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Geography-Kozlova (1)

15 Lesson 15 Europe
15.1 Words and word combinations to the text 
to project – выступать, выдаваться 
peninsula – полуостров 
physiographic – физиографический
majestic beauty – величественная красота 
frightening silence – пугающая тишина 
desolate stretches – безлюдное пространство 
relatively – относительно 
sizable – порядочного размера 
of glacial origin – ледникового происхождения 
maritime – морской, приморский 
transitional – переходный, промежуточный 
occasionally – время от времени 
mistral – мистраль (холодный северный ветер) 
to damage – повреждать 
crops – урожай 
sirocco – сирокко ( юж. или юго-восточный ветер в Средиземноморье) 
vegetation belt – растительная зона (пояс) 
boreal – северный 
15.2 Practise reading the following words 
Europe, Australia, Eurasia, the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Ural 
Mountains, Emba River, Novaya Zemlya, Iceland, the British Isles, Corsica, Sardinia, 
Sicily, Crete, Malta, the Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian, Balkan, Jutland peninsulas, 
the Sierra Nevada, Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Carpathians, Balkan Mountains, the 
Black Sea, Caspian Sea, the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Rhine, Vistula, Elbe, Oder, Lake 
Ladoga, Arctic Circle, North Africa’s deserts. 
15.3 Translate into English
восточная граница Полярный круг 
территория Европы менее двух процентов
одна-пятнадцатая часть возвышенности и плато
горные хребты разнообразный ландшафт 
сильные ветры полуостров 

15.3 Read and translate the text 
Europe, second smallest of the world’s continents (after Australia), composed of 
the westward-projecting peninsulas of Eurasia, occupies nearly one-fifteenth of the 
world’s total area. The territory of Europe – 10,400,000 sq km, population – 
718,500,000 people. Europe is bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the 
north by the North Sea, Baltic Sea, and English Channel, on the south by the 
Mediterranean Sea. 
The continent’s eastern boundary runs along the eastern Ural Mountains and the 
Emba River. Europe’s islands and archipelagoes include Novaya Zemlya, Iceland, the 
British Isles, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete, Malta. Its major peninsulas include the 
Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian, Balkan, Jutland.
Europe can be divided into two major parts –western peninsular Europe, and 
eastern continental Europe. And it can be divided into several distinct physiographic 
regions - the central uplands and plateaus, the south-central mountains and the 
southern fringe. The varied landscape includes the majestic beauty of the Alps, the 
frightening silence of the sparsely populated British uplands, the almost desolate 
stretches of the northern tundra, and the flat plains that have been reclaimed from the 
sea. The mountain ranges include (from west to east) the Sierra Nevada, Pyrenees, 
Alps, Apennines, Carpathians, and the Balkan Mountains.
Europe is well-watered continent with many rivers but relatively few sizable 
lakes. The river systems may be divided into three groups: the members of the first 
drain west and north directly into the Atlantic and its marginal seas (the North and 
Baltic seas); those of the second drain south into the Mediterranean; and those of the 
third drain east and south-east into the Black and Caspian seas. The Volga River is 
the longest river (3,529 km). Other major rivers are the Danube, Dnieper, Don, 
Rhine, Vistula, Elbe and Oder. Lakes covering less then 2 percent of Europe’s 
surface, are mostly of glacial origin (f. ex. Lake Ladoga). 
Lying south of the Arctic Circle and north of the tropics, Europe exhibits a wide 
range of climates: the maritime climate of the west (abundant rainfall, mild 
temperatures, both in winter and summer); the transitional climate of Central Europe 
(500 to 1,000 mm of annual rainfall, cold winters, and warm summers); the 
continental climate of the north-east (250 to 500 mm of annual rainfall, long and cold 
winters, and hot summers); the Mediterranean climate of southern coastal Europe 
(moderate rainfall, mild and wet winters, hot and dry summers). Strong winds 
occasionally blow over the area of Southern Europe. In winter the mistral – a cold dry 
wind often damage sensitive crops. In summer hot winds called siroccos bring hot, 
dry, and dusty air from North Africa’s deserts. 
The continent can be divided into five major vegetation belts; tundra zone, 
coniferous taiga or boreal zone, deciduous mixed forest zone, the steppe zone, the 
Mediterranean zone. 

15.4 Find these European countries on the map, name their capitals 
Австрия – Austria – Vienna
Албания – Albania –
Андорра – Andorra –
Белоруссия – Belarus –
Бельгия – Belgium –
Болгария – Bulgaria –
Босния и Герцеговина – Bosnia and Herzegovina –
Ватикан – Vatican (Holy See) –
Великобритания – Great Britain (UK) –
Венгрия – Hungary – 
Германия – Germany –
Греция – Greece – 
Дания – Denmark – 
Ирландия – Ireland – 
Исландия – Island –
Испания – Spain – 
Италия – Italy – 
Латвия – Latvia – 
Литва – Lithuania – 
Лихтенштейн – Liechtenstein – 
Люксембург – Luxembourg – 
Македония – FYRO Macedonia (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) –

Мальта – Malta – 
Молдавия – Republic of Moldova – 
Монако – Monaco – 
Нидерланды – Netherlands – 
Норвегия – Norway – 
Польша – Poland – 
Португалия – Portugal – 
Россия – Russian Federation –
Румыния – Romania – 
Сан Марино – San Marino –
Сербия – Serbia and Montenegro – 
Словакия – Slovakia –
Словения – Slovenia – 
Украина – Ukraine – 
Финляндия – Finland –
Франция – France –
Чехия – Czech Republic –
Хорватия – Croatia – 
Швейцария – Switzerland –
Швеция – Sweden – 
Эстония – Estonia –
Югославия – Yugoslavia – 
15.5 Say whether the following statements are true or false
1. Europe is smaller in size than Australia. 
2. The Atlantic Ocean washes the western coast of European continent. 
3. The continent’s southern boundary runs along the Ural Mountains. 
4. Europe can be divided into several distinct physiographic regions. 
5. The Sierra Nevada and Pyrenees mountains are situated in the west of the 
6. Rivers of the first group drain into the Black and Caspian seas. 
7. Maritime climate means moderate rainfall, mild and wet winters, hot and dry 
8. Siroccos bring hot, dry, and dusty air from North Africa’s deserts. 
15.6 Complete the following sentences 
1. Europe is composed of ………. and occupies ………. of the world’s total area. 
2. It’s major peninsulas include ………. . 
3. The continent’s eastern boundary runs along ………. . 
4. Europe can be divided into two major parts - ………. . 
5. The varied landscape of the continent includes ………. . 
6. Lake Ladoga is of ………. origin. 

7. Stretching from ………. to ………., Europe exhibits a wide range of climates. 
8. Strong cold winds are called ………., hot summer winds are called ………. . 
15.7 Read and translate the texts, reproduce them in the form of a dialogue 
The people of Europe constitute about one-seventh of the world’s population. 
The vast majority of Europe’s inhabitants belong to the European geographic race. 
Europe is the most densely populated continent, yet it has the lowest rate of natural 
increase primarily because of low birth rates. In general, Europe's population is 
highly urbanized, with the degree of urbanization increasing in proportion to the 
degree of industrialization. Thus the United Kingdom and Germany are among 
Europe’s most urbanized countries, while Albania and Portugal are among its least 
Europe’s population is overwhelmingly Christian in religion, with all free major 
divisions of that faith (Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodoxy). There are 
some Muslims in southeastern Europe. 
Europe has been a major source of emigrants for settlement and economic 
development of America, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand. Since the early 
1800s estimated 60 million persons have emigrated overseas. 
Politically fragmented Europe contains countries none of which covers much 
territory. Despite their small sizes their economics rank among the world’s most 
productive. All western European nations have democratic forms of government. 
Many are constitutional monarchies in which the rulers, whose powers are limited
share the powers of government with elected or appointed officials. The monarchies 
include kingdoms, such as the United Kingdom; principalities, such as Monaco and 
Liechtenstein and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 
15.8 Answer the following questions
Which continents have a larger area than Europe? 
What is the territory? The population of Europe? 
What oceans and seas wash the continent? 
Name Europe’s islands, archipelagoes and peninsulas. 
What are Europe’s physical regions? 
What are the major mountain ranges of the continent? 
How are Europe’s river systems divided? 
What percentage of continent’s area is covered by lakes? 
What climatic types does Europe exhibit? 
What are the five major vegetation belts? 

15.9 Text for written translation 
Europe is relatively poor in minerals with the exception of coal and some 
petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zink. Russia, on the other hand, is one of the 
most favourably endowed nations in the world in terms of mineral reserve. Though 
being dependent to a large extent on imported raw materials, Europe was the first of 
the world’s major regions to develop a modern economy based on commercial 
agriculture and industrial development, and it remains one of the world’s major 
industrial regions. Western Europe in particular has progressed beyond basic heavy 
industries into a post-industrial economic structure reliant on an array of service 
industries and the manufacture of high-quality machine and metal products, electrical 
goods, synthetic textiles, petrochemicals, automotive vehicles, aircraft, computers. 
The economies of Eastern Europe are considerably less advanced; they rely more 
heavily on basic iron and steel industries, textiles and food processing. 
Europe accounts for approximately one-half of the world’s international trade. 
Exports represent more than one-fifth of the aggregate gross national product (GNP) 
of the EC, which constitutes the world’s largest trading bloc. In 1958, six Western 
European nations founded an organization called the European Economic 
Community, or the Common Market. Now the EEC comprises 12 countries. The 
purpose of the organization is to allow goods and workers of the member countries to 
move free across each other’s borders. 
15.10 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 15.9 
15.11 Speak on: 
1. geographical position of Europe 
2. landforms 
3. climate 
4. population 
5. economy 
15.12 Get ready to speak about any European country you like
(see Lesson 9 ex. 9.12) 


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