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1 Srebnaya N.M. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the creation of student-centered system of extra-
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№ 3 (106) 2015
2 Chizh A.N. Extracurricular activities of students in the theory and history of higher pedagogical education 
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3 Khalilov V.A. Education of professional responsibility of the future music teacher and the process of ex-
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4 Tazhbayeva S.G. Preparation of the future teacher for the formation of moral and volitional individuality of 
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5 Sotnikova L.I. Extracurricular musical activities as a means of formation of social activity of the future music 
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6 Akhmetova T. SH. Formation of informative activity of the future music teachers during extracurricular time 
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7 Shilibayeva T.K. Vocational and aesthetic education of students from pedagogical university in the process of 
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8 Shaymardanov R.KH. Intensification of extracurricular professional training of future teachers [Intensifikatsi-
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10 Chebotarenok Ye. A. The formation of professional expertise of future primary school teacher and music teach-
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13 ShiyanovYe.N. , Kotova I.B. The development of personality in education [Razvitiyelichnosti v obuchenii], 
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16 Shnekendorf Z. K. The preparation of students for the work of home-room teacher in the process of extracur-
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