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Ахметова Мадина Курсовая работа

The first period: Shakespeare's early dramatic chromatist comedies, and poems have an optimistic view. In his works William Shakespeare was able to illustrate his people's desire for the beautiful nature of their homeland and the joy of life.
As for the formation of a creative nature of Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev did the significant contribution his grandmother and the Kazakh people.
The second period: Changes in Abai's creative attitude a been inextricably linked with the social and political changes of Russian Empire in the Kazakh land and the disintegration of the Kazakh people. Shakespeare's creative direction is connected the reign of the royal government forces in England's life weakening of the population because of the initial concentration capital.
Both Shakespeare and Abai were contemplating on the people's fate and worked on the bright future of their people works, Shakespeare was interested in the renewal of the society f growth of the people's consciousness and the aspiration of the people to justice and truth. It can be noticed that Abai’s encouragement of the Kazakh youth to education and work comm with Shakespeare's edification.
The third period: Abai spent the last years of his life writing valuable work "Book of words," raising issues of history and morality. As for Shakespeare, he has been writing the struggle evil and humanity in his work, and often honors the qualities of universal human morality and sincerity. The actions of two creative personalities have become an invaluable spiritual heritage. Their essential works have not yet lost their relevance.
Abai and Shakespeare are thinking about the purpose of person's life in the world, person's responsibility and the meaning of life. Two great creative people, who want the people to be more knowledgeable and well-educated, prefer to give them the right advice and to educate the young generation. The following poem by Abai Kunanbayev can prove above said words:
Сен де бір кірпіш дүниеге,
Кетігін тап та, бар қалан! [23,368 p.]
Translating two lined Kazakh poems into the English language;
You are a little brick In the wall of the world.
Find your place in it.
William Shakespeare, like Abai Kunanbayev, is philosophically thinking about the meaning of life and has the similar verses:
The meaning of life is to find a gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.
Translating two lined English poem into Kazakh language:
Өмір мәні - өз қабілетіңді табу,
Өмір мақсаты - оны қолдану.
As you can see above, Abai correlates a person to a little "brick" of an infinite world and advises everyone. "Find your place in this life and serve your people," while the great English writer William Shakespeare explains, "The essence of life is to find your favorite engagement, a talent and to serve the humanity."
The pithy sayings of noble people as Abai and Shakespeare have long been remembered in the memory of the people and became proverbs. Proverbs are an indispensable source of any nations' linguistic research. The proverbs are being used in oral literature for centuries. They are spread from generation to generation as verses and pithy sayings.
Using widely or refusing the proverbs is associated with changes in the various historical periods, the development of education, and the change of views. According to Vladimir Dahl. "proverb is a short saying and simple people's advice that can be taught to another person; it was not intentionally invented, it emerges by itself; it is the people's mind"[24, 69p.].
The winged words of our great Abai were widely used it everyday life as proverbs and sayings. For example:
Еңбек етсең ерінбей,
Тояды қарның тілінбей.
Translating two lined Kazakh verse into the English language
A hard-working man will not lack a square met
For alms, like a beggar, he need not appeal [25, 73p.]
The great, world-renowned writer Shakespeare's regardless of the time, have been fixed in the minds of people’s proverbs. For example:
Brevity is the soul of wit,
The above written proverb is being translated from bralin into Kazakh as follows:
Кыскалық-акыл жаны
Thus, expressing the idea is a great art. Also, proverb that mentioned above, means to deliver the concept using short problem explanation, and to earn someone's attention directly on the art of finding proper words.
Abai Kunanbaev and William Shakespeare considered creations as a debt in front of their people. During the will most of their poems were about the mournful truth, the sorrow, and anxieties. Both poets were able to deliver the truths of their time open to the people without concealing Prominent figures like Abai and Shakespeare have left their marks for centuries, going behind their immortal creations. The more time left behind, the closer their creations will be, and the closer makes the readers to their works. Our poets and writers, who worked with inspiration, confronted the ignorance and shed a sweat for the sake of people's bright future.

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