1. Kant, I. 1964,
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2. Kant, I. 2000,
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3. Kant, I. 1966a,
Kritika sposobnosti suzhdenija [Critique of Judgment]. In: I. Kant. So-
branie Sochineniy v 6 t. [Works in 6 volumes]. Mysl' [Thought], Moscow. T. 3.
4. Kant, I. 1966b,
O voprose, predlozhennom na premiyu korolevskoy berlinskoy akademii
nauk v 1791 godu: kakie deystvitelnyie uspehi sdelala metafizika v Germanii so vremeni Leybnitsa i
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About the author
Prof. Leonard Kalinnikov, Department
of Philosophy, Institute of Humani-
ties, Immanuel
Kant Baltic Federal University,