жатыр./ Врач осматривает больного в палате.
2. Біз қазір ауруханаға бара жатырмыз. / Мы идем в больницу сейчас.
The most effective way to stop bleeding,contingency,to suffer,a sign of many diseases,cold touch,severe headache,call a doctor immediately
2)They are playing.We are playing
3)The doctor is examining the patient in the ward.We are going to the hospital now.

1)Prevention and treatment of hospital-acquired conditions is as much a part of the care of the hospitalized patient as treatment of the primary diagnosis. The development of deep venous thromboses, stress-induced ulcers, and pressure ulcers can have a lasting, negative impact on a patient's medical condition, requiring additional treatment and increasing the length of hospitalization. Also important in minimizing the length of hospitalization is fall avoidance, fluid and electrolyte management, and adequate nutrition. Infection control and isolation can limit the spread of multi-drug-resistant organisms, prompt removal of urinary catheters prevents catheter-associated urinary tract infections, and appropriate placement and site care of central venous catheters can prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections. Finally, the use of advanced care plans and early consultation of palliative care or hospice can assist in the care of the dying patient.

2)Main verbs have three basic forms: the base form, the past form and the -ed form (sometimes called the ‘-ed participle’):

base form: use d as the infinitive form, with to or without to (Do you want to come with us? I can’t leave now.) and for the present simple (I always read before I go to sleep every night.) except third person singular, which uses the -s form (She works at the university.)

past form: used for the past simple (He opened the door and went out.)

-ed form: used after auxiliary have and be (I’ve always wanted a piano and I was given one last week.)

.3)Sveta is our best student

1.We study Anatomy.

2.Present Indefinite:I visit my grandmother twice a week – Я навещаю свою бабушку дважды
в неделю
The interrogative sentences:Do you like watching horror films? – Yes, I do/ No, I don't
The negative forms of simple sentences:When the Brosters arrived we hadn't decided whether
to stay indoors or take a stroll.
3.1. Jane's daughter, I really like it.
2. This child is sick and has a high temperature.

8 билет
1.The most effective way to stop bleeding / cold compress / blood transfusion / first aid / victim / may be critical / need x-ray / broken bone

2. The relative degree of an adjective refers to a sign in a given object or person that is more or less visible than it is compared. For example: sweets are tastier than chocolate; in winter the weather is colder than in summer; girls are more careful than boys. There are two forms of comparative degree: simple and compound.
3. Write the verbs where needed: Mary teaches English at a medical college. her teeth are white and healthy.

1)The patients need your help.Give the first aid.Bleeding

1. Lay the victim's head slightly tilted, this will reduce anxiety, listen to the heartbeat and make sure he is breathing.
2. Slightly raise the injured area to the level of the heart, do not touch it if you think it is "broken".
3. After the bleeding has stopped, carefully and painlessly remove the dirt from the wound surface. If dirty items are enlarged (glass, wood, etc.), do not remove. But wrap the wound with gauze.
4. After applying a gauze or bandage, compress the injured area with your hands to stop the bleeding.
5. If the bleeding does not stop, increase the pressure and tie a string. Squeeze the body parts that are uncomfortable to tie or again with your hands or with thick bandages.
6. Compression points of blood vessels that stop bleeding:
If the injury is on the hand, press above the elbow, slightly below the armpit, and on the leg, in the middle of the knee and ankle. Squeeze the vein opposite the bones of this color. Hold your fingers upright, squeeze as hard as you can with your other hand.
2)Future simple Tense.Give the examples.
Future Tense
In the future, we can talk about what we will do in the future and what we plan to do.
The future tense in English is called Future Simple Tense. There are several ways to do it.
I (or We will learn English — Мен (біз) ағылшын тілін үйренемін үйренеміз).
3)Translate into English:
Ештен кеш жақсы-better late than never
Айту оңай,істеу қиын-Easy to say, hard to do
№ 10

1. Heart.

2. The verbs: to be and to have. Give the examples..

3. Write down the verbs to be and to have in necessary forms.

1. ( to be) a student.

2. 2. We (to have) a lesson in the chemistry yesterday.

1.The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system.The pumped blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body, while carrying metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide to the lungs. In humans, the heart is approximately the size of a closed fist and is located between the lungs, in the middle compartment of the chest.In humans, other mammals, and birds, the heart is divided into four chambers: upper left and right atria and lower left and right ventricles. Commonly the right atrium and ventricle are referred together as the right heart and their left counterparts as the left heart. Fish, in contrast, have two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle, while reptiles have three chambers. In a healthy heart blood flows one way through the heart due to heart valves, which prevent backflow. The heart is enclosed in a protective sac, the pericardium, which also contains a small amount of fluid. The wall of the heart is made up of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.

2.Do you have a lot of free time?
Have you two sons?
I know where this book is to be found.
These flowers are to be seen in many parks of our city.

3.It’s great to be a student.

We had a lesson in chemistry yesterday.


Бас ауруы-headache
Тіс ауруы-toothache
Дене еңбегі-physical labor
Ой еңбегі-mental labor
Естен тану-unconsciousness
Бас айналу-dizziness
2.The articles in English are the definite article the and the indefinite articles a and an. The definite article is used when the speaker believes that the listener knows the identity of the noun's referent (because it is obvious, because it is common knowledge, or because it was mentioned in the same sentence or an earlier sentence). The indefinite article is used when the speaker believes that the listener does not have to be told the identity of the referent. No article is used in some noun phrases.
English grammar requires that, in most cases, a singular, countable noun phrase start with a determiner.[1] For example, I have a box is OK, but *I have box is not. The most common determiners are the articles the and a(n), which specify the presence or absence of definiteness of the noun. Other possible determiners include words like this, my, eachand many. There are also cases where no determiner is required, as in the sentence John likes fast cars, where neither John nor fast cars includes a determiner.
The definite article the is used when the referent of the noun phrase is assumed to be unique or known from the context. For example, In the sentence The boy with glasses was looking at the moon, it is assumed that in the context the reference can only be to one boy and one moon. However, the definite article is not used:with generic nouns (plural or uncountable): cars have accelerators, happiness is contagious, referring to cars in general and happiness in general (compare the happiness I felt yesterday, specifying particular happiness);
with most proper names: John, France, London, etc.
The indefinite article a (before a consonant sound) or an (before a vowel sound) is used only with singular, countable nouns. It indicates that the referent of the noun phrase is one unspecified member of a class. For example, the sentence An ugly man was smoking a pipe does not specify the identity of the ugly man or pipe.
When referring to a particular date, the definite article the is typically used.[2]
He was born on the 10th of May.
However, when referring to a day of the week, the indefinite article 'a' is used.
He was born on a Thursday.
No article is used with plural or uncountable nouns when the referent is indefinite (just as in the generic definite case described above). However, in such situations, the determiner some is often added (or any in negative contexts and in many questions). For example:
There are apples in the kitchen or There are some apples in the kitchen;
We do not have information or We do not have any information;
Would you like tea? or Would you like some tea? and Would you like any tea? or Would you like some good tea?
Additionally, articles are not normally used:in noun phrases that contain other determiners (my house, this cat, America's history), although one can combine articles with certain other determiners, as in the many issues, such a child (see English determiners § Combinations of determiners).
with pronouns (he, nobody), although again certain combinations are possible (as the one, the many, the few).
preceding noun phrases consisting of a clause or infinitive phrase (what you've done is very good, to surrender is to die).If it is required to be concise, e.g. in headlines, signs, labels, and notes, articles are often omitted along with certain other function words. For example, rather than The mayor was attacked, a newspaper headline might say just Mayor attacked.
For more information on article usage, see the sections Definite article § Notes and § Indefinite article below. For more cases where no article is used, see Zero article in English.
3.My sister is a nurse.
My teeth are white and healthy.


Ауру- disease
Бас ауру headache
Тіс ауру toothache
Ақуыз protein
Дене еңбегі physical labor
Ой еңбегі mental labor
Естен тану unconsciousness
Бас айналу dizziness
Әлсіздік weakness
Қызу hot
English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite article. For example, if I say, "Let's read the book," I mean a specific book

I _*have*_ a lot of books at home

2. Yesterday I _*has*_ bad headache

13- билет

1-First aid for fractures:
First of all the injured person should calmed down,speak kindly and feel that he will be helped,that he is not alone.In the case of an open fracture,an aseptic bandage is applied to the wound.If bleeding occurs,the bleeding should be stopped first.Bleeding from small arteries and veins and capillaries often stops spontaneously.Spontaneous cessation of bleeding from large blood vessels is rare.Therefore,it is necessary to know how to temporarily stop the bleeding.The main methods include:
Laying a harness
A very reliable method is to tie a harness,but it is mainly used for limbs
Finger pressure on the artery
Proper finger pressure on the artery leads to the cessation of the bleeding,but it is difficult to keep the blood pressure for a short time,more than 15-20 minutes
Finger pressure on the wound is performed in emergencies,sometimes during surgery.
2-Есімдік(pronouns) түрлері
1:Personal pronouns(жіктеу есімдігі)мысал-WE live in a small town.
2:Possessive pronouns(тәуелдік есімдігі)-This book is MINE
3:Reflexive pronouns(өздік есімдігі)I-I wash my hair MYSELF.
4:Demonstrative pronouns(сілтеу есімдігі)I-I have SOME English books
5:Many and few pronouns
6:Interrogative pronouns(сұрау есімдігі)-WHO theaches you English?
3-we are medical college students.
-i like college.


1) The human body contains five organs that are considered vital for survival. They are the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The locations of these five organs and several other internal organs are shown in Figure 10.4. ... The two kidneys are located in the back of the abdomen on either side of the body.

2 ) A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to."

4. Write down the prepositions where necessary:
5. 1. Our college is the centre of the city.
6. 2. She goes to the hospital bus.

15 билет
1. 1. The Pharmacy. The main forms of the medicines.

Pharmacy is the clinical health science that links medical science with chemistry and it is charged with the discovery, production, disposal, safe and effective use, and control of medications and drugs. The practice of pharmacy requires excellent knowledge of drugs, their mechanism of action, side effects, interactions, mobility and toxicity. At the same time, it requires knowledge of treatment and understanding of the pathological process. Some specialties of pharmacists, such as that of clinical pharmacists, require other skills, e.g. knowledge about the acquisition and evaluation of physical and laboratory data.[1]
In the UK, medicines often come in some of the following preparations:
The active part of the medicine is combined with a liquid to make it easier to take or better absorbed. A liquid may also be called a ‘mixture’, ‘solution’ or ‘syrup’.
The active ingredient is combined with another substance and pressed into a round or oval solid shape. There are different types of tablet.
The active part of the medicine is contained inside a plastic shell that dissolves slowly in the stomach. You can take some capsules apart and mix the contents with your child’s favourite food.
Other types of medicine:
Topical medicines
These are creams, lotions or ointments applied directly onto the skin. They come in tubs, bottles or tubes depending on the type of medicine. The active part of the medicine is mixed with another substance, making it easy to apply to the skin.
The active part of the medicine is combined with another substance and pressed into a ‘bullet shape’ so it can be inserted into the bottom. Suppositories mustn't be swallowed.
These are often used where the active part of the medicine works best if it reaches the affected area directly. They tend to be used for eye, ear or nose.
The active part of the medicine is released under pressure directly into the lungs. Young children may need to use a ‘spacer’ device to take the medicine properly. Inhalers can be difficult to use at first so your pharmacist will show you how to use them.
There are different types of injection, in how and where they're injected. Subcutaneous or SC injections are given just under the surface of the skin. Intramuscular or IM injections are given into a muscle. Intrathecal injections are given into the fluid around the spinal cord. Intravenous or IV injections are given into a vein. Some injections can be given at home but most are given at your doctor’s surgery or in hospital.
Implants or patches
These medicines are absorbed through the skin, such as nicotine patches for help in giving up smoking, or contraceptive implants.

2.Regular and Irregular forms of verbs. Give the examples.

An English verb can be regular or irregular. Regular verbs form their past and past participle forms by adding –ed.
Examples are given below.

Walk – walked – walked

Dance – danced – danced
Paint – painted – painted
Work – worked – worked

Irregular verbs form their past and past participle forms in different ways.

There are mainly three types of irregular verbs.

Verbs in which all the three forms are the same (e.g. put – put – put)

Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same (e.g. sit – sat – sat)
Verbs in which all three forms are different (e.g. drink – drank – drunk)

3.Change the sentences into the negative form:

1. Her granny takes medicine regularly.
2. My best friend is ill.
1. Her grandmother does not take medicine regularly.
2. My best friend didn't get sick.



Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from your lungs. People who have bronchitis often cough up thickened mucus, which can be discolored. Bronchitis may be either acute or chronic.
Often developing from a cold or other respiratory infection, acute bronchitis is very common. Chronic bronchitis, a more serious condition, is a constant irritation or inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, often due to smoking.


For either acute bronchitis or chronic bronchitis, signs and symptoms may include:

  • Cough

  • Production of mucus (sputum), which can be clear, white, yellowish-gray or green in color — rarely, it may be streaked with blood

  • Fatigue

  • Shortness of breath

  • Slight fever and chills

  • Chest discomfort

If you have acute bronchitis, you might have cold symptoms, such as a mild headache or body aches. While these symptoms usually improve in about a week, you may have a nagging cough that lingers for several weeks.
Chronic bronchitis is defined as a productive cough that lasts at least three months, with recurring bouts occurring for at least two consecutive years.
If you have chronic bronchitis, you're likely to have periods when your cough or other symptoms worsen. At those times, you may have an acute infection on top of chronic bronchitis.

2.Preposition Examples

A preposition is an important part of the English language. It is used to show a relationship between a noun or pronoun in a sentence and another word in the sentence. A preposition must always be followed by a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It can never be followed by a verb.
There are many preposition examples that will make it easy to understand how the parts of a sentence fit together and how the rules apply when it comes to using a preposition in a sentence.

Examples of Prepositions

There are five different types of prepositions:
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