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ç>ş Değişmesinden Kaynaklanan Eşseslilikler

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ç>ş Değişmesinden Kaynaklanan Eşseslilikler

KZT. aş- “açmak” ~ aş“aş” TT.

KZT. “tok olmayan” ~ aş“aş” TT.

KZT. aşı“acı” ~ aşı“aşı” TT.

KZT. aşık“açık” ~ aşık“aşık kemiği” TT.

KZT. “iç” ~ iş“iş” TT.

KZT. iş- “içmek” ~ “iş” TT.

KZT. kaş- “kaçmak” ~ kaş“kaş” TT.

KZT. keş“akşam” ~ keş“yağsız, ayyaş” TT.

KZT. kişi “küçük” ~ kişi“kişi” TT.

KZT. kişilik“küçüklük” ~ kişilik“kişilik” TT.

KZT. kuşak“kucak” ~ kuşak“kuşak” TT.

KZT. piş- “biçmek” ~ piş- “pişmek” TT.

KZT. şak“dönem” ~ şak“ses taklidi” TT.

KZT. şaka- “hayvan yavrusu” ~ şaka“şaka” TT.

    1. Yabancı kelimelerdeki ses değişimi ile ilgilieşseslilikler

Yabancı kelimelerde ses değişiminden kaynaklanan eşsesliliklerin bir bölümü yabancı kökenli kelimelerde söz başında bulunan x-, -h- > k-, -k-değişmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır.

KZT. kayır“hayır” ~ kayır- “kayırmak” TT.

KZT. koş“koş” ~ koş- “koşmak” TT.

KZT. kurma“hurma” ~ kurma“kurmak işi” TT.

KZT. sakar“sahur” ~ sakar“sakar” TT.

Kazak Türkçesinde f ünsüzü kullanılmamaktadır. F ve v ünsüzlerine sahip kimi yabancı kökenli kelimelerde f > p, v > b değişmesi Kazak ve Türkiye Türkçeleri arasında eşsesli kelimeler ortaya çımasına neden olmuştur:

KZT. oba“veba” (< Ar. veba) ~ oba“oba” TT.

KZT. payda“fayda” ( ~ payda“payda” TT.

KZT. sap“Far. saf” ( ~ sap“sap” TT.

Kazak Türkçesinde buz kelimesinde b > m değişimine uğrayarak Türkiye Türkçesinde kullanılan Arapça kökenli muz kelimesiyle eşsesli konuma gelmiştir.

KZT. muz“buz” ~ muz“ muz” TT.

Türkiye Türkçesiyle Kazak Türkçesi arasında görülen bir diğer eşseslilik yabancı kökenli kelimelerin Kazak Türkçesinde büyük ünlü uyumuna bağlanmasıyla ilgilidir:

KZT. saya“gölge” (~ saya “ayakkabının üst bölümü” TT.

KZT. tavan“güç” (< Far. tevân) ~ tavan“tavan” TT.

Türkiye Türkçesinde b > v değişmesi sonucu tava şeklinde gelişen kelime Kazak Türkçesinde taba“tava” şeklinde söylendiğinde Türkiye Türkçesinde kullanılan Fransızca kökenli taba kelimesiyle eşsesli konumdadır.

KZT. taba“tava” ~ taba“kızılımsı kahve rengi” TT.

Kazak Türkçesiyle Türkiye Türkçesi arasında eşsesli konuma geçen bir diğer kelime de Türkiye Türkçesindeki Farsça kökenli şayan “yakışır” kelimesiyle Kazak Türkçesindeki akrep anlamında kullanılan ve çıyan’dan geliştiğini tahmin ettiğimiz şayan“akrep” kelimesidir.

KZT. şayan“akrep” ~ şayan“yaraşır” ( TT.

  1. Ses olaylardan kaynaklanan eşseslilikler

    1. Kök ve gövdelerde ses olaylarının yol açtığı eşseslilikler:

Ses olaylarından dolayı ortaya çıkan eşseslilikler,tonsuzk ünsüzünün iki ünlü ortasında sızıcı konuma geçerek ğ ünsüzüne dönüşmesiyle ilgilidir.

KZT. ağız- “akıtmak” ~ ağız“ağız” TT.

KZT. ağız- (ak-ı-z-). –z- ettirgen eki Kazak Türkçesinde aktif bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır.

KZT. ağıt- “çözmek, akıcı biçimde okumak” ~ ağıt“ağıt” TT.

KZT. ağıt- (ak-ı-t-).

KZT. sığın- “sıkılmak” ~ sığın- “sığınmak” TT.

Türkiye Türkçesinde kelime sonunda bulunan –ğ ünsüzü, Kazak Türkçesinde kendisinde önce a ünsüzü varsa au şeklinde telaffuz edilmektedir. Ancak Kazakça Türkçesi – Türkiye Türkçesi sözlüğünde–v olarak aktarılmıştır: KZT. sav “sağ”; sav-“sağmak”; sav- “sağmak”(Kazak Türkçesi – Türkiye Türkçesi Sözlüğü 2012: 553). Bu sözlükte v olarak kaydedilenler volarak değil de au olarak çift ünlülü telaffuz edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla sau “sağ” vesau- “sağmak”kelimelerindeeşseslilikten söz edemeyiz.

    1. Ek çeşitliliğinin olaylarının yol açtığı eşseslilikler: Alafonlar

KZT. bastık“başkan” ~ bastık “bastık” TT.

KZT. bastık [< bas (

KZT. sapta-“saplamak” ~ sapta- “kaba söz” TT.

KZT. sapta [

KZT. tepki“tekme” ~ tepki“tepki” TT.

    1. Ünlü düşmesinin yol açtığı eşseslilikler:

KZT. kurt-“kurut” ~ kurt- “kurt” TT.


Kazak Türkçesiyle Türkiye Türkçesi karşılaştırıldığı çok sayıda eşseslikelimenin bulunması dikkat çeker. Türkiye Türkçesiyle Kazak Türkçesi arasında eşsesli kelimelerin çok olmasının temel nedeni ünsüz değişmeleridir. Eşsesli kelimelerin oluşumuna neden olan ünsüz değişmeleri de daha çok Kazak Türkçesinde görülen ünsüz değişmeleriyle ilgilidir.Eşsesli kelimelerin oluşumuna neden olan ünsüz değişmelerinin başında da ç > ş ve ş > s ünsüz değişmeleri gelmektedir. Bu ünsüz değişmelerinden yalnız ş > s değişmesi Kazak Türkçesinin kendi içinde eşseli kelimelerin ortaya çıkmasına yol açar. Kazak Türkçesinde kaynağı farklı iki türlü s ünsüzü bulunur. Bunlardan bir tanesi Eski Türkçeden gelenes-, bas-, üst kelimelerinde bulunanaslî s ünsüzüdür. İkinci s ünsüzü ş > s değişmesi sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. İki farklı kaynaktan gelen s ünsüzü Kazakçanın kendi içinde ve Türkiye Türkçesiyle Kazak Türkçesi arasında eşsesli kelimelerin oluşmasına neden olmuştur. ç> ş değişmesi ise yalnız Türkiye Türkçesiyle Kazak Türkçesi arasında eşsesli kelimelerin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Ç > ş değişiminin Kazak Türkçesinin kendi içinde eşsesli kelimeler oluşturmamasının nedeni ise Eski Türkçedeki ş’lerin düzenli olarak yerini s ünsüzüne bırakması yalnızca bir tek ç ünsüzünden değişen ş ünsüzünün var olmasıdır. Açık kelimesi ç > ş değişimine uğrayarak aşık olurken aşık “aşık kemiği” kelimesi de ş > s değişmesi sonucu asık olmuştur.Eşsesli kelimelerin oluşumuna neden olan bir diğer ünsüz değişmesi de kalın sırada bulunan k ünsüzünün iki ünlü arasında akıcılaşarak ğ ünsüzüne dönüşmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Akıt-“akıtmak” kelimesi k > ğ sonucu ağıt- “akıtmak” biçiminde söylenerek Türkiye Türkçesinde kullanılan ağıt“ağıt mersiye” sözüyle eşsesli konuma gelmiştir.


KZT. Kazak Türkçesi

TT. Türkiye Türkçesi

Far. Farsça

Ar. Arapça

TLG Türk Lehçeleri Grameri


  1. Buran Ahmet, Türkçede ve Türkiye Türkçesin Ağızlarında ş / s Meselesi, TurkishStudies, Türkoloji Araştırmaları Volume 2/2 Spring 2007.122.

  2. DiyalektologiyalıkSözdik, Almatı 2007.

  3. Ercilasun A. Bican, Türk Dili Tarihi, Akçağ Yay. 10. Baskı, Ankara 2011.

  4. Ergin Muharrem, Türkiye Türkçesi Grameri, Bayrak Yay. İstanbul 2000.

  5. Gökdağ Bilgehan Atsız, Salmas Ağzı, Karam Yayınları, Çorum 2006.

  6. Gülsevin Gürer, Türkiye Türkçesi Ağızlarında Kıpçak’ça Denilen Unsurlar Üzerine 2: (ç>ş değişmesi), TurkishStudies, Volume 3/3 Spring 2008.

  7. Januzakov T., Kazak TilininTüsindirmeSözdigi, Almatı 2008.

  8. Karini Jahangir, Erdebil İli Ağızları (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı, Türk Dili Dalı, Ankara 2009.

  9. Kazak TilininSinonimderSözdigi, Almatı 2005.

  10. Koç Kenan, Bayniyazof Aybek, Başkapan Vehbi, Kazak Türkçesi – Türkiye Türkçesi Sözlüğü, Almatı 2012.

  11. Korkmaz Zeynep, Türkiye Türkçesi Grameri “Şekil Bilgisi” TDK Yay. Ankara 2009.

  12. Türkçe Sözlük, TDK Yay. Ankara 2000.

Түйін: Түрік тілі мен қазақ тілі арасында көптеген синонимдес сөздер кездеседі. Синонимдес сөздердің негізі қазақ тіліндегі дауыссыздардың өзгеруінен туындауда. Дауыссыздардың өзгеруінде біріншіден ш>сжәне ч>ш болса, екіншіден екі дауыстының арасында к дауыссызының ғ дауыссызына өзгеруі көрініс табады.
Кілт сөздер: ш>сжәне ч>ш дауыссыздарының өзгеруі, синоним сөздер, түрік тіліндегі синоним сөздер, қазақ тілі мен түрік тіліндегі сөздердің байланысы.
Abstract: This article examines homonymous words in the Turkish and Kazakh languages that cause change of consonants. The most important factor of consonant change that causes homonymous words between Kazakh and Turkish language are ch>sh and sh>s. Another factor of consonant changes which causes homonymous words in the Kazakh and Turkish languages is k > gh.
Key words: ch>sh and sh> s consonant change, Kazakh Language, Turkish Language, consonant change, Homonymous words in Kazakh and Turkish.

By Andrea Lo Meo

Lecturer of Italian

Italian Embassy in Astana




Abstract: problems of transforming the learning environment; technological innovations in the field of education; an Italian school, where an experiment was conducted with the project «Cl @ SSI 2,0»; the benefits of using multimedia interactive whiteboards.

Key words: technical innovations, the project «Cl @ SSI 2,0», Bologna, Ministry of Education of Italy, digital texts.
Among the problems affecting the Italian state-run educational system (which is in the process of a deep reform) there is the strong incidence of dropping-out and school failure. The reasons are many. Methodology maybe is unbalanced, with the prevalence of theory over practice. Too many teachers are indifferent to technical innovations and still use materials they used as learners. All of this result in a fairly "unappealing" environment for the average present-day Italian student.

The Project, on the contrary, has the ambition of being "appealing" and making learners creative, both in the usage of tools and in the up-building of their own knowledge.

Castiglione dei Pepoli (Bologna, Italy)
Castiglione dei Pepoli is a small mountain village in the province of Bologna in the north-east of Italy. The village is in the Tuscan-Aemilian Apennines, 50 km away from either Bologna or Florence, 691 metres above sea-level and counts some 6,000 inhabitants.

To reach it you have to use the motorway or the coach or the train plus a coach from Bologna railway station. It is not easy to get there, especially in the long winter season, because the weather may be very cold (even for Italian standards, of course!). The village, however small it is, has the benefit of a senior high school, which comprises a scientific stream, a commercial stream, a vocational stream for prospective electricians, mechanics and tourist field operators. There are 400 students, from the village itself and the even smaller surrounding villages. The school is open Monday through Saturday from 07:00 to 23:00, due to the presence of night classes for learners-workers.

Over the last ten years the school has acquired a distinctive status in Italy due to its technical innovations in the educational field, but not only.

Considering the high costs in Italy of electrical energy, the school has succeeded in dramatically cutting these costs by using a small sun-powered station and the high-speed-dedicated network line to be used also for telephoning, via Skype.

All classrooms are cabled. The school has a mainframe computing station, powerful enough to serve all the rooms simultaneously. Each room is supplied with digital tv and satellite tv cables. There are three rooms with a MIW (Multimedia Interactive Whiteboard) system. The school has its own website and an e-learning station. The great majority of the software in use is open-source, therefore completely free of charge and fees.

For these reasons the school has been chosen with other 155 to experiment with the project "Cl@ssi 2.0". The testing schools are considered the "cream of the cream" among the over 14,000 Italian state-run schools.

In the Project was applied to one first-year class of the business-administration stream with a population of 20 students, aged 14.


The actors:

Italian Ministry of Education and University; Universities; Cultural and Financial Foundations; Private Sponsoring Enterprises; 156 state-run schools.

 The Mission:

The starting point of the Project "Cl@ssi 2.0" is how to transform the learning environment. This is, of course, the classroom, made up, yesterday as well as today, by desks, books, chalkboards, exercise books.

In the globalized world today, anyway, unlike yesterday, and in Italy, learning at school is just one, and not the main one, among the load of educational experiences children and teenagers live.

Present day pupils and students are the "New Millennium Learners", the "Net Generation", the "Digital Natives". Applying geological time measurements to the technological progress, we can state that our society over the first 80 years of the XX century made a progress tantamount to 100 years of biological evolution, whereas, over the 20 years astride the XX and XXI centuries, it has made a progress tantamount to 10,000 years of biological evolution.

So where does the school stand? How do learners behave inside and outside the school premises?  It is possible to summarize the setting like that:


Passive characters

Mono-tasking activity

A space at a time

Time is sequential (an hour per school-subject)

Learning in sequence

Language in written formal standards


Outside school:

Active characters

Multitasking activity


Timetable fragmentation

Learning in non-sequence

Knowledge is acquired in text-image-audio visual simultaneity


The classroom was designed to transmit knowledge but has become more and more anachronistic. The organization of space and time does not any longer suit learners' requirements and desires for knowledge. For Italian learners the outer world of knowledge is Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Wikipedia, and much more. The new phase in technology focuses on the person of the learner, overpasses the old-fashioned concepts of school training, even the computer science lab, a space for a few teachers and a few subjects.



The Project involves a new relationship between ITC and schooling, which affects:

- all school subjects;

- all the teachers of the selected class(*);

- all the basics of schooling: transmission and construction of knowledge;

- all the ways of knowledge (books, digital contents, and so on);

- all the ways space and time are organized (school/home; presence/distance).


(*) In Italy schools are organized in classes: the same students are in the same group (with some exceptions) from the first to the last year of school, and stay in the same classroom. They study the same subjects (of the specific stream) with the same teachers. The teachers and not the students move in and out of the classroom, lesson after lesson.


The selected group of the Project enjoys a classroom with a MIW system designed for the group only. Students has the room available practically round-the-clock, before, during and after lessons. There are no text-books, which are substituted by digitalized texts, designed by the teachers.

The MIW allows the recording of all actions and procedures, in text-image-sound-video format, so much so that students have the possibility of re-watching and re-listening to, all lessons. When you use a common chalkboard everything you cancel is lost forever!

With the MIW the images can be edited to remove captions and sound, allowing the creation of "mute" duplications for the memorizing process. Think only, for example, of geographical maps. The Net connection with the C.I.A. Fact Book allows a two-week updating of all geographical data. Incomparable with the use of a -however modern- atlas! And the information is in English. So students are faced with English no longer as a school subject but as "the" tool for learning any school subject. With the MIW and the dedicated simulating applets students can watch scientific phenomena "alive".

Аннотация: Мақалада оқу саласын түрлендіруде жаңа инновациялық технологияларды қолдану, итальяндық мектептер, оларда қолданған «Cl @ SSI 2,0» жобасы, желідегі мультимедиялық интерактивті тақталардың тиімділігі жайлы айтылады.

Кілтті сөздер: техникалық жаңалықтар, «Cl @ SSI 2,0» жобасы, Болонья, Италия білім министрлігі, сандық мәтіндер.
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются проблемы преобразования среду обучения, технические инновации в сфере образования, об итальянской школе, где проводился эксперимент с проектом «Cl @ SSI 2,0», о преимуществах использования мультимедийных интерактивных досок.

Ключевые слова: технические новшества, проект «Cl @ SSI 2,0», Болонья, Итальянское Министерство образования, цифровые тексты.

Yessengaliyeva Anna

candidate of pedagogical sciences

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university

Astana. Kazakhstan

Abstract: This article is devoted to the features of language material use in English language teaching. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of situational and thematic programs of training with the specification of typical situations. The author describes the effect of psychological factors, which are clearly visible in terms of didactics.

Keywords: communicative speech situation, communication category, the methodology, the dialogue, the psychological effect.
Eventually all speech peculiarities are specified by the situation. The theme is a substantial content of the situation. It is supposed methodologically incorrect to consider the theme as a “starting point” and to break it into situations.

In the theme we can find out subthemes, sections, subsections, any you like, instead of situations because these notions are multifaceted though closely connected.

The situation is added by the theme, but by some of them, not by one: combinations are depended on the semantic relations [1, 67]. The principle of the situational stipulation of the speech contact allows to consider the theme as all-sufficient, communicative category existing out of the intercourse, but as the result of confluence and interaction of the basic components of the communicative - speech situation (circumstances, personalities of intercourse and their mutual relations, speech motives, development of the contact itself). By this means, the situation causes the theme, not the theme causes a speech contact.

Situational –thematic programme of teaching is concretized by variants of the typical communicative situations at the lessons, supplied with the form of the description of the most fractional situational contacts. Let’s illustrate this type of such presentation on the basis of the one of the general communicative situations.

Thus, to the general situation “Entertainment of the guests from Great Britain” (they must be students, tourists, businessmen) the following concrete situations must be used:

1) You got the information about the arrival of the group of students

from Oxford to your university. You are discussing the programme of their accommodation, the programme of their visit.

  • Good morning.

  • Good morning. Glad to meet you.

  • Is this your first visit to Astana?

  • Yes…etc. Or

  • How do you do? Very happy to meet you at last.

  • How do you do.

  • Did you have a good journey? ...etc.

  1. You take part in the accommodation of the students in the dormitories or hotels.

Which hotel are you going to stay? Where would you like to stay?

  • In the hotel.

  • We’ll be glad to see you at our home, etc.

  1. You are discussing with the group of students the programme of their visit in your city and clear up the concrete guests requirements.

  2. You invite English students to come to the party. You are discussing about spending of the spare time, exchanging your opinions about the most famous and popular groups, singers, who got fame.

What are you going to do on Sunday?

  • I was planning (to see the sights), to go to the disco-club. Or

What about going to the disco-club with us this Sunday? … etc.

Thus, situational thematic organizing of the communicative content of the oral speech teaching is methodically efficient. In this context, it is preferable to speak not about situations’ thematicity, but about their content.

Subject discussions are usually related to the definite attitude. They exist out of us, irrespective of us. But at any moment they are connected with the person’s activity: the definite event happens (the person notices and knows about it), that makes discord, mismatch to the system of mutual relations between a person and surroundings (another person). The problem has appeared. The situation as a problem causes the speech action, which is expressed concerning the person to the mismatch of the system, i.e. to the problem and desire to change unmatched attitudes to the “norm” [2, 55]. The attitude of the person to the problem is its speech function. Just this attitude is an organizing beginning in the situation.

Thus, the main difference between the theme and situation is not in the amount of the activity (the “situation is a part of the theme” or vice versa). The situation is that caused the problem for me just at the moment (the words “just at the moment” can’t be understood as “immediately”: the problem could be yesterday, and we’ll solve it tomorrow.

  • What did you see yesterday?

  • “Hamlet” with Smotunovskyi.

  • It’s an old film, isn’t it?

  • Yes, but it’s still drawing a full house.

The theme is a potential store of the social experience, not included to the context of the personal activity i.e. something that is in reality and in the conscience, but at present it isn’t related to me, any problem.

Further analyzing the intercourse process we’ll find out another by the character “type of social connection”, that is called a social contact, i. e. “a definite system “ [3, 49] including at least two persons, any value, that is going to be the basis of the contact, some interactions, concerning this value. The sample can be: buying of the journal in the kiosk, the dinner order in the restaurant and so on. The contradiction of the notions ”situation” and “social contact” is quite evident.

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