
Ex. 4. The words in the chart below are all related to hijacking. Use a dic- tionary to find the other parts of speech

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Ex. 4. The words in the chart below are all related to hijacking. Use a dic- tionary to find the other parts of speech.















Ex. 5. Use the words in the previous exercise in the correct form to fill in the gaps.

        1. The terrorist said that he was ready to carry out his to blow up

the plane.

        1. There were two loud and then the plane burst into flames.

        2. Four people were in the anti-terrorist operation.

        3. The captain decided to meet the hijackers’ . . . . . . . . . . in order to save the passengers’ lives.

        4. One of the hijackers pulled out a gun and looked at the cabin attendant

. . . . . . . . . . .

        1. The bomb contained 200 pounds of high . . . . . . . . . . .

        2. The passengers escaped with only minor . . . . . . . . . . .

        3. The man was with a hand grenade.

        4. The baggage handler’s work is physically . . . . . . . . . . .

        5. All negotiations between the hijackers and the government were conducted through an . . . . . . . . . . .

        6. Airlines must take all possible . . . . . . . . . . measures in order to minimize the risk of aircraft hijacking.


Ex. 1. Before reading the occurrence description study the word list be- low. Listen to and repeat the words and sample sentences.

smuggle (v) тайно проносить, заниматься контрабандой
e.g. He managed to smuggle a gun on board the plane.
bespectacled (adj) носящий очки, в очках
e.g. An elderly bespectacled lady told one of the cabin at- tendants that the passenger sitting next to her was behav- ing strangely.
sufficient (adj) достаточный
e.g. They did not have sufficient fuel.
suspicious (adj) подозрительный
e.g. She became suspicious of his behaviour and informed the cabin attendant about it.

deny / reject (v) (a request)
отказать (в просьбе)
e.g. They were denied access to the flight deck. The cap- tain firmly rejected their demand to be flown to a new destination.

ascend (v) набирать высоту, подниматься вверх
e.g. Mist ascended from the valley.
ill-fated (adj) злополучный
e.g. The ill-fated flight eventually departed five hours later.

Ex. 2. Read the occurrence description.

Ill-fated Flight 814

Indian Airlines Flight 814 with 178 passengers on board was operating an inter- national flight from Kathmandu, Nepal to Delhi, India. Shortly after the aircraft entered Indian airspace on 24 December 1999, it was hijacked by five Pakistani gunmen, who had managed to smuggle on board guns, knives and grenades .
The senior flight attendant on that flight later recalled that a masked, bespectacled man had threatened to blow up the plane with a bomb and ordered the captain to "fly west". The hijackers wanted the crew to divert the aircraft over

Lucknow and head towards Lahore, but Pakistani authorities quickly refused permission as they did not want to be linked with the terrorists. Also, the fuel was not sufficient. The captain told the hijackers that they had to land in Amritsar, India. At Amritsar the captain requested refueling the aircraft. But the hijackers became suspicious of the delay and forced the crew to take off without waiting for
ATC clearance.
Due to extremely low fuel level, the aircraft requested emergency landing in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan denied the request. Pakistan also shut down their air traffic services, thus effectively blackening the whole of Pakistan airspace for the Indian Airways flight, and switched off all the night landing facilities at Lahore Airport. With no help from ATC, the captain relied on his visual instincts and began descending on what he thought was a runway, only to find out that it was a well lit road. Fortunately he managed to ascend the aircraft in time. On understanding that the only other option for the aircraft was to crash- land, Lahore Airport switched on its lights and allowed the aircraft to land. The hijackers demanded food, water, and fuel, all of which were provided. But Pakistani officials rejected the pilot's request to offload some female passengers and children.
The aircraft took off for Dubai where 27 passengers aboard the ill-fated flight were released. The hijackers also released critically injured 25-year-old Indian man, who was stabbed by the hijackers multiple times and who later died, becoming the first and only casualty of the hijacking. Soon after the release of these passengers, the hijacked plane left for Kandahar International Airport.
After the aircraft landed in Kandahar, Taliban authorities, in an attempt to gain international recognition, agreed to cooperate with Indian authorities and took the role of intermediaries between the hijackers, who were holding the remaining 148 passengers hostage, and the Indian government. The negotiations were very long and difficult. The hijackers initially demanded the release of 35 terrorists impri- soned in Indian jails as well as US $ 200 million ransom money, but Indian negotiators and the United Nations official, who had arrived to mediate between the hijackers and Indian authorities, persuaded the hijackers to reduce their demand to the release of just three prisoners.
After the three released terrorists landed in Kandahar, the hostages aboard the flight were freed and flown back to India on a special plane.

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