Абай ілімін білудің, ТҮсінудің ЖӘНЕ

Table 1.  The poem “To Gabidulla” by Abai and its interlinear translation into English Original

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Table 1. 
The poem “To Gabidulla” by Abai and its interlinear translation into English
Transcript in Latin 
Interlinear translation 
in English (by authors)
қылтиған бір 
Қайдан білсін 
өмірдің көбін азын.
күндейді жетемін деп,
Жылы күнге мас 
болып, көрсе жазын.
Күз келген соң 
тамырын үсік шалып,
Бетегеге жете 
алмай болар жазым.
(Abai, 2016: 23)
Jazğytūrym qyltiğan 
bır jauqazyn, 
Qaidan bılsın ömırdıñ 
köbın azyn. 
Bäiterektı kündeidı 
jetemın dep, 
Jyly künge mas bolyp
körse jazyn. 
Küz kelgen soñ 
tamyryn üsık şalyp, 
Betegege jete almai 
bolar jazym.
Breaking snowdrop 
in springtime,
How does it know 
that life is a lot or a 
Envying the poplar, it 
says I'll get to you. 
Drunk on a summer 
day, if it sees summer, 
Freeze the roots with 
the onset of autumn
It won't get to the 
fescue, it'll die.

In this verse, the poet gives time objectively, while space is hid-
den from the abstract character. And his reader can determine this by 
time. The main purpose of the work as a whole is to be understanda-
ble. And in order to quickly and easily grasp the works of the poet, it 
is necessary to have knowledge from the life, condition, environment, 
even from the lexical fund of the Kazakhs. In this poem, we first get 
acquainted with the language units expressing time and space. They 
are: spring, penetrating, life, many, few, poplar, warm day, summer, 
autumn, my summer.
It is true that death is real. It itself is embodied in the lives of dif-
ferent nationalities through various rites. Let us analyze how the poet 
conveys this to his reader in terms of time and space.
Table 2. 
The poem “Qartaidyq, qaiğy oiladyq, ūiqy sergek” (“Gone old, we grieve and 
can’t sleep”) by Abai and its interlinear translation into English

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