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Ахметова Мадина Курсовая работа


M. Dauletbaev's used full translation, functional translation of N. A. Polevoy and he tried to use emotionally strong words in the Kazakh language, which are often pronounced in colloquial speech.

At Ophelia's funeral, Hamlet publicly addressed Laertes:
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Here N. A. Polevoy used word-for-word translation in “forty thousand brothers” and M. Dauletbaev used semantic translation method hyperbola.

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In this sentences, Kazakh translator used antinomic translation method. It is a grammatical & lexical transformation, which substitutes an affirmative construction or vice versa with some accompanying lexical changes, usually substituting the antonym for the original word.
The Kazakh version is written in colloquial, Russian "everyday" language. However, given the period, the requirements of the era, it cannot be said that the translation is bad. M. Dauletbaev's translation is a unique work of its time. He is the first Kazakh translator who opened the way for Shakespearean creativity.. Through Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet", the Kazakh people got acquainted with English dramaturgy. If there is no translation, this is not a disadvantage. M. Dauletbaev tried to preserve the originality of the translation. Each translation has its own history. M. Dauletbaev's translation can be considered one of the most successful translations of that time, because Shakespeare's classics have a special place in Kazakh society. This translation increases the interest of Kazakh writers in Shakespeare's works. The next kazakh translator who worked with Shakespeare’s creation was Khamit Ergaliev and he used Pasternak's translation in the Russian version. Here is given the king's monologue in the second scene of the first act of "Hamlet": In the second scene of the first act, the king:
As you see, the word son is translated as “ulanym”. If thranslator had translated this word as a son “ulym”, he would have distorted the content of the work. Here he used Generalization is a translation technique where a translator uses a more general or neutral term in the target language.
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There is no word "bula" in Russian and in the original text. The translator successfully used this word to describe the young face of Hamlet. Kh. Ergaliev used the method addition, a kind of lexical transformation[19, 224 p.].

The translation given by Kh. Ergaliyev's was done masterfully, because if he used word-for-word translation it would be strange and far from meaning.
Feeling Hamlet's displeasure, the king asked, "Why do you always weigh yourself?" Hamlet replied, "It is not so, my lord: I am under a very bright sun."
These lines were translated: King: Бұла жүзді бұлт басқанба тағы да? Hamlet: Ә, жоқ милорд: күн нұрына күптімін деп айдарған. Was Translated in an accurate, artistic and understandable way.
The translator translated the most rational phrases typical of the Kazakh language.“Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres” -Глаза как звезды вышли из орбит- Екі көзің шарасынан шақшиып. “ Thy knotted and combined locks to part- И кудри отделились друг от друга- Айдарынның тал-тал болып бұйрасы”. “And each particular hair to stand an and- Поднявший дыбом каждый волосок- Төбе шашы тік тұрар “. The translator translated the most rational phrases typical of the Kazakh language. "Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres" -Eye as the stars came out of orbit- "Thy knotted and combined locks to part. “And each particular hair to stand an and- Lifting the sound of each hair- The hair on the head stands upright”[20, 221p.]. The translation is semantically and artistically accurate.
As for a few other successes in the translation, Enardon's words in the original:

In Pasternak's translation, «Штурм твоих ушей» was translated “Құлағыңыз қамалы”. Kh. Ergaliev used communicative method of translation.


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