16. Знайдіть еквіваленти словосполучень та виразів у тексті та запишить.
В променях сонця
Іти повільно
Прибути на місце до ночі
Я поспішаю
З цими словами
Було ледве видно
Нічого не було видно
Нічого не було чутно
Не описати пером
Найкращий друг
Він має на це свої думки
А. Поставьте запитання до виписаних речень.
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
В. Використовуючи вправу А. утворіть та інсценуйте діалог.
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________?
- ________________________________________________________________.
- ________________________________________________________________? - ________________________________________________________________.
17. Дайте відповіді на запитання, утворіть діалог, користуючись виконаною вправою та інсценуйте його.
How many people appeared in the prairie?
What was in wagons?
Who was caravan belonged?
How old was he?
Who was together with him?
Why did the caravan stop?
Why did the travellers loose their way?
Who came up to the planter?
What did the planter want?
What did he see?
What did the stranger say to people?
What did he tell to do with horses?
What happened then?
How long were they inside the carriage?
Who saved their life?
What kind of furniture was in the hut?
Who was sitting on the stool?
What did Maurice carry?
What was it?
Who came to Maurice?
18. Запишіть транскрипцію та перевірьте знання слів, що зустрічалися у тексті.
To belong
Крива, вигинатися
To ride
Їхати верхом
To reach
Простягатися, досягати
Широкий мексиканський плащ
Плече, зворот
To loose
To order
Наказувати, заказувати
To muffle
To go mad
З’їхати з глузду
To lose no time
Не витрачати час
To follow
Йти за
Приборкувач коней
To bark
Модуль 6 KITCHEN
1. Вивчіть слова, вирази,словосполучення для плідної роботи.
А. Нові слова.
kitchen – кухня
refrigerator (fridge) – холодильник
freezer – морозилка, камера заморожування
blender – блендер, змішувач
food processor – кухоний комбайн
gipsy table – круглий столик на трьох ніжках
butterfly table – стіл з відкидними боковими дошками
rectangular table – прямокутний стіл
sink – кухона раковина
tap UK/ faucet US – кран
dishwasher – посудомийка
cupboard – настінна шафа, буфет
drawer – поличка (стола, комода)
cabinet door(s) – дверцята шафи
pot holder – пристрій, що тримає посуд
toaster – тостер
juicer – пристрій для виготовлення соку
mixer – міксер
coffee maker - кавоварка
stove/cooker/range – кухона плита
oven – духова шафа
microwave stove – мікрохвильова піч
cookware/utensil – кухоне приладдя, посуд для приготування їжі
kitchen accessories – кухоне приладдя, кухоні речі
appliance/gadget – електроприлад, технічний пристрій
frying pan – сковорідка
sauce pan – каструля
skillet – сковорідка або каструля з довгою ручкою
cake tin UK/cake pan US – форма для випікання тортів
meat-chopper/meat-grinder – м’ясорізка
sieve – сито
colander – дуршлаг
grater – терка (металева)
kettle – чайник (металевий)
teapot – чайник для заварювання чаю
coffeepot – кавовник
crockery – посуд (глиняний, фаянсовий)
soup-plate – глибока тарілка
plate – тарілка
bowl – піала, миска
measuring spoons – мірні ложечки
tablespoon/soup spoon – столова ложка
salt-spoon/tea-spoon – ложечка для солі/чайна ложечка
fork – виделка
cutlery – ножові вироби
knife – ніж
fruit-knife – ніж для фруктів
fish-knife – ніж для риби
saucer – блюдце
sauce-boat – соусник
butter-dish – тарілочка для масла
salt-cellar – солонка
sugar-basin – цукорниця
spice rack – підставка для спецій
mug – кухоль
cup – чашка
glass – склянка, бокал
tablecloth – скатертина
candlestick – підсвічник
napkin – серветка
pitcher/jug – кувшин
whisk – збивач (для яєць, крему тощо)
ladle – черпак
spatula – лопатка
rolling pin – качалка
bread bin UK/bread box US – хлібниця
chopping board – дошка для нарізки (дерев’яна)
dust pan – совок для сміття
mop – швабра
broom – віник, мітла
trash can – відро для сміття
crumb-brush – щітка для змітання крихт
В. Дієслова
to chop – рубати, нарізати, кришити
to slice (up) – нарізати тонкими скибочками
to dice – нарізати у формі кубиків, фігурних шматочків
to carve – нарізати (м’ясо, пиріг, торт)
to sprinkle (with) – бризкати, кропити
to sift (from)/to sieve – відсіювати, просіювати, сіяти
to whisk – збивати (білки, крем)
to mix – змішувати, з’єднувати
to drain/to strain – осушувати, цідити, фільтрувати
to dip (out) – занурювати, черпати
to peel (potatoes) – чистити
to skin (tomatoes) – здирати шкіру
to shell (nuts,peas, eggs) – чистити
to pluck (chickens, ducks) – обскубувати
to string (beans) – чистити
to scrape (carrots) – чистити, шкребти
to scale – знімати луску, чистити рибу
to grate – молоти, товкти, терти (на терці)
to knead – замішувати, місити тісто
to roll out – розкачувати (тісто)
to spread – розмазувати, намазувати (хліб маслом, джемом)
to crush – давити, чавити, ламати
to mash – давити, чавити, розминати
to squeeze – видавлювати, здавлювати (сік з лимона)
to skewer – насаджувати, пронизувати, нанизувати
to snip – різати ножицями
to crumb – посипати крихтами, обсипати
to garnish – прикрашати, гарнірувати, оздоблювати
to bake – випікати
to cut – різати, нарізати
to boil – варити, кип’ятити
to fry – жарити, смажити
to stew – тушити
to add – додавати
to roast – запікати в духовці, смажити
to grill – готувати на грилі
to mince – кришити, дрібно сікти
to shred – різати, кромсати, шаткувати (капусту)
to dress salad – заправляти салат
С. Слова до тексту.
efficient – ефективний, діяльний, доречний
a good deal of time – багато часу
predicament – ускладнення
out of sight – поза межами зору
to storage – зберігати, вміщувати
inventive – винахідливий
to permit – допускати, дозволяти, давати можливість
to purchase – купувати
to take up – займати
to attach – кріпити, прикріпляти
much less – набагато менше
to be suspended – бути підвішеним
2. Прослухайте діалоги, прочитайте їх по ролям, вивчить на пам”ять та інсценуйте.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- What did you do when you moved into new flat?
- We went to the shop and bought everything my mother wanted.
- What did you buy?
- A mixer, a mincer, a toaster, a coffee pot, a tea pot.
- Do you use dressing for preparing food?
- Yes, of course. My mother buys all dressing she needs.
- Where do you put your dressing?
- My mommy puts pepper in the pepper – box, salt in the salt – cellar.
- How do you clear your kitchen up?
- I take a broom, a dust pan, sweep and all rubbish I put in the garbage – can.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Do you like to lay the table?
- Yes, I do.
- What do you do at first?
- I spread the table – cloth.
- What do you use when you eat meat?
- I use a knife.
- What do you put in the middle of the table?
- Different dressing and mother’s salad.
- What do you put under the plate?
- Napkin, of coursse.
3. Прослухайте, прочитайте та обсудіть з одногрупниками текст.
My Favourite Room
My favourite room is our kitchen. Perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in many houses, but it is particularly so in our house because it’s not only where we cook and eat but it’s also the main meeting place for family and friends.
I have so many happy memories of times spent there: special occasions such as homecomings or cooking Christmas dinner; troubled times, which lead to comforting cups of tea in the middle of the night; ordinary daily events such as making breakfast on dark, cold winter mornings for sleepy children before sending them off to school, then sitting down to read the newspaper with a steaming hot mug of coffee.
So what does this special room look like? It’s a modern and spacious kitchen, nice and clean with a lot of cupboards. There is a fridge, a cooker, a sink and a dishwasher. It’s quite big, but not huge. It’s big enough to have a good-sized rectangular table in the centre, which is the focal point of the room. There is a large window with lovely plants above the sink,which looks out onto two apple trees in the garden. The cooker is at one end, and above it is a pot holder with skillets, sauce and frying pans. At the other end is a fridge which tells the story of our lives, past, present and future, in words and pictures: a school photo of Megan and Kate, a postcard from our friends in Australia, the menu from a take-away Chinese restaurant, a wedding invitation for next Saturday. All our world is there for everyone to read!
Our kitchen is stuffed with cookware and utensils, small appliances and comfortable gadgets which help us to cook and enjoy delicious meal as well.
The front door is seldom used in our house, only by strangers. All our friends use the back door, which means they come straight into the kitchen and join in whatever is happening there. The kettle goes on immediately and then we all sit round the table, drinking tea and talking about world problems and events. Without doubt some of the happiest times of my life have been spent in our cosy kitchen.
А. Знайдіть англійський еквівалент та запишіть переклад словосполучень та виразів.
найважливіша кімната в багатьох будинках
найголовніше місце зустрічей для родини та друзів
темні, холодні зимові ранки
гарячий паруючий кухоль кави
розмовляти про світові проблеми та події
B. Вставьте артиклі.
It’s ________ modern and spacious kitchen, nice and clean with ____ lot of cupboards. There is ____ fridge,___ cooker, ___ sink and____ dishwasher. It’s big enough to have _____ good-sized rectangular table in ______ centre, which is ____ focal point of _____ room. There is____ large window with lovely plants above _____ sink,which looks out onto two apple trees in _____ garden.
C. Вставьте прийменники.
The cooker is ____ one end, and ______ it is a pot holder ______ skillets, sauce and frying pans. _____ the other end is a fridge which tells the story ____our lives, past, present and future, ____ words and pictures: a school photo ____ Megan and Kate, a postcard _____ our friends _____ Australia, the menu ______ a take-away Chinese restaurant, a wedding invitation _____ next Saturday.
D. Розкрийте дужки, ставлячи дієслова у правильній формі.
My favourite room ( to be ) ________ our kitchen. Perhaps the kitchen ( to be ) _________ the most important room in many houses, but it ( to be ) ___________ particularly so in our house because it ( to be ) ______________ not only where we ( to cook ) ___________and ( to eat ) ____________ but it ( to be ) _______ also the main meeting place for family and friends.
E. Доповніть речення словами, спираючись на текст.
So what does this special room look like? It’s a modern and _____________kitchen, nice and clean with a lot of_______________. There is a fridge, a_________, a ___________and a______________. It’s quite big, but not__________. It’s big enough to have a good-sized ________________ ________in the centre, which is the ___________ _____________of the room. There is a large ____________ with _____________ __________ above the sink,which looks out onto two apple trees in the ___________. The __________ is at one end, and above it is a ____ _____________ with _________, sauce and _____________ _____.
F. З”єднайте слова та утворіть словосполучення.
G. Знайдіть речення зі словосполученнями, що утворилися (вправа А ), та випишіть.
H. Поставьте запитання до речень ( вправа В.), утворіть діалог та інсценуйте.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
I. Уявіть, що матуся цікавиться, як ви провели час: опишіть кухню, а) де ви пили чай з друзями; б) де щойно подруга зробила ремонт.
4. Прослухайте, прочитайте та обсудіть текст з одногрупниками.
Organizing Kitchen Clutter
Do you spend more time in the kitchen than you really need to? One reason may be poor organization. While the design of your kitchen may be far from ideal, there are things you can do to make your time more efficient and pleasant.
If you’re the lucky person with a large and spacious kitchen, you may find that you spend a good deal of time walking from appliances to work center and back again. Solve this predicament by keeping cookware, utensils, and small appliances close to where they are used. Keep the coffee pot near the sink, baking pans near the oven, sauce pans and skillets near the range, microwavable cookware near the microwave, and rarely used appliances out of sight.
If your problem is a small kitchen, you will want the most of minimal storage space by being as inventive as possible. Set up shelves where space permits, and invest in a spice rack (be sure to hang it in a cool, dark place – not near stove). Attach hooks to the back of cabinet doors for pot holders and dish towels. Purchase small kitchen appliances that can be suspended from the bottom of cabinets.
Try to avoid buying too many kitchen gadgets. A few basic pieces of equipment, such as high-quality knives, can do the job of several gadgets and take up much less space.
А. Знайдіть в тексті антоніми
В. Випишіть речення з найденими антонімами ( вправа А ).
С. Поставьте запитання до виписаних речень, утворіть діалог та інсценуйте.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
D. Доповніть речення прикметниками з тексту.
One reason may be _______ organization. While the design of your kitchen may be far from ___________, there are things you can do to make your time more ________________ and ________________. If you’re the _________________ person with a _______________ and _____________ kitchen, you may find that you spend a _____________ deal of time walking from appliances to work center and back again. If your problem is a ______________ kitchen, you will want the most of minimal storage space by being as ________________ as possible. Set up shelves where space permits, and invest in a spice rack (be sure to hang it in a ________, ________place – not near stove). Attach hooks to the back of cabinet doors for pot holders and dish towels. Purchase ____________ kitchen appliances that can be suspended from the bottom of cabinets.
Е. Обсудіть з одногрупниками, як зробити кухню затишною та зручною у використанні.
5. Подумайте та скажіть одним словом
Example: a chamber in which food is kept cold ____
Answer: a chamber in which food is kept cold fridge
1. a part of cooker with a door ________________________
2. a basin in the kitchen (connected to the water supply) _____________________________
3. a machine that washes plates, glasses and other kitchen equipment _____________________
4. an equipment used for cleaning floors that has a long handle and thick strings _____________
5. a furniture with a door on the front and shelves inside, used for storing things _____________
6. a machine that heats bread so that it becomes brown _____________________
7. tools that you use for doing jobs in the kitchen, especially cooking ______________
8. an electric machine for making soft foods into a smooth liquid _____________________
9. an electric equipment with a sharp blade, for cutting and mixing food __________ ________
10. an equipment used to cook food ______________
6. З”єднайте слова з їх значенням.
A. caterer
| -
a small amount of food that you eat between meals
B. cookery course
| -
a meal in which dishes of food are arranged on a table and you serve yourself
C. main course
| -
someone who is the main cook in a hotel or a restaurant
D. snack
| -
something that you eat as the first part of a meal
E. banquet
| -
a restaurant in an office, factory or school
F. chef
| -
a large formal dinner for a lot of people
G. appetizer
| -
another word for drink
H. beverage
| -
a person or company that provides food and drinks for particular events, or for an organization
I. side dish
| -
the garnish, vegetables or salad which is served with meat or fish dish
J. feast
| -
a training course containing instructions for preparing or cooking food
K. buffet
| -
the most important part of a meal
L. recipe
| -
a large meal, especially to celebrate something special
M. take-away
| -
a meal that you buy in a restaurant but eat at home, or a shop that sells this type of meal
N. canteen
| -
a list of foods and a set of instructions telling you how to cook something
7. Поясніть різницю між словами.
1). a buffet and a banquet an a feast
2). a chef and a caterer
3). a cafe and a canteen
4). an appetizer and a snack
5). a main course and a cookery course
8. Доповніть речення словами, запропонованими нижче.
cutlery vegetarian diet crockery side dish starter napkin entertaining sink
main course washing up dessert
Maureen often gives dinner parties at home. She loves (a)_______________. She lays the table: puts the (b) _______________ in the right places, sets out the plates and puts a clean white (c) ________________ at each place. For the meal itself, she usually gives her guests some kind of (d) _____________ first, for example soup or melon.Next comes the (e)_________________ ,
which is usually meat (unless some of her guests are (f) _______________ or if they’re on a special (g) ___________ ) with a (h) __________________ of salad. For (i) ________________
it’s usually fruit or ice-cream, and then coffee. When everyone has gone home, she must think about doing the (j) ________________ , as in the kitchen the (k) _____________ is full of dirty (l) _____________________ .
9. Уявіть, що ви збираєтесь оорганізувати вечірку з близькими друзями. Обсудіть з ними, як зручніше все підготувати, враховуючи, що у вашому розпоряджені тільки кухня.
10. Прослухайте, прочитайте статтю та обсудіть її з одногрупниками.
The Chef
Hugo Wilson, 28, has been a professional chef for three years. His father, George, owns a two-hundred-acre farm in Devon. The family have farmed in Devon for over three hundred years.
I think I’ve always been interested in food.My grandparents (on my mother’s side) lived in a huge old manor house in Lincolnshire and they had a wonderful cook. She made fantastic standard English food: her roast beef and Yorkshire pudding was out of this world. I used to love going down to the kitchen and watching her work, and I picked up a lot of cooking tips from her. I realized that I wanted to be a cook when I was about 12. I went to a boarding school and when other boys chose to do sport, I chose cookery.
By the time I was 15, I had taken over the cooking at home for my parents’ dinner parties, and I had started to make up my own recipes. I knew my parents would not approve of cooking as a career, so I decided to introduce them slowly to the idea. I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for fun, and I went for a month to a hotel in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much, I knew I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer, so I brought the subject up one night over dinner. At first there was silence, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was like painting a picture or writing a book. Every meal was an act of creation. I could see that my father was not convinced, but he didn’t get angry, he just patted me on the shoulder and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now that I have opened my own restaurant and play a part of the Chef, I think they are proud of me. However, my grandfather (on my father’s side) is not so kind, he thinks I’m mad to have given up farming. But I delight with my job!
А. Доповніть речення запропонованими нижче словами.
writing cooking Chef silence creation hotel subject painting meal
recipes career cookery course restaurant job dinner parties
By the time I was 15, I had taken over the ___________________ at home for my parents’ ____________ _____________, and I had started to make up my own ______________. I knew my parents would not approve of cooking as a ____________, so I decided to introduce them slowly to the idea. I told them that I wanted to do a ________ ___________ for fun, and I went for a month to a ____________ in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much, I knew I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer, so I brought the ______ up one night over dinner. At first there was _________, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was like ____________ a picture or ____________ a book. Every _____________ was an act of ___________. I could see that my father was not convinced, but he didn’t get angry, he just patted me on the shoulder and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now that I have opened my own ___________ and play a part of the _________, I think they are proud of me. However, my grandfather (on my father’s side) is not so kind, he thinks I’m mad to have given up farming. But I delight with my ________!
В. Доповніть речення словами та виразами, спираючись на текст.
I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of (a) _____________ , I choose a (b)______________ I want to cook, I read the (c) _____________ , I prepare all the necessary (d) _______________ and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick (e) ____________ . So I often (f) ______________ . I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First the
(g) _________ gives me a (h) __________ which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the (i) __________ I never know how much to leave as a (j) ________ . I prefer (k) ____________ places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like (l) _____________
places, where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.
Key: (a) cookery books, (b) dish, (c) recipe, (d) ingredients, (e) snack, (f) eat out, (g) waiter,
(h) menu , (i) bill, (j) tip, (k) fast food, (l) take-away
С. Дайте відповіді на запитання, утворіть діалог та інсценуйте.
1. What and who influenced his choice of career?
2. What did his parents want him to do?
3. What was the parents’ attitude to the choice of career at first?
4. Has the parents’ attitude changed? If so, why?
5. In what ways do the parents think that times have changed since they were young? Give your own reasons.
D. Уявіть себе шеф - кухарем. Розкажіть, чому ви обрали цю професію.
Е. Обсудіть з друзями : а) як ви у майбутньому будете розподіляти час, щоб бути гарною господинею та працівником за фахом.
11. Прочитайте рецепти для майбутньої господині.
2 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of milk, 1 egg
1. Mix everything together.
2. Put some of the liquid into a frying pan.
3. Cook the pancakes on both sides.
4. Delicious with lemon and sugar.
Shortbread Biscuits
350g of flour, 100g of sugar, 225g of butter, some salt
1. Mix everything together.
2. Put into a cake tin.
3. Put it into the oven at 170C for one hour.
4. Cut it into pieces. Delicious with a glass of milk.
Pizza Recipe
100g of flour, 24g of butter, pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of milk.
Toppings: 2 tomatoes, 50g of cheese
Extra toppings: salami, mushrooms, ham
1. Oil the pan.
2. Put the flour and salt into a bowl.
3. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with flour.
4. Add some milk and mix into a dough.
5. Put the dough into the oiled pan.
6. Put the toppings on the dough.
7. Bake for about 15 minutes in a hot oven.
8. Enjoy your pizza.
350g of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 74g of butter, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of raisins, 1 egg
1. Mix flour and baking powder.
2. Add the butter, sugar, raisins, an egg and milk.
3. Roll out the pastry to about 1 cm thick.
4. Cut into rounds.
5. Bake 15-20 minutes in a hot oven.
6. Enjoy your scones.
12. Уявіть, що вашій подрузі необхідно приготувати а) салат; б) буженину, в) пюре, г) суп. Розкажіть їй у всіх тонкощах рецепти приготування цих блюд.
13. Дайте відповіді на запитання. Користуючись виконаною вправою, обсудіть с одногрупникамиваші пристращі та бажання в їжі.
1. How many meals a day do you usually have?
2. What do you usually have for breakfast?
3. How many courses does your dinner usually consist of?
4. What is your favourite dish?
5. Do you like cooking?
6. What vegetables and fruit do you like?
7. How often do you eat out?
8. What do you usually have for dessert?
9. Have you ever eaten at McDonald’s?
10.Some people say that eating at a restaurant is a waste of money. Do you agree?
14. Перевірте себе
А. Знайдіть правильне слово для поданих фраз.
1) a container used for making and serving tea, which has a lid, a handle and a spout _________
2) knives, forks and spoons ___________________
3) a piece of material that covers a table, especially during a meal _________________
4) a thing with small holes in it used for washing food or separating water from food after cooking _________________
5) a small plate that you put under a cup ____________
6) plates, cups and other dishes, especially those made from clay ____________
7) a kitchen tool shaped like a tube that you roll over pastry to make it thinner _______________
8) a flat, metal pan with a long handle that is used for frying food _______________
9) a kitchen tool made of wire that is used to mix eggs, cream or to make such food thicker ____
10) an electric appliance that uses waves of energy to cook or heat food _____________
В.Заповніть таблицю словами за запропонованими рубриками
С. Використовуючи слова кухонного обладнання творіть речення та запишіть.
Example: Peel and chop the onions and fry them in a frying pan.
sauce pan meat-chopper grater colander sieve skillet cake tin ladle bowl rolling pin
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________
D. Поставьте до кожного речення всі типи запитань.
Перекладіть їх на українську.
1. Our kitchen is stuffed with cookware and utensils, small appliances and comfortable gadgets which help us to cook and enjoy delicious meal as well.
2. The kettle goes on immediately and then we all sit round the table, drinking tea and talking about world problems and events.
3. While the design of your kitchen may be far from ideal, there are things you can do to make your time more efficient and pleasant.
4. A few basic pieces of equipment, such as high-quality knives, can do the job of several gadgets and take up much less space.
5.Key:1oven, 2 sink, 3 dishwasher, 4 mop, 5 cupboard, 6 toaster, 7 utensil, 8 blender, 9 food processor, 10 cooker/stove/range
6..Key: A 8, B 10, C 11, D 1, E 6, F 3, G 4, H 7, I 9, J 12, K 2, L 14, M 13, N 5
8.Key: (a) entertaining, (b) cutlery, (c) napkin, (d) starter, (e) main course, (f) vegetarian, (g) diet, (h) side dish, (i) dessert, (j) washing up, (k) sink, (l) crockery
14.A.Key: 1teapot, 2 cutlery, 3 tablecloth, 4 colander, 5 saucer, 6 crockery, 7 rolling pin, 8 frying pan, 9whisk, 10 microwave oven
Приелівники за формою поділяються на прості (Simple Adverbs) і похідні (Derived Adverbs). '
Прості прислівники — це прислівники, котрі не розкладаються на складові частини.
soon — скоро
fast — швидко.
here — тут
there — там
then — тоді
when — коли
why — чому, чого :
. now — зараз
very — дуже
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